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Everything posted by thrillfire

  1. the one reason i'm not going to see it is because the plot seems to be exactly the same as "Save the Last Dance", deals with a white girl living in the ghetto who dances her way to the top....
  2. I never bought any fur coat that said genuine fur and just that on it, usually it says baby seal or some type of fox, well, i bought a jacket and it said it was made out of genuine fur? what is that? I'm guessing its made out of little pieces of fur left from other coats... does anyone else have a jacket like that? is it relatively warm?
  3. don't care for the hiltons much but out of the two i think nicky is better, less annoying and camera crazy.
  4. nothing... only getting out of work. I like New Years better...
  5. now i remember that it did start vibrating for a long time but than just shut off and wouldn't turn on at all. and I was completely histarical because i was living far away and the only verizon store was four hrs away and that was my only source of communication.... but after surviving three days it came back to life....
  6. --------------------------- ------------------------ ------ i don't like today... sitting in the dark waiting for my bf to come home... waiting for someone important to call... a lot of waiting.... did everything i could do, now its just wait... don't want to get out of the house cause its cold and there is traffic and my cd player does work in my car and i hate driving without music... ok. gonna go and post on some other boards....
  7. i had mine accidentally washed with a waterbottle in my bag that i thought was closed and it stopped working for three days, but than it worked fine for the next two years, until i changed it.
  8. I like britney but i'm becoming more bored with her not yet a woman and i'm not a little girl anymore phase... and just in general. she needs to do something with her image besides making the same old videos and keeping the same style she had since "i'm crazy" days... in her defense i think her new album has slowly started to turn away from her usual kiddie sound. which is a nice change (i like)....
  9. i got back together with my ex after being broken up for a week. and we're still together... but i don't think you meant this short of a time span. and he also did A LOT of expensive demage control for breaking up with me.
  10. yeah, i did... but its gotten better now... he didn't get back with her, just hung out a lot when i was away. I think it was the long distance thing that lasted for two years which can be hard. (or i like to think thats the excuse) but it stil bothers me a tinny bit that i found her # on the most recent calls and he never told me about it. But its a small thing... I posted the thread cause i was curious how other people deal with their exes and current gf/bf
  11. nothing, i hate thanksgiving... i can't go to my friend's house upstate for her thanksgiving cause my family is having one.
  12. Which one do you like most? WTC Memorial
  13. first find a way to have her trim or you trim her.... than get her a spa treatment that includes a wax? unless she doesn't take pain very well...
  14. I got a strange situation, cause my ex keeps in touch with me every three months by phone and we never fought and been friends pretty much since I broke up with him but it becomes very complicated when my current bf's ex pops out of nowhere and starts hanging out with my bf and calling him and everytime I want to do something with my male friends he threatens me with hanging out with her... and I tell him when my ex calls and everything cause he gets upset if i don't. but i find out she called him a bunch of times from looking at his cell... but its not a major thing now as it was back when i was away.
  15. Good for you! If i had the time and the want to wait in line, I would love to meet her...
  16. . . . . . How do you deal with your ex, in regards to your bf/gf feelings and how does your current bf or gf deal with them (your ex) and you? Just wondering if any of you had sagnificant others befriend your exes.... or if you're friends with your ex and he or she doesn't like it, do you still keep in touch?
  17. most of the time in the show Room Raiders they come up with the completely wrong idea of the person. also its funny how the girls usually go for the richiest kid... and the guys for less girly and high maintance room... i wouldn't mind being on the show if i had other place to hide all of my "embarrasing" stuff... and i wasn't dating... :D
  18. . . . . . Got drunk in public speech class (forgot the actual name) and threw a fit.... than said it was my presentation, the prof gave me an A
  19. i agree... she looks very old too
  20. a freeky thing happen to me when i was at my friends house sleeping in bed with my bf after heavy partying and i would say exactly was i was dreaming outloud although i was completely asleep and my bf kept waking me up freaked at what i was saying... cause it didn't make any sense like most dreams and after each time that he woke me up i would make sure i wasn't moving my lips or saying anything only to be woken up again so now i'm a little paranoid, i feel like i'm going to start talking and not realize it in my dream
  21. yeah, i did that too, but i didn't call, he was actually the one buying the drinks after four years of being broken up... he was completely clueless as to why i broke up with him before that..
  22. i take my lil sis who's 9 to Charlie Browns, TGI fridays... and to her favorite Japanese restuarant. hopefully when she grows up she won't think i took her to bad places... and will be taking me out
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