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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. stupid question from a stupid man.
  2. How stupid are you, who mentioned that place. Havent been there since rick left in jan. Change your avatar. And yes there is a great after hrs party involve with someone after cox, see none of ya there, well maybe jaysea (if its in LES). Brooklyn and the city have lots of great parties with tremendous talent. The only ones complaing are the people who dont know crap. Have you noticed that. I bet none of ya were at DEEp for danny krivit party a few weeks back. None of ya were at sbny for morales, knuckles, none of ya were at any of the underground network reunion party with vega,humphries. All ya do is talk about jp and how dead nyc is. Your outlook and sources are whats dead.
  3. its goin just fine. Lots of underground parties that dont need to be posted on this website. And that where and how it all began in the undergrond. Word of mouth is things were done back in the day and its good to see its still working.
  4. its what i do on weekendsparty then work. Hehe thanks for the shout marci. And i dont do crack. See someof ya there.
  5. anybody know up to what time the party will go until? I gotta work at 930am and would love to party till 830 so i can walk right to work.
  6. as always bbbooom is so annoying with his posts. Any how so SF is done fine. People complaining about clubs whats the problem, if you stop using your drugs will you finalixe realize the music is terrible your listening to sober. There are so many good parties in nyc underground or not. I dont drink,smoke,do drugs, and go out 4 to 5 nights of the week. And where i go theres no trendy yuppy hipster doofuses or drug use. Well i cant say everywhere. Enjoy the music that is HOUSE cause house is a feeling and if your doing drugs hen you wont know the right feeling.
  7. do you go there everyweek? And cops just doin there job.
  8. your saying that as if it were a bad thing to listen to HOUSE. I never heard him either let us know if he was worth it.
  9. sapphire is on eldridge and houstong take the f train to 2nd ave. Also yeah the HOMEGROWN party is pretty good aswell over at sin sin been there a few times. sapphire is called a lounge but has a mean floor that dancers take advantageof mon and tues. Hell im goin there tomorrow as well lol or cielo depends what my ex is in the mood for. Maybe i will see you on tues. Good luck finding something.
  10. I wanna party but have nothing to do, i would go to guernica but i dont know if brian coxx is in miami for the conference.
  11. why is the music sickkk? Deep isnt my fave venue to go to. I only go their for DANNY KRIVIT 718 parties and whenever a louie vega throws a party thier. For the most part not a great club unless your into that type of scene.
  12. doesnt morales ususlly come on after juniors world? so it might not be him. But i dont know cause i didnt listen.
  13. sapphire lounge is good on tues, lots of dancers early on and deep house with some breaks. I might be there as well dependnign if i go out tontie and tomrrow as well hehe.
  14. been there in 2002 got laid ddint like the music so dont see a point in me goin tehre. Unless i need to get laid which hasnt been a problem hehe.
  15. the twilo cd is a tremendous cd i agree. And i did get to hear junior a few times at twilo as well and those sets really were amazing blew my freaing mind away. Then i heard him once at exit was reallyl feeling it and then lat yr at plaid and was majorly dissappinted. He cant be denied as a great dj all his yrs in the business shouldnt be overshadowed by these possibly his last yrs. Junior deserves respect although his sets lately ahvent had the best reviews as of late.
  16. the only radio station i hear is KROCK. And sat nights krock ahs some good house music on. Last night ori from satallite was spinning. Also listen to KISS fm when they play deep house and morales on ktu fridays then thast it.
  17. ive said it b4 if you love a dj follow him whereever he goes. I just think how lastyr i think people were sayng fuck exit NEVER WILL GO THERE AGAIN. Well never say never the venue doest make the party the dj and rowd do. Jp fans should be happy at BLACK and im happy for them. Just makes other clubs betteras well.
  18. good point ghhhost.And when someone says morillo you think nyc not nj. Morillo is still a great dj but im sure if he would play at regular hrs the afterhrs crowd wouldnt show up anyway. And im sure if morillo doesnt even spin but joeyballz spins at disco after hrs the crowd wouldnt care much.
  19. i think some of you are mistaking the comment. I agree with him as well that the factory crowd is at morillos party now.
  20. ahhhhhhhh i was just reminded by my moms bf that my mom is coming back from ecuador on the 4th at 9pm. I dont know now about the chances of me goin are. Shes been gone for a month so im sure she would be pretty pissed off if i took off that same minute after saying hello lol. I doubt i canmake it now.
  21. im about 75% sure that im goin to go and check things out. Im not a pop or locker or breaker dont even know the difference most times. I just love to get down. Im gonna be wiped on thursday cause of the partying im doin tonite over at sala, and sin sin and wed at re:fuge, but im sure i would be most satisfied after leaving with good house in my head and awesome dancers in my mind.
  22. I didnt say i was the only one. Just most f the people ive met or seen dont really dance hard or much. Trust me im sure theres a million people who freakign work it much better than me. Even on this bored im sure i would get wipe, but i dont know who are the dancers on this board besides NURSE GLOW. And i dont practice nor go to school to learn moves or stuff like that, so im sure i would get torn up.
  23. You obviously didnt watch the whole thing.
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