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Everything posted by lollie60

  1. Why don't you just go back to where you came from ! Where you from ? becuz obviously you're not a real New Yorker ! If NYC didn't have all these immigrants NYC would be one boring lameass town no different from Idaho or Montana !
  2. Yo ! where does your girl live ??? - I'll come over help you guys out !!
  3. Look - I know some of you are afraid to get the brazilian and I know some of you want to do it at home .. I can wax you !! I can wax my pussy !! I've been doing it for years !! Think about it and throw me a pm ! Ciao !
  4. did you hire all your staff ?
  5. hey I do it aty home ! I never had it professionally done ! I use Nair microwave wax kit. I lie on my bed and straddle my legs . The first few times hurt but once you get used to ripping off your own hair it's not so bad !! GIRLS - YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF !!! I'll come over and teach you !
  6. EWWWW ...I can't believe a girl like Vida would get fucked in the ass by someone that looked like Shockey .. what a nightmare ! Poor Vida !
  7. Nobody disrespected or put down your friend - she did it to herself.
  8. that show should be called MTV True Life- I'm a loser WOW ...I don't get how people can fuck up their lives soo bad over a dj and a club
  9. they didn't call me yet...that's why I asked ..lol
  10. he's famous - the older gay man - the one with silver hair.. Your whole entire SoBe crew was up here him and the other black guy - I dunno his name either oh and is Adam the manager a nice person ?
  11. lollie60

    from Crobar NYC

    hey who is the big black man that stands outside your Crobar door ? he was at Crobar NYC this past weekend
  12. I didn't stand in line for hours. I met directly with the manager Networking is for nobodies that kiss a lot of ass + suck alot of cock. See you at Crobar !
  13. To all those applied at Crobar - did they call you back yet ??
  14. let me rephrase that STD's are not sexually appealing. WHy I ask this question - YOu take someone like Carmen Electra - who is society's ideal image of what sexy + hot is. All men should want her and all girls would love to look like her you take an ideal image like this and you destroy that ideal - and would that image have the same appeal as before ? that's what I want to know YOu know how you guys drool over pics of Carmen and post - " Yea I wanna bang her she's so hot !!" well - would she still have that same effect on you if she had such a serious and scary disease as AIDS ?
  15. just wonderin if you still would see someone like Carmen Electra the same way if she was HIV + A counter post to " Carmen Electra is ridiculously hott" and the " I wanna bang Carmen" posts
  16. wow ...not even Carmen Electra I would not find them to be hot or sexually appealing anymore becuz diseases are not sexy .
  17. lollie60

    Here's a question

    Let's say you had a chance to have sex with Carmen Electra or( Antonio Sabato Jr. for the girls ) If they told you they're HIV positive would you still have sex with them ? OR would you view them differently ? And would you still find Carmen Electra /Anotonio to be hot if they were HIV positive ??
  18. he's still running ! LOL he was training and all the kids are like "Peee Deeedy" !!! Peee Deeedy ! a role model to the children !
  19. no it doesn't but I'd rather be rich & unhappy then poor & unhappy which I'm sord of right now. Money doesn't bring happiness but it can buy a Ferrari, D&G clothes, Louie Vuitton bags , Manolo Blanik shoes ,a penthouse in South Beach ,trips , filet mignon dinners and for some middle aged men with bald head + bellies - it gets them laid !
  20. So I've been watchin VH1's Fabulous Life Of So and So shows I don't really care much about celebritites but wow - they sure do have alot of disposable income !! I don't think J.Lo, Puffy + Britney are anything great but when I saw how David + Victoria Beckem lives $$$$$$ :eek: Tears almost came down my eyes becuz my life sucks soo bad compared to them ! LOL So who's money and lifestyle do you wish you had ? I wannna be mackin like the Beckems !! Go Posh Spice ! 150 M in adidas endorsements ........Pssssssssssshh Oh yea - Governor Arnold - now that guy knows how to live !
  21. next time when you're eatin her pussy - just start gagging and choking on her pubic hairball .
  22. lollie60


    what's up sex board ! Just saying hi.
  23. I've noticed that girls with slim waists and nice tummys usually are the slimmer ones with not the biggest tits and ass Girls with big tits and ass usually have a big belly to go with it
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