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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. well he was bout 5'9 with some big muscles and a fake tan with a crew who looked like jp fans.
  2. the first club i ever went to was club expo in 1995 for i believe dj corbette and la bouche performing live. Right now if i had to tell you my fave clubs are CIELO, SULLIVAN ROOM and basically anything that has LOVE FOR HOUSE AND DANCE, sadly im not really a fan of the big rooms. But i do go when theres a dj i like playing thats why i will be at crobar on sat for danny tengaglia and on the 26th for BEHROUZ.
  3. yeah i was referring to oakey, i got the cd back in 1994, not sure what to tell you now on how to get it. Seems like when ministry of sound first were putting out cds it more of a house thing and the last one i picked up was number 12 THE MAGIC SESSIONS with TONY HUMPHRIES, LOUIE VEGA, TEDD PATTERSON i believe its from 2001. But seems like their more about the chessy side of compilations for a while now, at least for my taste. As for the dancing show on fox, yeah i was on it and made it to the 2nd round of the new york tryouts, but because im not a trained dancer and dont know shit bout choregraphy, IM FREESTYLE ALL THE WAY, i was asked to leave, all good, i ddint mind it was an interesting experience. Heres a pic from that show: And for the norway trip if you really wanna know then check your pm box. Might i also suggest you pick up anything from DEFECTED cd series called IN THE HOUSE, its an amazing compilation series of house music. Also if your free tomorrow come on down to LE SOUK thers no cover and will be a hot party.
  4. looks like its gonna be another crazy night over at the lower east side. Last week was so much fun we partied hard until 5am. See ya mofos tehre.
  5. you shouldnpick up MINISTRY OF SOUND number 1 from 1992 back when he use to play house music. One of the last mixes he did with house b4 he switched it over to what he is now.
  6. RON HARDY did it with stlye finesse and a shit load of drugs. If you own the maestro dvd watch teh special on him and see how he had a special way of playing records UPSIDE DOWN.
  7. well this is a CLUB forum so maybe you should go back to your sex thoughts and re live those prime time moments of fantasies.
  8. let me ask you a question detroit or the other person who said bout the uk being a bigger influence. PAUL OAKENFOLD comes to mind, now we all that he has inspired so many djs/producers since the 80's. But guess what, ask him where his inspiration came from and well its a lil club on 84 king street in nyc called the PARADISE GARAGE with dj LARRY LEVAN. All those TECHNO all praise RON HARDY and the MUSIC BOX as being a huge if not the biggest influence on them making thier music. Where did RON HARDY fit into this, simple ROBERT WILLIAMS (owner of warehouse,musicbox) brung in RON for the music box after the warehouse was done while frankie knuckles opened up THE POWER PLANT. Now where did frnakie knuckles come from, like olympia said NYC. Where did frankie learn his skill along with larry levan at THE GALLERY with NICKY SIANO where did NICKY learn his thing from THE LOFT and DAVID MANCUSO, where did all this happen. NEW YORK CITY. No matter what people may think it ALL COMES BACK TO CHICAGO n NEW YORK. Chi town to me gets the most credit for the house music movement, but new york is where the whole dance movement evolved from.
  9. is that him on the left? Isnt that smokesum, so he does havemore than one name right.
  10. just like me man if i looked like you and had a bunch of fake screen names and wore pink shirts, dude i would stay home myself. Good looking out though someone gotta represent your style,hehe.
  11. heres the whole BULL thingy. I use to wear alot more chains then i do now, hence the SILVER name part ok. As for the bull well when you go out 5 to 6 times a week and dance for like 8 hrs striaght each time, without getting tired, and you have people notciing you at these parties they either think im drunk or on drugs, neither one of course. So one time a couple were like damn your like abull who dont stop. And also check out my belt buckle.
  12. now the only thing i can tell you about that club is back int he 80s waht music do you think they were playing? If you dont know then might i suggest you check out PUMP UP THE VOLUME 1,2,3 do a search on this site as i haave put them on here many times.
  13. do i really lol, didnt even notice. As for sat yep im gonna be pretty easy to spot cause im gonna have my custom made SILVERBULL t shirt lol.
  14. did someone say "BABY WANTS TO RIDE" the JAIMI PRINCIPLE and FRANKIE KNUCKLES track from 1984? If boris played that then i would be shocked and amazed. And the classic thingy for me is not just anything thats like 10 yrs or older, yes 10 yrs and more is a good way to start, but what really makes it a classics is that you can play it week after week for a few and it still sounds new and not from a certain era.
  15. damn how many pages is this gonna go on for? And headpusher looks familiar why is that?
  16. i got into a fight at spirit with a guido in early june cause his girl wanted to dance with me or something like that. Idiot pushed me from behind and when i turned around BOOM he punched me right on the jaw. I looked at him and called him a pussy who cant punch and then his boys all tried to step to me but the girls pushed them back and then the bouncers threw them out. All that muscle and punches like a bitch pointless,imo.
  17. well thats another story right there OLD T, would the bull sleep with these girls, if i was single hellz yeah, does the pic turn me on, not at all ive had 2 3somes already and have been around many women kissing each other, this aint nothing, barely even made my dick move.
  18. cielo whore lol 3 days in arow huh, lol, and wurd up JESS can work it on the dancefloor like few ladies can. See ya at le souk weds n on sat for DANNY TENAGLIA at crobar.
  19. le souk on weds, crobar on sat and deep on sun.
  20. thanks spragga im just havin fun out there ya know. A TABLE jess what gives? You know you aint gonna spend any time sitting down.
  21. weather you have or havent i dunno, cause i dont really remember posts made by some of ya mr h.p.
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