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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. bahuas is having one i think thats how you spell it.
  2. xtckid it depends on howlong youve been around musically that is. Ive got 14yrs of HOUSE under my belt, adn yu can learn alot from time adn experience. Johnny was a tremendous talent b4 now hes just LOUD and not the same i dont wanna bad mouth him though just outta respect, but im sure theres people here who will agree with me. If you only know jonny from roxy sexy party and avalon lately then sorry but youve got much to learn.
  3. havent had the need to use any except for some anal sex once in a while. Best lube is a womens natural mositness.
  4. The Vapor Trail Random Brutal Love Master (RBLMm) Here today, gone today. You are The Vapor Trail. Are you in a relationship now? Your exact opposite: The Backrubber Deliberate Gentle Sex Dreamer What about now? Vapor Trails can be highly charismatic people--unpredictable, confident, and magnetic. You're experienced. You know how to handle yourself in a relationship, and many people appreciate that. Many people, all in a row. You've had your share of blissful beginnings, to be sure. But things almost never turn out how you'd like, do they? The problem is you're never happy with someone for an extended period of time. Relate to the following: Vapor Trails especially need a girl who will laugh at their jokes. They're also the most likely male type to be haunted by serious regret. FACT: A few of your exes, the ones you were best to, will always love you. Nice going. ALWAYS AVOID: The Intern, The Maid of Honor CONSIDER: The Sudden Departure
  5. that does look like a great cd. I thought the first roxy cd was better than the second one.
  6. johnny has been a sell out and imo not the same dj from 1998 and yrs b4 that.
  7. suite 16 is not fun and shine is deep in boredom. Sorry but definteoly not my style or scene. DEEP is only good when louie vega comes around or anythign related to DANCE RITUAL or DANNY KRIVIT once a month party and the underground network parties.
  8. all the action was at FILTER 14 last night with hector romero and the afterhrs loft party, sorry im late but i just got in from them and WOW wish you couldve been there.
  9. i wonder what his response will be.
  10. looks like sat is the best night outta these 3 days, imo of course.
  11. If you regret nothing then theres nothing wrong. Thats how i see it. Same here i dont regret a thing. And i learned from each experience to bad many people aren able to say that. They only think its simple penetration, theres a lot more to it then that, ladies and gentlemen.
  12. Yo boom its called respect dude or woman i never knew what you were cause i really dont care. Also i signed a contract, cause thers pictures and videotapes involved. And i understand tastey where your coming from. I mean who am i to judge whos hot or not. Or like i talk to everybody itsall about being happyand YOURSELF (lol) in this world. And your right girls have an intuition bout certain things like that if women want you or not, i cant understand it. But i would choose that girl in that sig in a sec over the other one hehe. Hey brit chick i dont wantanything to happen to you, so hopefully you werent talkiin bout me.
  13. since losin my virginity at 17 ive gone the most 1month and half with out sex im 23 now. So ive done it b4 but it was very ahrd, hell even now if im like 3 days without it im dying. Good luck, why woudl you wanna do this in teh first palce id ont know.
  14. exactly. Slept with them all,tall,short,skinny,fat,older,younger, beautiful,semi attractive, never a completely ugly women.Shes not ugly ya know. Gotta see what makes you feel good. And im sure if your horny as hell and haevtn ahd sex in 3 days and this girl is all over you, your gonna do it. Dude iw ould post some of the girls ive been with but thats disprespectful. And you would be suprise who i ahve slept with in my young life hell i am. Ive slept with 2 up and cumming porn stars, 1 famous actress who i would lvoe to say but cant. And some ladies who arent established stars right now but are working on it. Even now im sleeping with a women whos a model/actress, if you saw me weds you know who i mean.
  15. im goin to DEEP tonite for DANNY KRIVIT then tomorrow have to take care of somethign in teh afternoon and was gonna swing by cielo, hmmmmmmmmm whats it like tomorrow at tronic, musically of course.
  16. Im sure you will feel the pain for a few days to come. But once the pain is gone back to the floor right hehe. See ya around one night.
  17. Believe it or not i got invited to try for that myself. But im not like a student who practices dances in classes or schools liek im sure they were professional dancers there. I have my own moves but defintely not like choreograph and shit. At least you made the final cut congrats on that. Heal better. Would love to see you get down one night alwasy been in my mind to see ya. I cant imagine changin my whole life style on such short notice it wouldbe insane.
  18. Its all a matter of opinion i guess, do you think shes special for her lack of sex partners or do you thin shes special for the love shes shown only you. Life is hard. And well i have a score of 17 out of 20 for the sexaholics test and was goin to 2 mettings b4 i dropped out. So i kinda had a problem but a good one, sort of. My ex and are starting to be good frineds now as to compared in oct when we didnt speak to each other. And she really has changed me alot. But then again when im out dancing things just happen to me.
  19. good point as well. It all depends on the situation i guess. Maybe i would feel the same way as well with someone maybe not. But then i look at myself as an example as well, what girl wants a guy whos felt a different womens cervix constantly. I dunno hope i didnt get you mad or anyhtign not was i was try to go for.
  20. Dude trust me std tests were and still are a part of my life. Here the thing, im responsible for what i do in my life. And i take the blame for anything ive done. Ive gotten tested so many times in 2001 it was like basicaly goin to work or soemthing. I dont mind and i explain to every person ive been with about my history cause thats what partners should do. Why lie about things always be honest. And i always say try everything and see what you like and keep what you like. And thats how ive lived my life so far. Lets say you didnt know a girl slept with 31 guys right, lets say she says only 2 (cause thats what guys wanna hear at least young and immature ones) and everythign is perfect. But then you guys are about to lets say move in together and you yourself wanna marry her. but then she tells you she slept with 31 guys, and she was scared to tell you. Would you leave her? What if she was discovering life and her sexuality, aint nothign wrong with it.
  21. morillo is doing disco after crobar it shouldb e goi on right now. If not go to shelter 39 between 5th and 6th party is open until 12ish sometimes 1ish.
  22. Yo tubby dont say about her it means nothing. And i dont know what else to say. Yo dc see ya around dude.
  23. exactly. When i read opinions on how theres hot guys or hot girls i could care less. What i wanna know is whos spinning and is thier space to dance. Theres hot women all over the city as well like in the subway streets.
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