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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. food has always been a presence in clubs since the paradise garage all goes back to DAVID MANCUSO and THE LOFT, alot of clubs had it as well like the original Soundfactory on 27th street way before twilo was a thought. And food and snacks are stillserved at a lot of deephouse parties, ive had some great soup and sandwhiches and chips at shelter one time. Also had some chicken for joe claussell sacred rhythm party one time at love. Normally i would eat a big meal before goin to a club but i also bring sometiems snakcs myself and power bars, i suggest everyone do the same.
  2. Since this thread has been bought back i guess its cool to say that on NOV 24TH STIMULUS>RESPONSE returns to the basement with Erick Morillo in the main room.
  3. not to cause confusiosn but "lee cabrera" is two people not just steven, so dont go confusing people now, is albert playing with steven as well?
  4. 718 sessions is on sun nov 12th from 6pm-12am, its once a month with DANNY KRIVIT, on the 12th though he will be joined by the future of house music THE MARTINEZ bros, who are only 15 and 17yrs old but can bang it out and have been doin so at many venues here in nyc and have just started touring the world. That party is more on the deeper house style with old school dance classics mixed with alot of newer house cuts with some tribalish beats. But without a doubt the best vibe in nyc noparty can match that room, trust me.
  5. thats an assumtion alot of people make about myself as well that i only listen to deephouse lol. Well heres there on nov 4th and again on dec 2nd so keep those dates in mind if your around.
  6. OK ok i really havent been feelin Morillo since his thurs night subliminal sessions party. I was at a ballet show the went to a benefit where keith blackstone was killin it as well. By 230am me and some of the peopel were in the mood to dance some more so off to pacha we went. From the min i got inside until i left around 730ish i was loving it, of course there were some songs that i couldve done without but overall i waslovin this 5hrs or so i was hearing. Who knows what hes playing now or later. Point also is that i said im goin to pacha not expecting to hear the old early to mid 90s morillo but this modern one and with open ears i went and had a great time. Maybe casue i knew so many people as well inside made it even better. Now im even more excited for the next STIMULUS>RESPONSE party to take place in the basement on nov 24th with morillo in the main room. Lets hear some more reviews on exacta and guetta.
  7. hey if your really intersted in goin to cielo that night let me know and i will take care of it, shoot me a pm (private message).
  8. you do know who that is right hehe and that he was just using your words to goof around.
  9. Serioulsy his party has been so consistent each sat night since i first stepped foot to hear him like 3/4 yrs ago now. Alot of you have become new fans which is cool to see, but for those who havent yet well heres a sample of his style. From CROBAR: From CIELO:
  10. let me suggest that on NOV 4th that saturday night you go to CIELO the best club in NYC in my opinion. That night will be TEDD PATTERSON, go to www.youtube.com and do a search on his name to see some clips of him. As for getting a vibe of NYC theres so many splintered crowds adn clubs that its hard to fit everything in unless your here for a week or 2. Alot of the best parties happen during the week as well. Record stores are closing up here the onyl ones still around that i know of are. DANCE TRACKS over on 1st ave and 3rd st, or is it 4th street. SATELITTE RECORDS on 259 bowery way downtown. VINYL MANIA on 60 carmine street (store has been around a long long time) DISCO RAMA 186 West 4th St. (between 6th & 7th Ave) Dont know if it will be around or if its still around now but ROCK N SOUL on 462 7TH AVE. Have a good time and see you on the dancefloor, maybe.
  11. mtmartin i get what your saying, But to me i dont think tehres anything wrong with nyc nitelife or else iw ouldnt be going out as much as i do.
  12. i guess a cat that gets down better than you do is reason enough to shoot yourself.
  13. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1187627482
  14. shaping up to be a pretty damn good night, getting some good feedback, dont sleep on this party people, TRUST.
  15. Well i will be a bit BIAS and say go to LOVE on thurs the 26th for a party im doing there, no dress code no attitude only people who are there for the music to dance and enjoy themselves. Heres teh info Now if your looking for a BIG ROOM experience then ys i would say go to CROBAR and PACHA depending on your musical tastes and these places have a cover if your on a list sometimes its free most times its reduced. Now if your looking for a good small intimate room (200-300 people?) i suggest you check out CIELO (the best club in nyc) mon/weds theres no dress code or attirude either FRANCOIS K on mon, LOUIE VEGA on weds. The other nights like thurs,fri,sat, have various djs sometimes their own residents sometimes a big dj sometimes a tough door. SAT NOV 4th i suggest you check it out and listen to TEDD PATTERSON for his monthly party there. Sun also are no dress code and attitude depending on the dj as well. LOVE (has the best soundsystem in nyc and can power both crobar and pacha, i kid you not) is also a good small venue that is made for a music head. There have very different music on certain nights so check thier alendar. The only Secure night is the every 2 sun JOE CLAUSSELL bangs it out. Over at Sullivan room its another smaller venue that feels like a big living room with family and friends and great music depending on what your into. Now theres tons of other parties that take place weekly or monthly as well the best party in NYC at the moment in my opinion is 718 SESSIONS with DANNY KRIVIT once a month, THE VIBE in that room is unmatched, you have to see it to believe it. Also SHELTER is the longest running party in NYC history 15yrs now, from sat night 11pm-sun afternoon 12,1,2,3pm. Check it out when you get the chance. STEREO is opening on nov 18th with ANGEL MORAES and tahts gonna be a great night. There are a ton of smaller lounges and bars that are usually free or 5 bucks that have good local talent, like LE SOUK/ SAPPHIRE LOUNGE/ SIN SIN/ FALUKA/ ALIBI/ etc. Now if your looking for food or fruits and stuff usuall the only parties that do such a thing are the deephouse parties like SHELTER/ Joe claussel parties, aint nothing but a house party/the loft, etc. Have a good time in NYC and see you ont he dancefloor, also be aware theres a lot of trash talkers on this board who will waste your time, try not to fall into their bullshit.
  16. well i agree wiht what your saying but much like whats happening this sat at SHELTER the REAL SHELTER party doesnt begin until 5am before that Lee Burridge and made events have rented out the space from 10-5am. Notice how on shelters website or upcomin events its not even mentioned otherbthan a special event from 10-5 and then SHELTER begins.
  17. oh yeah heres a quick clip of a party they had in MIAMI for the wmc earlier this yr. Listen to the crowd at the very begining.
  18. any radio station should do the trick. Now that i got that out my system good lucking finding something to do in all honesty your best bet might be websterhall cause they cover all types of music on thier 4 floors, other than that i dont know what to tell you. When your interested in house music and that world come back ot me hehe.
  19. if its on sat night im sure it will stop at around 5am and the REAL shelter party will continue until the afternoon, if its on a thurs, fri, then let it be a great night.
  20. i know this guy "apotheosis" did he really do shit like this lol, i wanna hear stories, sorry mike.
  21. forgot to add joe claussell in the mix, he dances his ass off in the booth and out the booth.
  22. And here is URBAN RELIEF PROJECT set or at least some of it. http://deepseenyc.com/music/urbanrelief_100706.mp3
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