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Everything posted by moe03

  1. I believe that's Phunky Fantom and more like Arena Nights at the Palladium.
  2. What the hell is this thread about?
  3. What I don't get is why someone would post religious info on a site concerning mainly music where people mainly sin? Oh, I guess I see your point. Good luck w/anyone listening to you here though. Judging by the previous comments, it sounds like you're getting bashed big-time.
  4. It worries me that you know details about two morons I know nothing about and don't want to know anything about. God damn it, now I do! Aaargh!!
  5. I gotta hand it to Tsettos even though I will probably never go out to hear him. His NJ fan base is pretty impressive. I wish I had his following. Props Tsettos!
  6. It got immensely overplayed but at the time of its height and bootleg release. Forget it. I lived for the track.
  7. I remember a couple of cops made me and my friend throw away our drinks because they were in plastic cups. Actually, I threw it on the sidewalk before they got to it and dumped the contents out. Good thing because I was underage at the time. They actually frisked us and made us stand against the wall. When the pig asked me what was in my cup, I told him OJ and cranberry. When he asked me if that was all, I said yes all while preventing myself from laughing. They had to let us go because the evidence was gone. Suckers! Simply put, Jersey cops and especially Sleazside cops suck big time. I wouldn't be caught dead down there now even though I had a lot of fun down in that shithole years ago. What worlds apart we live compared to Vegas. I remember when I first got there at the airport. The first thing my buddy handed me when he met me at the airport was a beer. When I was like, wtf, he said "dude, this is Vegas. Not jersey." Sin city is the way NYC was like 12 yrs ago. No rules!!
  8. I don't know if I can post my top 25 club tracks mainly because I don't even know the names of some of the tracks that I'll hear when I go out. But here are just a few in no particular order: 1. JayDee-"Plastic Dreams" 2. "Dream Drums" -JV All Over the S.F. Remix 3. Lil Mo Ying Yang-"Reach" 4. "Come Together"- JV Remix 5. Depeche Mode's remix of "No Good" 6. Angel Moraes-"Deep, Deep Down" 7. "Don't Laugh" 8. Carlton-"What's So Funny?" 9. The Doors's remix of "Roadhouse Blues" That's all I can think of right now.
  9. Why the hell does this guy make these weird, ugly-ass faces? Or was he just born that way? If so, sorry Burridge. Could also be that he's British. Is he? Damn those Brits have bad teeth.
  10. Well, do you have a picture of it to post here?
  11. Just wear dark shades even though it's late at night, wear a cheap, red suit, say you're from Albania, and tilt your head sideways to the beat of "Baby Don't Hurt Me". You should get in no prob.
  12. It's low-lives, not "lowlifes" you stupid moron!
  13. I remember when Jr. just started spinning "K-Hole" and this guy out of nowhere says to me, "AAh, yess. K. Wanna bump?" I was just like, sure. That's how crazy it was in those clubs. If you wanted to do drugs, you could just do it without really having to worry that much. Nowadays, for get it. Not that I do drugs now but now, even the drugs aren't the same.
  14. Urei not bad...ha ha. It's probably the best mixer out there. Now about buying the Rane from Sully. Yeah, I don't know. Why would you want to buy a mixer that was under so much abuse? Just cause some famous DJ spun on it? Naah.
  15. Right on but very doubtful. The guy will still pack the place. It's like the Rolling Stones. Everytime they announce a new tour I'm like, oh brother, is anyone going to see these has beens? Sure enough, they sell out all their shows. Same thing will happen here. Don't get it.
  16. Why I remember when Bill Braski took a hooker by her ponytails and jiggled her around till her money,needles, and condoms fell out of her. He picked them up and made a necklace out of them and hung it around her neck! That day, she swore she'd never hook again. Oh, wait, wrong thread! Carry on.
  17. Ohh, wait! SilverBull thought of it first. He's pointing and he's thinking, "I Want You!" (to kick me in my ass).
  18. Ha, ha! You're so right! It's like some people think that DT actually sits down and thinks up the flyer ideas as well. And like that's been the first time someone's put someone else's face in the place of Uncle Sam. I saw one w/Osama Bin Laden stating he wants America to attack Iraq. Should Osama be angry w/DT then? Gimmie a fuckin break.
  19. His best track is "the Stalker". Anyone have an extra copy laying around?
  20. Hey! What gives you the right to go off on JP newbie?! Good one.
  21. A huge F U to Gearge W. Another one to the Dick...Cheney A big F U to the mayor of Haledon, NJ Another one to most of my co-workers And finally, F Jackie, wherever he is!
  22. If you need someone to team up with you on the decks, pm me.
  23. What the hell are u smoking? Do you think it's going to be any better down in Daytona? Anyway, I don't know if the Colliseum is still around but you might want to give that place a shot.
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