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Everything posted by cookiegirl

  1. ^ werd. a bunch of kids from my college always went to these things b/c it was the "cool" thing to do at our backwoods counter-culture school. half of them had no idea why they were there, the full extent of the very complicated issues they were dealing with, or the very small effect they really had on world politics. they usually just managed to get themselves arrested for a night and then had to call mommy/daddy to bail 'em out. bah.
  2. It's the semi-annual IMF/World Bank protests. Been happening for years now. . . below is from the "U.S. Network for Global Economic Justice" What is the World Bank? Created at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, The World Bank Group is comprised of five agencies that make loans or guarantee credit to its 177 member countries. In addition to financing projects such as roads, power plants and schools, the Bank also makes loans to restructure a country's economic system by funding structural adjustment programs (SAPs). The Bank manages a loan portfolio totaling US$200 billion and last year loaned a record US$28.9 billion to over 80 countries. What is the IMF? Also created at the Bretton Woods Conference, the mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is to supply member states with money to help them overcome short-term balance-of-payments difficulties. Such money is only made available, however, after the recipients have agreed to policy reforms in their economies-- in short, to implement a structural adjustment program. Is structural adjustment working? No. Structural adjustment has exacerbated poverty in most countries where it has been applied, contributing to the suffering of millions and causing widespread environmental degradation. And since the 1980s, adjustment has helped create a net outflow of wealth from the developing world, which has paid out five times as much capital to the industrialized countries of the North as it has received. I know there are a lot of qualified people at the World Bank and IMF who are experts in economics and other fields. If structural adjustment doesn't work, then why are they promoting it? The wealthy Northern countries which control the World Bank and IMF dictate the agendas of these institutions, and their interests are best served by defending the status quo. Furthermore, the Bank's staff is currently dominated by economists who have spent their careers defending the validity of neoclassical economics, the foundation of the World Bank model of development. This orthodox view holds sacred the efficiency of free markets and private producers and the benefits of international trade and competition. Given the lack of accountability to outside parties, there is little incentive for the Bank and IMF to alter the design of structural adjustment, even when faced with mounting evidence attesting to the failure of these programs. I hear a lot about the debt crisis in the Third World and know that many of the loans are owed to commercial banks and Northern governments. People say that some or all of this debt should be canceled to give developing countries a chance to recover economically. Shouldn't they pay? Much of this debt dates back to 1970s, when it was lent irresponsibly by commercial banks and borrowed recklessly by foreign governments, most of which were not popularly elected and which no longer hold power. The advent of the debt crisis, which occurred in the early 1980s due to a worldwide collapse in the prices of commodities that developing countries export (e.g., coffee, cocoa) and to rising oil prices and interest rates, forced these countries into a position where they were unable to make payments. Yet there's no such thing as bankruptcy protection for a country, regardless of the circumstances. When the U.S. department store Macy's filed for bankruptcy under chapter 11 in January 1992, it received instant protection from creditors and working capital to keep open. At the same time, when Russia told the West that it could not meet government had to wait for more than a year before the IMF provided financial help. What is relationship the between debt and structural adjustment? Since the 1980s the debt situation has steadily worsened, so that now the total debt of the developing world equals about one-half their combined GNP and nearly twice their total annual export earnings. Because of this crushing debt-service burden, foreign governments have virtually no bargaining power when negotiating a structural adjustment program and must accept any conditions imposed by the World Bank and the IMF. And SAPs themselves, by orienting economies toward generating foreign exchange, are designed to ensure that debtor countries continue to make debt payments, further enriching Northern creditors at the expense of domestic programs in the South. How's the World Bank's record on responsible lending? In 1992, an internal World bank review found that more than a third of all Bank loans did not meet the institution's own lending criteria and warned that the Bank had been overtaken by a dangerous "culture of approval." Bank officials, in other words, felt heavy pressure to push through new loans even when presented with overwhelming evidence that the project in question was ill advised. Who makes decisions at the World Bank and IMF? Decisions at the World Bank and IMF are made by a vote of the Board of Executive Directors, which represents member countries. Unlike the United Nations, where each member nation has an equal vote, voting power at the World Bank and IMF is determined by the level of a nation's financial contribution. Therefore, the United States has roughly 17% of the vote, with the seven largest industrialized countries (G-7) holding a total of 45%. Because of the scale of its contribution, the United States has always had a dominant voice and has at all times exercised an effective veto. At the same time, developing countries have relatively little power within the institution, which, through the programs and policies they decide to finance, have tremendous impact throughout local economies and societies. Furthermore, the President of the World Bank is by tradition an American, and the IMF President is a European. How is it that U.S. business and other companies benefit from the lending programs at the World Bank? Development projects undertaken with World Bank financing typically include money to pay for materials and consulting services provided by Northern countries. U.S. Treasury Department officials calculate that for every U.S.$1 the United States contributes to international development banks, U.S. exporters win more than U.S.$2 in bank-financed procurement contracts. Why is this bad? Given this self-interest, the Bank tends to finance bigger, more expensive projects--which almost always require the materials and technical expertise of Northern contractors--and ignores smaller-scale, locally appropriate alternatives. The mission of the World Bank to alleviate poverty, not provide business for U.S. contractors.
  3. I guess they're just digging up any old news that has something to do with those damn ecstasy parties - exploit what you don't understand and so on and so forth
  4. Ecstasy-Viagra mix alarms doctors Mon Sep 23, 7:09 AM ET Donna Leinwand USA TODAY An increasing number of American youths who use the club drug Ecstasy are mixing it with the anti-impotence drug Viagra, leading drug-abuse specialists to warn about the health risks of a combination that users say fuels all-night dancing and marathon sex. The combined drugs -- known in the club scene as ''sextasy'' -- began as a fad among youths in England and Australia. About a year ago, officials of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration began hearing reports that the mixture had become popular in this country's gay party culture. Now, drug-abuse analysts say, anecdotal reports from across the USA indicate that sextasy has become one of the most recent products of a dangerous trend: Young clubgoers taking ''cocktail pills'' that can include as many as a half-dozen drugs. Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is a stimulant with hallucinogenic properties. A U.S. government study in 2001 indicated that about 12% of high school seniors had tried it. That was well less than the usage rate for marijuana, but it represented a huge jump from 1998. Users in the club and rave scenes say it gives them the energy to dance all night and enhances their senses. But Ecstasy also hinders sexual function. To compensate, some young men take Viagra, a prescription drug normally used to treat men who have decreased sexual function or who are recovering from prostate cancer ( news - web sites). Doctors warn that combining the two drugs can cause heart problems or erections that don't subside for more than four hours, possibly leading to anatomical damage. There have been scattered reports of such injuries across the country, officials say. In Internet chat rooms that cater to those in the club scene, talk of multiple-drug combinations -- particularly Ecstasy and Viagra -- is becoming more common. This month, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police warned about combination drugs. Anti-drug police units in Canada analyzed about 1,200 pills seized at clubs and raves, and found that fewer than one-fifth contained one illicit drug -- in this case, Ecstasy. ''It's not uncommon to see a capsule, tablet or powder with six different drugs,'' Cpl. Scott Rintoul of the RCMP says. The most prevalent combination has been Ecstasy, methamphetamine, the anesthetic ketamine and caffeine. ''There's a consumer population who wants meth with Ecstasy and other drugs,'' Rintoul says. ''Now the drug dealers are responding to consumer demands'' for Viagra. Drug-abuse specialists who work in Washington state say youths there have told them about the popularity of sextasy pills. ''They are stealing (Viagra) from their next-door neighbors,'' says Ellen Silverman, a policy specialist at Washington state's Department of Social and Health Services.
  5. Congrats on yet another gig!! . . .when should we expect the G.U. album?
  6. I had a much less exciting lunch hour than t.b. -- went home as per usual, cooked up a delicious quesadilla and watched Conan on Comedy Central. Almost decided to stay home for the rest of the afternoon to nap . . . or maybe to play outside. Good lord it's gorgeous out today! 'stina
  7. <omfg!> *laughing so hard at visual imagery that produced!*
  8. I would also like to add a gentle but soulfull. . . FUCK YOU!
  9. *raises hand* I'd like to go. . .even if it's only for a bit to drop off a memento and see who shows up. . .
  10. . . . me too - changing it up a bit. . .full report tomorrow
  11. I've never wanted to be the Edge so badly in my life. . .
  12. I think a good number of people may have had an initial reaction like this, and we could debate all day as to the validity of the accusation -- but I think in the end there were a lot of factors that went into the decision. Some we probably will never know about. So don't worry too much, your friend is just angry and upset like we all are and this is most likely just her knee-jerk reaction. Hopefully as we all find out more about the situation some calm will arise and we can get back to keeping our community afloat.
  13. Anytime but October 11-13 please! I have to go out of town and would hate to miss this. . .
  14. I wonder if Diggers would show up and save the day like he did in Groove? . . . e-mail campaign anyone?
  15. It looks like the people on the BuzZ board are pretty hyped for Stereo this sat. - i'm betting it will be packed and probably even a little emotional. t.b. or whoever - will you be going this saturday?
  16. This kind of shit pisses me off to no end. . WTF IS AN ECSTASY PARTY? September 13, 2002 ESC members restricted from attending ‘raves’ By Lt. Gen. Bill Looney ESC Commander Air Force commanders have the inherent authority and responsibility to protect personnel under their command, to take action to ensure the mission is performed, and to maintain good order and discipline. Installation commanders may declare areas, and specific establishments, off-limits to help maintain discipline, health, safety, morale and welfare of military members. Such action may also prevent service members from being exposed to or victimized by crime-conducive conditions. I have concluded that a policy is necessary prohibiting military members assigned to Hanscom Air Force Base from attending events qualifying as “Ecstasy Parties†as that term is defined below. The culture surrounding these events has created an environment conducive to illegal drug use and trafficking, which has lead to dramatically increased criminal prosecutions of military members. Accordingly, I find that the prevalence of illegal drug activity occurring at these parties makes the presence of military members contrary to the health, morale, discipline, readiness and personal safety of our members as well as contrary to the accomplishment of our mission. “Club drug†is a general term for a number of illicit drugs, primarily synthetic, that are predominantly encountered at these Ecstasy parties . According to the DEA Chief of Operations, Joseph D. Keefe, during Congressional testimony on 30 July 2001, “club drugs have become such an integral part of the rave circuit that there are no longer appears to be an attempt to conceal their use.†These drugs principally include 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), also known as Ecstasy, Ketainine, Rohypnol, GHB, LSD (Acid), PCP (Angel Dust), methamplietainine, and to a lesser extent, cocaine, and psilocybin mushrooms (Shrooms). One of the many dangers associated with this environment is that the quality of the drugs available varies significantly and substitute drugs are often sold when suppliers are unable to provide the drug currently demanded. Not only does this lead to a greater risk of overdose; but also the lack of knowledge regarding what drug was ingested can complicate the task of emergency response personnel. Ecstasy is the most popular of the club drugs. When taken, the drug often leads to severe dehydration and heat stroke. The most critical, life-threatening response to Ecstasy is hyperthermia or excessive body heat. While the long-term effects of Ecstasy use are under evaluation, a 1999 study conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse revealed that the drug causes damage to the neurons that utilize serotonin to communicate with other neurons in the brain and that recreational users of Ecstasy risk permanent brain damage. The number of AFOSI investigations of Ecstasy use alone by Air Force members increased almost 300% from 1999 to 2000. In the last year, at Hanscom Air Force Base alone, there were nine courts-martial involving illegal drugs, six of which involved Ecstasy. Five of the six courts-martial involved Ecstasy use at Ecstasy parties. Therefore, I hereby order that no Air Force member assigned to this installation shall attend an Ecstasy party, or what has in the past been commonly referred to as a “Rave,†unless your presence is a necessary part of your military duties or authorized by your immediate commander. in other words as a narc --cookie These parties are frequently conducted in a covert fashion to avoid detection by law enforcement. They are sometimes advertised over the Internet, through flyers, secret phone numbers or mailing lists. If these parties are advertised, they typically do not provide its exact location until the evening of the scheduled event. They may ultimately be held at a warehouse, an abandoned building, a hall or even barns. Other times, they may take place at legitimate establishments, such as nightclubs or fair grounds. While Ecstasy parties may take various forms and be held at a variety of locations, there are a number of factors frequently associated with such events: they are usually “all ages†(often appealing to those too young to legally purchase alcohol), charge high entrance fees; overnight parties with hours of operation beginning in the late evening and continuing until the early morning hours; disc jockeys play house or techno style dance music with a fast, pounding beat and choreograph light or laser shows; “chill rooms†where people can go to cool off-, large, overcrowded dance floors with no air conditioning; attendees frequently take mind-altering drugs, dance holding glow sticks, wear glow bracelets, necklaces or pins with flashing lights, wear candy necklaces, suck pacifiers or lollipops, wear surgical masks, and utilize otherwise legal substances, such as Vick’s Vapor Rub to enhance the effects of illegal drugs. Also, promoters, understanding the dehydrating effects of “club drugs,†have been known to prohibit sources of free water, by turning off the water in the restroom for example, and then provide a large quantity of bottled water for sale, often times at a considerable markup. It is this type of event, regardless of venue, that is prohibited. Ecstasy is a synthetic psychoactive drug with amphetamine-like and hallucinogenic properties. Abuse of the drug may cause psychological problems similar to those associated with methamphetamine and cocaine abuse including confusion, depression, sleep problems, anxiety, and paranoia. The physical effects include muscle tension; involuntary teeth clenching, blurred vision, and increased heart rate and blood pressure. Ecstasy taken in high doses is extremely dangerous, causing a marked increase in body temperature leading to muscle breakdown and kidney and cardiovascular system failure. Ecstasy abuse may lead to a heart attack, stroke, and seizures. Recent research links Ecstasy to long-term, possibly permanent damage to parts of the brain that are used for thought and memory. Individuals who develop a rash after abusing Ecstasy may be at risk of severe liver damage or other serious side effects. This order is not intended to prohibit attendance at conventional licensed establishments in the business of selling alcoholic beverages that keep normal business hours, usually closing by 0 100 or 0200, and enforce age limits (bars, taverns, dance clubs, etc.); nor does this order prohibit attendance at sporting or musical events or performances such as concerts or festivals. Any person wishing to attend a party, but unsure of whether the event falls within the prohibitions of this order, may request permission from their unit commander. Commanders are delegated the authority to use their discretion, consistent with the intent of this order, in deciding whether to allow members of their command to attend the desired event. Violation of this order by attending an Ecstasy party without authorization is punishable under Articles 90 or 92, Uniform Code of Military Justice. Additionally, I hereby order that every Air Force member assigned to Hanscom Air Force Base has the affirmative obligation to report other Air Force members who distribute or attempt to distribute Ecstasy or other club drugs on or off this installation. This additional order is an essential component of this installation’s Ecstasy eradication efforts and fosters the preservation of good order and discipline. This order shall apply at all times, including when a member is on leave status. This order will remain in effect from 10 September 2002 to 10 September 2003. After that time period, I will determine whether this order shall be extended.
  17. I just called t.b. and we both want to cry. I'm alternating between not believing it, being pissed, and wanting to break down. . BuZz is where I met a great deal of my friends in DC, where I got to party with all of you. . i have so many wonderful memories. This makes me want to quit my fu@kin' goverment job and go work in public policy. Fu@k those military wackjobs who ruined it for the rest of us. OK end of tirade - please don't flame I am just venting here. 'stina
  18. Yay! t.b. found the Mp3 - ahhhh it sounds so nice. nice sluth work gina!
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