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Everything posted by £ddie

  1. Wrong, that would be Tim Regisford @ Shelter. Fine, there may be no "best DJ", but do you have to be an professional actor to know that Jennifer Lopez can't act if her life depended on it? Do you have to be a professional singer to know that Beyonce Knowles has a better singing voice than Yoko Ono? So why suggest that someone can't have a reasoned opinion about why a particular DJ blows if they've based it on their personal experience of having seen many DJs perform? I'd like to hear anyone suggest that Tony Draper, for instance, is a better technical DJ than John Digweed. While it may be "subjective," the majority of people who have heard both DJs would probably look at someone who suggested that as if they had been lobotomized. There is *some* degree of objectivity involved, we just can't quantify it in the same way we can with sports stars who have statistics to back up how "good" they are.
  2. You get even more ridiculous with every word that comes tumbling out your over-used mouth. You're just another Roxy jockin, Johnny Vicious/Bob G dick-riding Internet-addicted idiot suffering from diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the mind. People like you are why Clubplanet utterly sucks now. Do everyone a favor and play a round of Russian roulette with all chambers fully-loaded. K? Thanks.
  3. I agree. His productions are good, his mixing is excellent, but his track selection is horrendous. When Vicious plays how HE wants to play, as opposed to how a club, or crowd, or radio station want him to play, he can be incredible. He was no joke back in the Tunnel days. But how many times can you hear "Crowd Song" or "Children" before you want to hurl? From what I've heard from a couple of good friends of mine, he IS a class act and a nice guy, but that does not a good DJ make. As far as local DJs, I'd go see Tenaglia, Tomiie, Little Louie Vega, Francois K, Junior, Rauhofer, Roger Sanchez, Low End Specialists, Rich Woods, That Kid Chris, Joeski, Cevin Fisher, Tim Regisford, David Waxman, Victor Calderone, Erick Morillo before I saw "Roxy" Vicious.
  4. Seriously, shut up. You're not funny. Caponeslistao, you're a fucking moron, not specifically for posting this thread, just in general. Although this thread highlights that your stupidity has no bounds.
  5. Pot smokers are also likely to be cigarette smokers, so to say there hasn't been a single documented case of lung cancer attributable to weed doesn't fly. It's difficult to know how much of the risk is from tobacco and how much is from marijuana. Tar and carbon monoxide are carcinogens, PERIOD. Weed has 70% more tar than tobacco does. I'm not saying I don't want it legalized, but if you're going to argue that it should be legalized, prepare to be shot down if you don't have your facts straight.
  6. It's been rumored that they'll be closing in the Fall. Don't know if it's true, but I've heard the same from several people. It would be a shame if they did close.
  7. Benassi is NOT spinning. Matt Licata is opening up for Danny.
  8. 218 Sullivan Street, House Music, Steve Porter and Eli Wilkie from Boston spinning tonight (funky, deep, progressive house).
  9. I thought you retired ya momo.
  10. How about you get a hobby beyond making a rancid ass out of yourself every time you open your mobile sperm bank of a mouth?
  11. He'll be there tomorrow. He said so himself.
  12. Someone's figured it out already. It's "Murder was the Bass" by DK.
  13. Then why bother to trademark it in the first place? Personally, I'd gladly put them into bankruptcy. If you're willing to let someone infringe on your legal rights, then do nothing about it, then you should quit complaining altogether.
  14. Is the domain name "www.njguido.com" trademarked? If you were smart you would have trademarked the domain name from the start and could have collected statutory damages and attorney's fees. If it IS trademarked, you *potentially* have a lawsuit for trademark infringement. I know in cases like this where the domain name was trademarked and another party purchased a confusingly similar name with the intent of diverting business from the original domain name owner, damages in excess of half a million have been awarded, plus costs. EDIT: I'm not an IP attorney but remember quite a bit of IP law from law school, you should at least discuss it with an IP attorney if it pisses you off that much. The grounds for a lawsuit are potentially there.
  15. I guess that's why they've been asked to do remixes by Danny Tenaglia, Mara, Steve Lawler, Oscar G, PQM, and the Echomen. I guess that's why they've worked with many of the MAJOR house music labels from Yoshitoshi to Bedrock. I also guess that's why nobodies like John Digweed, John Creamer, Danny Howells and Deep Dish drop LES tracks. Sander must also appreciate how terrible LES is. After all, not only did he spin with them at ARC this past morning, but he is spinning/spun with them twice in Ibiza this summer. God they MUST be AWFUL. What schleps!!! Why don't you shrink your head and use it as a paperweight? It's not much use for writing intelligent posts with, that's for sure.
  16. He did but it was a good remix, I actually didn't mind it as much as I hate that track. Great set, I had an awesome time hearing Sander for the first time, although the last hour of his set was weak IMO except for the closing track which was some hot, seriously hard pounding tech track. The room exploded when he played that banging remix of Everything But The Girl's - "Missing". Plus, all my peeps (too many to name, but you all know who you are) as usual made it a special night. LES fucking turned it out too. It's scary how young AND good these guys are. They need to play ARC more often. They sounded awesome on ARC's Phazon.
  17. One of my girls said the same thing. Worst time she ever had there, EVER. She said it looked like the crowd was transported out of Webster Hall, with no one dancing. I'm glad I skipped.
  18. You've posted your drivel and dirty laundry for everyone to see. There's not much "research" I need to do about you--sorry, unlike you, I don't have time for that bullshit. Your life is available in a very conspicuous fashion on the internet for everyone to read you stupid fuck. I'm done with this thread, but thanks for playing.
  19. See but a fucking ADULT would know when they've beaten a dead horse. Seriously, you're fucking stupid. I feel sorry for you and the unfortunate child that has to have you as a parent.
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