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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. its gonna be a good night tonight, will try to take some pics/videos. See you on the dancefloor.
  2. cause i didnt want to waste my time nor hers and just said fuck it here you go dont know why i did it in the first place anyway and i felt bad. My 2nd sentence was trying to explain to somone who said there must be some truth in my question, and i was trying to say that sometimes peopel ask question witout experiencing what thier asking. And i can say that both chanman and maria dark are 2 different people. Maria dark is a pretty damn good dj who goes out alot to the dope parties. Chanman is a dude.
  3. i did steal something and i admitted it in a thread but seemed like no one cared, i once stole an ipod from a girl and then mailed (more like put it in an envelope and left it at her door) it back to her like 2days later. And i was asking a question, you know it is normal for people to ask anytype of question and sometimes they have no expereince in doign what their question is asking but want to know more info or who has. And grimy well i grew up and live in the projects here in bushwick brooklyn, and i wasnt always walking around with a smile, but compared to how i use to act and be, im def a much better person but sometimes you cant erase or change completely someons mentality.
  4. not as clicky as ism, alot of jokers who realyl dont go out but like to talk shit, alot of lurkers who come on to read stuff, you'll see. Theres like a whole crew though of like 6-9 people some of them have fake screen names and they always respond to each other and egg each other on and try to stir drama and stuff like that.
  5. they actually did it was for lee burridges halloween party at shelter the other night someone else also dressed like me at another party, i know these 2 people so i didnt mind one bit when i saw the pcis but the other person i dont know so thats kinda spooky. I guess if people are dressing like me it means i hit the big time lol. And the frozen dinner shit was basically this, i made a thread on another board asking if epople have ever stolen anything from a one night stand and i mentioned a bunch of different ideas like a tv, tampons, radio, frozen dinners, hats,shoes,sneakers, etc, basically a wide variety of stuff that either a women can steal from another woman or man, and a man can take from a man or woman. The morons/jokesters on that board just kept goin with the frozen dinner part and pinned it on me without knowing that the question was asked in general, you know how messageboad idiots are look at this board. Dont care about the real truth only about shits and giggles, i personally thought the thread was hysterical but pointless cause it was a legite question i was asking and some epople choose to ignore that and dressed up as me and just in time for halloween included the frozen dinner. Funny thing is they both planned on dressing like me for months but didnt say anything so i dont know what to say about that now.
  6. cant wait till be there all night and day long, and as always DRUG FREE.
  7. look whose on this board now lol, i have about 3 different deep space shirts myself cause howfrequent i use to go to this party. It is an amazing night of music and people def one of the best parties in nyc. Keep on dancing over there man and i will see you there soon enough.
  8. well the only options i know aside from that are Boris at pacha, and That Kid Chris at LOVE.I'll be at love.
  9. Ive gone to SPA and PLAID but wasnt around for systems. Spa was cool on certain nights while plaid to me just plain ol sucked.
  10. on nov 24th erick morillo in the main room,and STIMULUS>RESPONSE in the basement check it out.
  11. told you i was spreading the gospel of house worldwide and to every living organism lol. Heres the info for the next party at pacha in the basement with erick morillo in the main room.
  12. you know all these cp clowns are waiting to sign up lol sadly they spend to much time in the chatrooms and online stroking each other.
  13. well basically i was in norway in 2005 with the g/f (shes half norwegian/half chinese) and went again this yr for 2 weeks. I know a few people in the house scene out there and when i told them i was comin they set up a radio thing for me to play some tunes that i love and also interview me about stimulus response parties, venues djs i like. what i think the difference is between the scenes in norway and nyc. What were my influences as well as how i got introduced to the music and what were my fave moments, etc. It was about an hr the whole thing. As for the black shirt comments lets see about 16-17. And this thread was about europe and being that my trip to norway is the only experience i had in europe i figured i would share it with some clips that i took.
  14. speaking of europe heres a clip of when i went to oslo,norway this summer at one of the parties i went to. And heres a clip in a radio station where i was playing some tracks before getting interviewed Mind you the girls you see me with well just left some after hrs party to go to this show so im a bit sweaty and thier a bit out there lol:
  15. yup it said that but it wasnt really him, much like when alot of people produce tracks but other djs use them to sell like tiesto,pvd from what i heard about those 2 trance djs, but thats another arguement. Whatever you heard on those cds rick would never play live, at the time i liked him alot and at webster he was playin some dark, progressive, tribal with some vocals as well and endign the night with deephouse.
  16. wtf? I dont recall hearing any of his cds contaiing trance, unless your talking about the websterhall cds. Cause if thats the case heres the scoop behind that, Lon ballinger would mix all those cds and put ricks name on them sayin corbo mixed them when in fact it wasnt him at all.
  17. How many cards you think he gave out that night hehe. It aint a problem meeting girls sometimes its just meeting a good one or having somethign to laugh at outside of the club or some common interest aside from music/dancing hopefully their into it as much as you are.
  18. i know you dont really care but because im bore heres your answer rick corbo has just been producing tracks here and there with midnight society, bass rockwell, and his own stuff as well under his name and different alias as well. Doesnt play out much anymore his sound and style has changed quite a bit from a few yrs ago when he was playing some really good shit.
  19. notice what your quoting, like i said on the other board I WAS ASKING A QUESTION, so your assumtion of me is still wrong.
  20. man this thread is one yr old wow i forgot about it good to re read. I remember there was another hateful one on this board as well and 3 big ups to me , thats life some people will dig you others just hate. With that said see you on teh dancefloor, oh wait the majority of the haters dont even go out so nevamind.
  21. read 2 postsabove this one it wasnt at the Garage but at the loft.
  22. i guess you all missed the part about that said producer/dj having his own agenda, had nothing to do with me. Also i will go to any club to hear any dj i like no matter the venue, i never did say i hated pacha so your words are really meaningless. And dman i swear to god when one of you people(the cp tards theres like 7 of ya) post something your other leeches come runnin to play along too, quite funny.
  23. thats for afterwards, but if you read that thread correctly, i was askin questions and asked bout other stuff as well. But some of those peeps were blind lol good try though.
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