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Everything posted by lollie60

  1. i like Paul Frank they're cute
  2. lollie60

    Hot or Not?

    mismatched implants
  3. so what do you reccommend ? therapy ? drugs ?? counseling ?? I think I should take yoga
  4. no incest is when you grab your sister's tit for sexual pleasure I did it to attack her ..lol The female breast is very sensitive . One time my sister got into a scuffle with this fat lady in the subway and she punched her tits !
  5. I think I might have anger management problems .. I don't drink,smoke or do drugs instead I act like a grumpy bitch and start fights with people
  6. One of my things not to do this year was to not to fight with my sister Well she came back from the mall with a D&G outfit and I got all jealous so I grabbed + sqeezed her left tit real hard so she grabs my tit back and we go at it ! Man ...why can't I ever live my life in peace ? why must I always get into fights ??
  7. What kind of crowd does Crobar pull in ??
  8. so my crew is going to be at Deep on NYE and I look on the promo to see that DJ Boris is on the mainfloor . I never heard him - is he any good ??
  9. GBH stands for Great British House ..right ? Who's the DJ ? and what time does it start/end ?
  10. what are some good afterhour parties ?? I'm in NYC I want to wake up and go dance in the morning
  11. how much is it to get in ? I was at Lotus last year I didn't have that much fun - wack ass yuppie crowd
  12. Hey I think I'm just going out on New years Day morning Where do you think the best afterhours party will be ?
  13. to me a ho is a girl with NO standards - she lets just any guy bang her
  14. I HATE CHRISTMAS !!! Christmas is for little kids !! OMG - I hate Thanksgiving + Christmas !!!! NYE is not that fun either ...it's over hyped. My favorite Halloween has to be Halloween
  15. OMG - today was soo cold in NYC !! are you from Miami ? I should move there before I rot and die in suburban NJ with the rest of the grandpas !
  16. by that time they will be dead I live in the suburbs of NJ - there aren't that many hot guys here my age - it's a bunch of old people. Oh it doesn';t help the fact that everyone I know live in Manhattan either ... I'm left behind in NJ
  17. I was at the mall today and this ugly mentally retarded looking grandpa smilied at me through his ugly glasses - he looked really perverted That was fuckin disturbing + disgusting !! Help !! I've been single for so long and lonely what if I actually end up hooking up with a grandpa ?? I'm losing it !! I'm gonna go vomit !!!!
  18. lollie60


    yo - I don't believe in "making an effort" to date someone so you can make a good impression so they'll like you bullshit ! That shit is soo fake ! I just like to meet whoever wherever and if we click we click - if we don't we don't . And why the fuck do men + women have to couple up together ?? When you're kids you are alone .. You're born alone and you die alone so please enough with soulamte, love of my life Mr/Miss. Right/Wrong BULLSHIT !!! Being single can be lonely and maybe it sucks sometimes but I'd rather be brave and single and conquer my life by myself than couple up with someone becuz I was too afraid of being myself. I was never the kind of girl who always had to have a boyfriend just becuz. Life is too short you should be with someone you REALLY want to be with not someone you like so so
  19. lollie60

    so she's 19...

    no don't fuck your next door neighbor. That's selfish and greedy . Just becuz she looks good to you it doesn't mean you have to fuck her . what if things go bad she ends up hating you ? just be neighbors and hang out
  20. "Ugg boots are like lasyt years spikey heeled construction worker Manolo Blahniks " - quoted from a Neiman Marcus shoe sales associate What are you going to do when they go out of style next season ? Will you still wear them ?
  21. I got pink leg warmers - it's very ballerina ... I feel like Jennfier Beal in flash dance so 80's !! - I wear them over real tight jeans . When I was in 3rd grade that shit was cool -but I wonder if it looks corny now ... Any girls here buy leg warmers ??
  22. Paris - I think just acts dumb ..becuz she's rich + she's blond and she likes to have fun !! Plus she's slutty and cool ! JESSICA is just dumb and annoying .
  23. it was supposed to be funny . .. hardy har har .. okay maybe not ... SORRY Y'ALL DIDN'T MEAN TO OFFEND
  24. :laugh: HAPPY CRABS DAY !
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