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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. yeah alan would love to see ya tomorrow. Been telling him about it for a few months maybe next month dude. Im trying to get 2 people who i partied with at re:fuge to come to this but we will see. Hey your stuck at avalon alan and i can respect that you like it harder,faster. Me im more into the house scene then the tchno trance scene. Best club/party nyc is shelter sat night sunday morning. No morons EVERYONE is daning to DEEP HOUSE and amazing amazing dancer all over the flooor. See ya tonte despina. And alan HAPPY BDAY old one,hehe. See ya on my buddy list.
  2. get rudy and alan to meetup to go to spirit. Im trying to get drew,betty,sunny,,luks.victor,anna,carlos,samora and few others tocome out. But then gain rick is also spinning in queens at a place called HARD, dont ask. But MORALES at spirit will be awesome.
  3. glad to hear damask is still ripping it him and i haven shared a dancefloor since rick corbo websterhall days. Matter of fact dx whens the last time we paried together like ALL OF US. Seems likeyou rudy alan are always at avalon while im getting my HOUSE music fixture all over the place. Man i hear nothing ut bad reviwes of avalon all the time.
  4. its all about FILTER 14 on fri with hector romero then arc for danny and sat at SPIRIT for david morales. see ya both their.
  5. Its 10 bucks on the djs list (RICK CORBO list at china club. SUCKY CROWD 4 sure with the exception of me and my people whoever survive arc that is. Hes coming on at 12am. Give him a shot if your a bit interested in checking him out. Dark,tribal,progressive,some deep, some tech house. Also he mentioned he might play an 1hr or so of STRICTLY RHYTHM classics from 92-98.
  6. silverbull

    Check this out

    of all the sex ive had ive only been able to see that 2 times with 2 different women. But never happen again with the same girls. I dont know how to explain this.
  7. its possible you were behind me um were you with a lady as well? Yeah it was a great party but now i am paying the price ive been partying everynight since mon and i am sooooooooo worn down and tired . Ialso think im getting sick. Everything hurst me right now. I have to go to arc tonite then straiht to work then to hear rick corbo spin then straight to work then body and soul. I hope im still able to walk after this LONG LONG WEEK. Check your pms see ya around.
  8. just got home from arc and it was an amazing night. Lots of people in the crowd that i know from all the underground parties. Being that noot many people outta that circle knew about it was wonderful. Cause there was a LOVE VIBE in the air and non stop dancing andno ASSHOLES OR BITCHES. Thier was a stage setup in front of the dj booth as well as i think 12 more speakers on both sides of the stage. Kevin hedge(1/2 of blaze fr ya whgo dont know) was spinning when i got there at 8pm until about 11:20 when ELEMENTS OF LIFE CAME ON. They were running late. Pretty much the same songs they sang at virgin on weds but with more energy. This was my first time at arc where they were selling liqor the smell of it was in the air for a mintue. This is way the underground deephouse crowd is the best to party with. All ages and size all dancing around with no attitude and lovin the music. Me and my ex left during the second song of HOUSE OF RHUMBA covering an old HECTOR LAVOE song. There so many parties during the week its incredible.
  9. HOUSE OF ONE mixed by ROGER S from ONE RECORDS 1996. FREEZE CLUB MIXER #6 DJ DISCIPLE 96. Wow i havent heard these cds in a long time and they are amazing. DEEP house and house in its purest form. HOLY CRAP the enery from these tracks is amazin playing them very loud rght now since im not at a club FUCK MY NEIGHGBORS. Im glad my bro never took his dj set with him.
  10. Now everyone knows that ive talked about RICK CORBO many times here and have gotten mixed reviews. Now most ofya thought i loved websterhall but since hes been gone non of my crew nor i have step foot in their and never will ever again. I always said i was a fan of his not the venue. Anyhow hes been working on productions as of late like a madman and wasnt planning on spinning for a while. Some of you at avalon maybe heard CARL COX playing his track "FILTER N DRUMZ" off STEVE LAWLERS label HARLEM TRAXX. So hes spinning this sat as a favor only for a one time night at CHINA CLUB. No believe me im not the only one not to thrill about the venue but it is a one time thing only. Me and my people are gonna be the only ones dancing hardcore and enjoying the music while the rest of the crowd wont know whats really goin on. Anyhow if anyone is interested in hearing RICK musical style DARK,DEEP,PROGRESSIVE,TRIBAL, a lil TECH-HOUSE,a lil old school, then come on down. Theres a guestlist for reduced admisson but i dont know how much yet. Some of ya know me and know what i like musically so trust me when i say rick just might suprise you with his magic behind the decks. Look out for collaborations with midnight society and bass rockwell on the way. Hey its gonna be a long week for me fri arc for danny and victor then staight to work. sat work sleep then china club then straight to work.Sun after work BODY AND SOUL at arc. So if you think you have it tough think again lol. Hope to see some of ya.
  11. hey nurse trust me i knew you were gonna be an amazing dancer and i was right and then some. Great energy onyour part and more importantly you were having fun and happy. I hate it when people dance wth an attitude on thier face i dont get it. Dancing is fun and makes me happy. Im sure we will cross paths again soon. And when the shirts are available will make a post hehe.
  12. well i use to go to websterhall sat nights for 4 yrs. And trust me there isnt any reason to go there anymore. The only reason me and my peoples went was cause the dj at the time was rick corbo and hes a good dj udiscovered talent. But since hes been gone since jan theres no reasn to go there. Well if your into the scene only to have a good time and get laid then go to every club as have fun im sure you will have fun at webster if thats your reason. Lots of women some energy but nothing for serious clubbers or music heads. Take it from me someone who frequent the club every sat for 4yrs. If you listen to evreyone here they alway say its full of tourists well everyclub has them and being at avalon on sat for carl cox me and my friends agreed it was the same as wbsters crowd terrible with the exception of a few. I dont even know who spins on sats nor do i care. So if your about just having fun then go there if you want to be part of a MUSICAL HAVEN then their are many better clubs to go to with a great crowd and great djs depending on what sound your into.
  13. running into GHHHOST,CKORD,NURSEGLOW were highlights being that these are cp legends lol. Im still arguing with a friend of mines who is new to clubs and trying to explian that loud music with people being excited doesnt necessrily make a great crowd or night. Someone said that you could feel the energy at centro b4 cox came on. That is soo 100 percent true. The only thing i felt while waiting for cox was damn this place is gonna get annoying. And it did. Im thinking bout getting a tshirt that says "IF YOUR STANDING READING THIS SHIRT THAT MEANS YOUR TAKING UP MY DANCEFLOOR SPACE MOVE ON!" Hell i was standing around for the majority part of the night cause there was no energy to feed off and it was too packed with negativitiy. I dont mind if the majority of the crowd isnt into the dj but only when i have space to LOSE IT. Hey i might be guilty of slappin some ass and tits on that night cause they were everywhere and well i jsut move my hands alot lol.
  14. now i finally have a face and body to put to your face. Nice meeting ya. And you to ghhhost
  15. im still awake after arriving to avalon at 1030pm for carl cox and im sober.
  16. Are you sure the rooms were closed i didnt have a problem poping up in mostly all the rooms when i needed a break. Or mayebe i just kept goin to the same rooms lol.
  17. YOU GUYS ARE SO immature. In all my sexual adventrues that is something i havent done yet. Looking forward to it.
  18. i was 19 she was 48. Also been with many 30,40 yr olds. Only about 50 or 60 girls ive slept with have been in the 18 to 30 category.The rest have been 30 adn up. Older women love to haev sex more than the younger girls.
  19. i was at avalon but i think the better party was SPIRIT with roger sanchez, but thats cause im a house fan.
  20. I just got into work at the part time gig. HMMMMMM dont know what to say. Cox only played for a few hrs and i think chjristian smith stole the show. Also in my opinion of course i think it was a terrible crowd. With the exception of a few people of course. MUSIC was loud music was fast i cant imagine hearing anytign faster than that anymore.Carl was looping my friend RICK CORBOs track "FILTERS N DRUMZ" for a few which was a shocking suprise.I was dancing my ass off cause carl was playing good. Im a househead deep deep inside deep deep down inside. Cox is about as much as i can handle and i cant imagine hearing it on a constant basis. But he did throw down and techno heads im sure were very happy. But like i said thats my opinion. It was cool meeting and seeing some new faces adn the great old faces.Way to pack they should stop letting people in sometimes. I was there from 1030 till closing and my ears are ringing like a mofo. Now its gonna be along day cause i dont start till 930 adn dont leave until 430. And afterwards its time fro wrestlemania, hopefully i wont pass out hehe. I guess i missed you maria didnt see ya. I was gonna go out after wrestling to hear some msuci btu fuck it i will save my strength for tomorrow night at sapphire TODD TERRY. All in all musically i think it was a 8 1/2 i cant give anymore than that cause im not a techno head.
  21. both islands and jersey are all the same.
  22. yeah we all know what you mean about those guys and gals oh wait where are you from again.
  23. Oh my god yeah what a frekaign gem of a movie. Saw the 10pm showing and the crowd i was with was amazing. You could feel the love in the room and when djs would speak teh palace wuld erupt and then when footage was shown of the loft, garage,gallery OH MY GOD place was nuts. Gonna watch it again soon. I agree its nostalgic for those who were a part of it and its also great for people like myself who care about history and is very knowlegable(did i spell that right) on club culture. For those who are curious check it out for those who think its all about 140bpm and harder faster then try to expand your horizons. Might not be for you might be. The after party was at coral room with jellybean spinning and now i cant remember who else.
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