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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. What exactly is mad cow disease? Is that when cows are jumpin around screaming, "MOTHERFUCKER, SHIT, COCKSUCKER!!!!"
  2. You can put porn on an Ipod?? I want one! I'm in for Red.
  3. I want world peace. Silvershoes is all over this one. Anyone else wanna go?
  4. I hope that's not the only reason that they raise terror warnings...So the gov't can say I told you so but rather prevent innocent deaths. I guess what I'm saying is just chill out, dude. You'll be ok. Attacks will come on soft targets that means inner cities. You wanna trade places?
  5. Leave Jenna Bush Alone, Too!!!!
  6. I just might... Last time I went I had an epileptic seizure from the changing color walls.
  7. Why do they spell Saki like that? Shouldn't it be Sake?
  8. I live right next to Andrews AFB and work right across the street from the white house. If I'm gonna be worried about shit like this I should be worried all the time. I'd say don't allow yourself to be intimidated by our gov't. It's all just fear based mind control. “Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.†— Herman Goering Nazi Air Force (Luftwaffe) commander at the Nuremberg Trials
  9. Buried in the energy bill signed by the president earlier this month are three little lines. The amounts are small, but together they do nothing less than put the United States on the road to developing and eventually testing new nuclear weapons for the first time since the end of the Cold War. Three little lines, but with potentially shattering impact: • The bill funds research on new, so-called mini-nukes, nuclear warheads with an explosive power a third or less of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. In November, the administration succeeded in overcoming bipartisan opposition to lifting a decade-long ban on research and development of such weapons. • The bill also increased spending on ''bunker buster'' warheads that can burrow deep into the earth, even through rock, and destroy buried bunkers or command centers. • Finally, the bill provides money to refurbish the Nevada test site. Underground nuclear tests, halted since 1992, could then resume in a year and a half, rather than the two to three years now needed. Full Article
  10. Sorry... I posted in the wrong forum... :doh!
  11. If we're gonna have colors we should have fun with it. Like Burnt Siena or Rouge. Avacado Green even.
  12. UPDATE: Security Hiked After Threat Level Raised http://apnews.myway.com/article/20031222/D7VJGSNO0.html
  13. White House Statement http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/12/20031213-3.html
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