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Everything posted by liquidflow

  1. 1) Dance the funky chicken on my 50th wedding anniversary:laugh:
  2. I actually hated MTV because they never played music, and then I watched real world and taildaters. I like them both now and will watch them if like VH1 behind the music or something isnt better on
  3. It's quite obvious that the main language in the U.S in English and I just feel that if you want to live here you should learn it. If you can't, fine, but don't bitch that everything is not in spanish or some other language. As for the native american thing, I agree that we did steal the land from them. That can not be denied, but native americans should speak up more to get stuff there way because they deserve it. Then, again, I think that unless it affected you directly, (meaning that you were one of the pople that the land was stolen from), which is impossible then you don't deserve anything better than anyone else. We cant start rewarding people for struggles that there great grandfathers went through. If my great grandfather won a noble peace prize I shouldn't be rewarded for it. Anyway, I may be a little off topic, but thats my opinion. I'm not gonna start cursing people off and making assumptions about other people opinions.
  4. I was making 13.20 an hour doing customer service for Bn.com. I lived like I was rich because I have no expenses except school. I just worked on the weekend and made like 200 a week. I did barely anything, I just had to answer phones and do emails. It was boring as hell, but who the money was dalsome. Anyway, I got laid off yesterday along with the whole weekend shift, so now im back to probably like 7 an hour doing labor work somewhere. Anyone know some jobs, PM me.
  5. I am inclined to agree with that article
  6. I will prob be in Stone Harbor, which is right next too wildwood..So I can attend
  7. My co-workers and I on the weekend got laid off today from out job.. No new car for me Just wanted to share my sadness
  8. I'm going to William Paterson U. in Sept. Do you like it?
  9. I am new to the board and no one knows me, but I will be there prob. Good luck if I'm not
  10. I wanna go, but my friends suck and will not shell out the money. Therefore, it looks like I cant
  11. I would do something like Crackorn. I would go into work naked or in like a thong and then do the hokey pokey around the office. I would also try to get a following and get people to make a train of naked people.
  12. I have not smoked in the longest time, maybe I will try that sometime. My B-day is this friday, June 28th
  13. I think I am a fun drunk also. I am much more talkitive in the sense that I say what wouldn't normally say. When I am not drunk I am reluctant to say somethings even if they should be said. Like compliments to a women or something. When I'm drunk I just say whatever the hell needs to be said. Which is a good thing, I very rarely say bad stuff to people. I like my drunk persona, but I would like my real persona with just a little more guts.
  14. Of course she is! Come on now
  15. That could be true. I don't know. I guess it's just alot of changes as of late. I hate the feeling though. BTW- Happy B-Day destiny779!
  16. For some reason today I just felt angry and wanted to break something. Has this ever happened to anyone else or am I losing it?
  17. I agree with Joeg and the rest of them. Hip-hop has done nothing but go done hill. I mean some of the commercial stuff is ok sometimes just like all other music. Though now adays hip-hop is nothing special, it no longer has that "rebel" edge. It just some dudes taunting the public with there nice things and great lives that we can't have. You can't relate to it anymore.
  18. What about the DJM 600, I was thinking of getting one of them. I don't know much about the 3000.
  19. Just curious but what kind of mixer do you have with them?
  20. I heard they are being sued over it because some people claim coke stole their formula for it. I have yet to try it, I think I will this week. That is my goal, pretty sad right?
  21. To exit I will go! I have to hear Cosmic Gate!
  22. I have to have everything in even numbers. I used to be worse. I use to have to like touch the door nob twice if I walk in and stuff like that..Now its little stuff like keeping the volume level of my cd player at a nice even number like 40. I cant stand it being like 43 or something. It used to suck worse though because I would try stuff and not like it, but if I didn't do it a second time it would bug the shit out of me:laugh:
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