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Everything posted by £ddie

  1. Substitute "arab" with "predominantly muslim country, the majority of which support the Palestinian people" and my original statement works. . .
  2. I don't agree with affirmative action but think if it's abolished, there should be a level playing field, period. Meaning, no one gets into an academic institution just because they're the Dean's daughter's best friend etc. or because their daddy is a big donor to the school. (not likely to happen)
  3. Pakistan has nukes. Syria has chemical and biological weapons. Other arab countries probably have chemical or biological weapons (Iran/Libya)
  4. He was accepted into Yale as part of Yale's affirmative action program. You have to be a great student regardless to get into Yale, but he probably would not have gotten into Yale without affirmative action. He's written about the fact that it bothered him that he was a beneficiary of affirmative action. He wrote how it disturbed him that people would assume you were dumb and you had to prove yourself because people assumed you were there not based on merit. It is ironic though that probably the most notable beneficiary of affirmative action is now dead set against it. Biting the hand that fed you . . .
  5. SeXy was a joke. Roxy Fridays haven't been good since Boris.
  6. CP has degenerated into a bastion of idiocy.
  7. Not bad. Seems like it's leveling off though. I'm taking some profits from the last couple of months.
  8. Nobu Sushi Yasuda Sugiyama Kuruma Zushi
  9. I was just there in May. Scene pretty much blew. Only halfway decent place I went to was the Funky Buddha on Thursday night (hip hop though). I'm told Zentra, Vision, Spundae are decent. Crobar is currently closed for renovations. For July 4th weekend, might want to check out Richie Hawtin at the House of Blues on the 3rd and Erick Morillo/Tom Stephan at Vision on the fifth.
  10. It's really not all that relevant as far as lawsuits go. Even if Virginia doesn't allow class actions, the federal court system does. And other states do--just because they're headquartered in VA doesn't mean they can't be sued in another state. A creative plaintiff's lawyer can easily get around this.
  11. I don't want everyone crowding my favorites.
  12. I just considered ripping you a new asshole, but I'm in a good mood today. Lucky you. Cheers.
  13. Don't know how new or how old these are, and these aren't the greatest descriptions, but regardless. . . First track was a banging dark progressive track. The bassline just shook the place. Evil deep male voice throughout the track repeats the words "Follow Me". Second track was another progressive track, with the words "Be Yourself" repeated in a female voice (among other words which I don't recall).
  14. I agree. Lots of new ish, lots of tribal, Paradise Garage classics, Danny coming out of the booth to put on a dance routine, and he kept the talking over records to a minimum during the set. I was with two of my friends that'd never heard him before and they were blown away. Saw some of the best dancing I've seen in a while there also. Good crowd too (friendly), met wayyyyy too many people yesterday morning. Danny's been on fire lately.
  15. Were you there the whole set? I'm not a big DH fan and thought he killed it. I was loving every minute of it. Oh and everyone I met was effin great!
  16. I second that. Great track--production was excellent.
  17. Best night of music at ARC since Deep Dish. Great sets by Saeed, Palash, Behrouz and Danny. Danny was flawless. Tribal is the answer. . . . Good times with great people. . .
  18. You have no idea how many times I've said this to myself. . .
  19. Hmmm, off the top of my head, the only tracks with female vocals I recall being spun in the early morning were: Lemon 8 - Burden (Inner Sanctuary Mix) Evolution feat Jayn Hanna - Walking on Fire If it's neither of these, then I don't know.
  20. Ahhhhhh I needed that! :laugh:
  21. Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me (Medway Mix)
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