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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. silverbull

    Bobbi who?

    ive yet to have a nice experience with a lady who had breast implants. I dont like the texture the feeling how heavy it feel snot being able ot suck on the fat of the breast.
  2. silverbull

    Bobbi who?

    like all big breast implanted women, great for the eyes horrible on the mouth.
  3. all women should be that way. A man wouldnt complain, but if a women say im tired and the man says dont worry i will do all the work. It ain happening most times We do all the work alone that is.
  4. good news guy taking care of business in a few hrs. But im tired as hell since im at work and havent slept since partying at spirit with david morales. I guess she will have to do most of the work.
  5. those are the dancers from SHELTER and im not WITH them but we do all know each other from so many other parties. They are amazin i know. Did you get a name or something from the lady.
  6. its all about the DEEP house clubs/parites which can be traced all the way back to the paradise garage,the loft,the gallery,the saint.
  7. hey sorry for being a dick i was just kidding. I jsut couldnt resist. Good luck finding her and i dont know who your talking about but i was there from 1030 till 7am, maybe describe a bit more and what songs were ya dancing too. My memeroy is still kinda fresh and i knew alot of people there maybe i can help.
  8. i learned a few things. Theres alot of johnathan peter fans over there. Now i know the reason why erick morillos crowd and style of music he plays now has change over the past 2 yrs. Now this applies to both NYC and nj it seems like people who are only into HARDER FASTER bpms and use drugs are having their after hrs closed. While im enjoying many after hrs at places where the bpm is 124 to the max 128 maybe 130. And yes i am still bored.
  9. the after hrs for people who do drugs and full of a/x shirts shades and spiky hair fellas and their female followers are done. Not the afterhrs for dancers only.
  10. now i see why ericks crowd and style of music has changed in 2 yrs.
  11. what a suprise jersey getting excited for jp.
  12. i love pussys like that one. This is the first time ive ever checked the drama board thats how bored i am right now at work.
  13. sometimes cp amazes me with topics and responses this is defintely one of them.
  14. 2 months over the past 6 yrs. Unfortunately as we speak im on 3 weeks i think and im getting scared and goin crazy. HELP.
  15. yeah edwin its always a pleasure seeing you and rudy roamign teh floor enjoying the music with me. I wish morales wouldve played more deep house i guess thats why i was let down.
  16. Well just got to work from closing the show morlaes played until 7:02am which means i was in that club a total of 8 1/2hrs. The opening dj was i believe dj webster hes also part of the defmix crew he was decent. First off the door policy is one serious fuckign joke. While on the guestlist line i heard them tell people on the regulkar line "OK SEPERATE COUPLES ON SIDE SINGLE MEN ON THE OTHER AND SINGLE LADIES WALK THIS WAY" what kind of horse shit is that. I really hate door policies at certain places. Thank god most of the places i usually go to theres no drama. Anyhow this was my first time at 27st since twilo closed and im very dissapointed by almost everything in there except for where the djs were spinning on teh stage tonite. Its an awesome site to see the djs in front fo you everytime and not like 100ft in the air. Anyhow lots of beautiful women indeed but WHO GIVES A DAMN there only there to show themselvesd off to each ther and men so they dont count. It was like i think 65 percent people jsut having a good time and 35 percent for morales. Such a shame. Morales started off incredible and after about 4 or so i dont know what he was doing. He even played DARK BEAT which me and ym friends were like whats he doing? And as usual the dragon ballz heads were singign the song lol. Anyhow he played his "HOW WOULD YOU FEEL TRAKC" which i dont care what time it is it makes you dance. Overall i think he was much better at sbny and from what i heard of certain takcs he was better at the WMC. i THINK he reads the crowd and he wasnt over all into it thats just my opinion of course didnt get to talk to him much after he was done to ask him. Place was packed i had a blast dancing all over the main floor. Talked to hector romero and he said him adn satoshi tomiie will play their in may so i guess thats when i will be back to spirit. Just not my type of place i guess. But there was so many eye candy and i would be lying if i didnt say i lost count fo how many erections i got tontie hehe. Oh yeah the best part of the night was defintely when the SHELTER dancers showed up and just left everyone with thier mouths open and eyes bulging. Musically i was expecting more deep house but he played a tad of it and more progressive i think. This is my 4th night in a row out so im kinda deaf lol. Anyhow i met a few people but now i cant remember who lol thanks for being cool adn having fun with me. See ya around. Im sure there will be better reviews than mines but this is just waht i was feeling right now. I just love BEING MYSELF.
  17. silverbull

    More Assssss

    greeat topic.
  18. i wasnt around for the ORIGINAL soundfactory where the parties and djs were amazing. So many peopel comment to me about their ties there and live sets are amazing. Thats what should be called THE REAL SOUNDFACTORY 27th street.
  19. Lol at big poppa. i heard her once and wayyyyyyyyyy to many bpms for my taste but those who enjoy that style haev a blast.
  20. to me it seems like avalon caters more to the TECHNO TRANCE scene while spirit is more HOUSE so decide what msuic is for you and have the best of times.
  21. when is this again andy? and what time. Cause its the final few parties at arc as well.
  22. well i personally go out 5 to 6 times a week to enjoy music and dance my ass off not just to DO SOEMTHING. Housemusic is a lifestyle i live it 24/7. From being at records store hering songs when im ntoe ven a dj keeping up to date with djs and music nad club news. From my BE YOURSELF attitude in life. Whcih i guess is why i am only working 2 days on weekends cause i dont wanna conform to anybodsy i just wanna be myself. If begin yourself is wearing mnakeup i dont get it cause its not who you really are but then again i could be wrong. Good luckw ith your venture but dont try to live in the past make your own statement and not say LIKE IT USE TO BE. Say what its gonna be hehe.
  23. MOrales was awesome at sbny with frankie knuckels a few months back. And he never dissapoints. See you guys there. I just got to work from filter 14 after hearing hector romero and i will get home sleep for 3 hrs and off i go to hear "THE BOSS".
  24. yo dragon and kimmie you guys no each other introdced ya that night at webster and we had breakfast. Small world right hehe.
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