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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. LOL@bassboy maybe i need to stand on your wallet to be 6ft tall. You seen clips of Tedd Patterson heres Video Clips of the Stimulus>Response djs Stimulus Response djs@Pacha: URBAN RELIEF PROJECT (sean cormac, john cacciatore) LOLA: KEITH BLACKSTONE: Pacha's Dancers
  2. Mel cherens bday are always great parties. I cant wait for this event, see you guys there.
  3. will check it out in the next few days, sorry for not geting back to you, bit busy.
  4. heres the info for that night http://bbs.clubplanet.com/new-york/318986-tedd-patterson-makes-his-pacha-debut-fri-dec-22nd.html And yes it is 18 and over for everyone.
  5. typical bottles and models pretty people place with the usual top 40 radio hits. If thats your scene then go on and enjoy. If your looking for more of a house music scene then read above.
  6. Are you kidding me on fri dec 22nd theres this party And on sat the 23rd theres Danny Tenaglia over at Crobar.
  7. geezus christ dude dont you shop online for your tunes how could you not know them. Aside from "rej" they have been putting out so many great tracks and remixes of a lot of songs which im sure you have heard out. Personally im hoping they dont suck cause not every great producer is a good dj and vice versa.
  8. and just because one song gets commericialized doesnt mean the artist changes his sound/way either.
  9. and thats the way i define it as well.
  10. Also over at SIN SIN, DOWN DEEP will be playin their style of deep/sexy/funky house.
  11. CIELO will have AME spinnin there that night, dont know if it will be one of them or both of them yet.
  12. And to make things worse he always forgets how many times ive explained myself that im not talking about PACHA at all. Just one person decision to not play there one time cause he wanted to play there on his own terms.
  13. hehateme, your signature is wrong, i wear 3 knee braces on each knee now, so get your shit straight.
  14. you must really have no ife to ressurect a 2 yr old thread, I guess you didnt want to resurrect the other silverbull threads that people made saying how they like and respect what i post. With that said dont forget FRI DEC 22ND@PACHA in the main room STIMULUS>RESPONSE 1YR ANNIVERSARY with guest dj TEDD PATTERSON. And also at LOVE on dec 28th my birthday party with djs DOWN DEEP, ALIX ALVAREZ, KEITH BLACKSTONE.
  15. To me the BODY N SOUL party at Ps1 in the summer was the best party of the yr UNTIL last night. Just wanted to say this and will write more later. CLASSICS CLASSICS CLASSICS played to the usual 718 sessions crowd mixed with some people who were expecting danny t to play what they normally here from him but didnt get it (tribal, dark, hard beats) went over great i think. For what its worth i do my own parties at PACHA and LOVE once and month and im not gonna bs and say my jams are only the best (like other people do). This party was THE BEST in 2006 how many parties did i go to in 2006 well 3 times a week times 52=156 parties this yr (maybe a bit more) and this was the best one i been to all yr. And not one song was played after 1994/1995.
  16. Mon nights over at CEILO is FRANCOIS K weekly DEEP SPACE party, and on TUES nights i suggest check out SAPPHIRE LOUNGE for EMAN n LOLA weekly DEEP SEE party.
  17. Also want to state that remember this is a CLASSIC party and after the convo i had with danny t a few mins ago dont expect to hear to much of anything after 1994 or so. Also yes at the regular 718 sessions classics are normally played but their mixed in with alot of the newer music. But being that this is specifically a classics night i want to point that out to people who have never been to 718. Cause some people might say wtf this is old music type of party only, which is incorrect. See you tommorow.
  18. wtf are you tryig to talk about now, you make no sense at all. Are the Body n Soul Djs changing their style of music NO. Selling out is conforming to what is expected from a general crowd when you spent yrs playing the anti of that. And once again there arent changing this party nor will their hardcore crowd not go to this party, they will be their in full. So again i dont see your point at all.
  19. when are you gonna get off your own reading faults, The music and Party is what i care about it "underground" has nothing to do with the venue, but with the music and party a dj does. Now if my banks suddenly plays a main room does that change him and his style? The answer should be NO. Now if at this party he plays differently than his normal style thats another story. Stop wasting your time with djs and parties you dont even care about. Anyhow for those who dont know what to expect with Tedd Patterson here you go (Video clips) Cielo Crobar Italy
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