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Everything posted by kaysersoze

  1. some girls when not in a relationship let the 'grass' grow since no one is actually eating her out. it doesnt gross me out, i would hit it like a guy just out of jail after doing 20 to life
  2. leave the drama out.... post tits n ass only. there will be no
  3. kaysersoze

    What an idiot......

    no contest..jessica is way hotter..and younger. jenny has no ass
  4. tell the yamkees to go all out, its not like anything stopped them before... get juan pierre to fill the lead off spot for soriano who aparently never saw a pitch he never swung at :laugh: and to top it off....get dontrelle willis too...it will def. boost the gate collections. yamkee fans, dont get so defensive, its not like buying the WS is a new concept to you.... KA-CHING $$$$$$$$ THEEEEEEEE YAMKEEES WIN !!! THEEEEE YAMKEES WIN !!!
  5. watching the the fucken 'yamkees' lose felt great...actually, ..it felt awesome...only thing that rivals that feeling is havin sex :laugh: i wonder how many 'yamkees' fans are cryin in their beer right now :laugh: i dont hate the yankee fans i detest them.... cry ur fucken eyes out.... u have to win 2 games back to back.....but i'm sure u can....
  6. NOT got u r asses handed to you on a $180 million platter:cool: ...by a $40 million payroll team i hope the fucken yanks get their coffin sealed at their own yard...now, that would be sweeeeeeet i just sprained my ankle jumping on this overcrowded Marlins bandwagon(i love my redsox)...but it would be a consolation to see george steinbrenner throw a fit or rant at the media as to who's job is on the line if they dont win the WS fuck the damn 'yamkees'
  7. bruce willis and jane march had one of the most steamy sex scenes in recent memory. for those wondering what movie....'color of night' u cant come close to a NC 17 rated movie and barely missing it like this one... definately a 'three thumbs up movie'
  8. was that meant to be funny?
  9. Junior apparently said he left San Diego on good terms did anybody catch the rant about watermelons and chicken ?? The phins are standing by their guy, the chargers are laughing it off.... think the media blows things out of proportion ? i didnt know what to think about it, just funny/weirded at the same time.... let me hear ur side...
  10. those candles dont stand a chance. see ya at chuck e cheese for the party 'appy birfday'
  11. fliptoniaaa, howz the wife and kids doing ??
  12. kaysersoze

    Great Gift!!!

    and i thought i had too much time on my hands... :laugh:
  13. aside from the innuendo....i think.... she's good looking.... maybe its just an illusion... but hell, who cares, live life like its your last.... i'm wondering who had the grotesque idea to bring up a thread like this....
  14. who's the hottie in the pic..... sure could use sum of that ass
  15. actually going alone(mostly 4 guyz) is pretty ok if your buddies arent in the mood/scene. you get to set your own timetable. i remember many atimes when one of the crew would get frustrated or scores with some chick and all of a sudden, its lights out coz you all carpooled.....then you are all forced to hightail it. i go to clubs by myself most of the time. only difference is if there's a big performer, i watch my back. lots of creeps crawl outta the wood work and get real nasty, and thats when you need your boys around for such times. the biggest worry tho is when you go to a club and there's some chick who is the process of breaking up with a possesive bf. shit !! bad news. most of the time the chick will insist she's single and came alone...next thing you know, you got a psycho and his posse to deal with. either way, i'll go to a club regardless if there are people to go with or not...
  16. i fell victim to this bullshit prices once, and i learnt. if i go out, i make sure i got my buzz going(not pissy drunk)..and like somebody said, just nurse a couple in the club. problem is, sometimes guys go out with chicks who are 'high maintenance' who wouldnt be caught dead in a no-name joint and drinking cheap shit no less...so, they end up shelling mad $$ to have a good time. fuk that thats why its always a catch to find a hottie who doesnt mind holding a bottle in her hand and chuggin it. btw. its not just nyc, this is also in jersey too. and you forgot to mention, you gotta tip the bartenders....christ..the expenses are just enuff to convince one to stay home and rent a chick flick and stay in..
  17. i would do you six ways from sunday
  18. kaysersoze


    thats what i call a romantic picnic
  19. kaysersoze


    peek-a-boo.... i see u
  20. kaysersoze


    can i be on the waiting list ? p.s....... could you give me a ruff idea of what kinda time i'm lookin at here to score....(i just need a heads up to plan the wedding) thenx:)
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