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Everything posted by moe03

  1. I've never heard of you DJ Renegade. I do however remember JV there, along w/Gonzo, DT, Jerome Farley, & Timmy Regisford.
  2. Isn't there a place called Feather's? You can always go by the diner near the Garden State Plaza on a Friday or Sat. nite, they're always there. Is there a web-site to this place called the Cage in Hoboken?
  3. Wait a sec, isn't Abyss now called Deko? In other words, isn't it the same club? Iyyayya, I so confusing!
  4. Is Metro Lounge still open or has been it renamed something else? You know, the place near the Garden State Plaza.
  5. Boy you're a real genius. Announcing to everyone who reads your post that you're planning to steal a song. What a moron!
  6. Isn't Bad Boy Bill more of a Rave DJ? That in my book just makes him bad.
  7. southbound24: You are the typical, sarcastic idiot. You are so ignorant and have your head so far up your ass, that you actually think your shit smells pretty good. I don't actually see a point to your reply other than to attack Arabs which is the norm nowadays by any self-righteous, yellow-ribbon wearing schmuck who thinks they've done their part in supporting the troops by having a bumper sticker saying so. My point in my reply is that the world must never forget the Jews and their suffering but, what they are doing right now and what's happening to Iraqis, who cares, right? If Muslims have a bad human rights record, do you really think America's any better after Abu-Ghraib, or even our own jails today? Do you actually think that torture doesn't happen in this country? You really are clueless aren't you? You must be a much more informed citizen who watches Fox News & MSNBC and actually believes everything that spews out of those false media outlets.
  8. I believe, and I'm not certain about this. but didn't millions of Irish die because of the potato famine because of the persecution from the British? And, aren't the Irish still persecuted against today by the British which is why they have the IRA? Just about every race or culture has been persecuted against one time or another. The Jews are not more significant than other ethnicities. What astonishes me is that everyone remembers the Holocaust but no one has a clue what the Jews themselves did right after they were nearly wiped out by Hitler. They go right into Palestine w/the help of the Brits & Americans, and steal, murder, and terrorize the Palestinians off their own land! How can one race after being treated so harshly, turn around and treat another race the same way? Don't get me started!
  9. I've got a 42 inch Samsung Plasma TV. I love it. Especially when something is in Hi-Fi, forget it. The pic is superb. However, because of $ constraints, I'd be willing to sell mine for $2000 if anyone is interested. Hit me up & let me know if serious.
  10. Privilege Scores Larry Flynt's Hustler Club
  11. Is she similar to Rachel Auburn in style of music?
  12. I have a male cat. He is one fat bastard because he eats so much. I always joke that I want to get rid of him but never do. One thing that sucks about cats though is they shed and they puke up hairballs from time to time. I can't stand the smell of cat poop so I let him out and he can take care of business out there. I've never had a neighbor complain so that must mean he's found a pretty private area to take care of business. My parents have a dog and I love her to death but dogs are so much more responsibilty than cats. They basically want love and affection 24/7 and won't leave you the hell alone. Cats are cool because they leave you alone most of the time except when they're hungry or want to go out.
  13. Yeah...I can tell. Everyone w/a Master's degree spells nerve like this: "n-e-v-e-r".
  14. Hey! Watch it! Johnnie Johnson kicks ass! Why does everyone like to put down Jersey when so many things comes out of there? NJ rules except for the music. KTU should really broadcast out of Jersey City.
  15. Well, there goes that advice. I just got bleeped. Let me try another...Dtourism.com Interesting that Jr's site is blocked but Danny's isn't. Hmm....I wonder.
  16. Try ******************.com I think you're on the wrong message board if you think you're going to get any Jr. fans here.
  17. Oh No! Not you again! Take em' upstate somewhere. Try Middletown.
  18. Aren't table services ruining nightclubs as we know it? Going to a club is expensive enough. Sometimes when I go out to hear a big-name DJ (which is very rare nowadays), I really ask myself "why"? I mean, loads of poeple shoving and bumping you, getting treated like cattle by security, sometimes paying $40 and up just to bump the line, parking, tolls, etc., etc. Going to a small club or intimate lounge is so much better. Usually it's free to get in, yes drink prices are going to be expensive but just remember, you probably didn't pay a cover charge. The music might be hit or miss but if it's in NY, some of it's bound to be good. You'll also get treated like royalty if you and your friends do decide to get bottle service at a lounge. Finally, it makes a lot more sense to get a table at a small space vs. a big space because larger venues just seem ridiculous with people just sitting around. Get up and dance I said!!!
  19. Aren't table services ruining nightclubs as we know it? Going to a club is expensive enough. Sometimes when I go out to hear a big-name DJ (which is very rare nowadays), I really ask myself "why"? I mean, loads of poeple shoving and bumping you, getting treated like cattle by security, sometimes paying $40 and up just to bump the line, parking, tolls, etc., etc. Going to a small club or intimate lounge is so much better. Usually it's free to get in, yes drink prices are going to be expensive but just remember, you probably didn't pay a cover charge. The music might be hit or miss but if it's in NY, some of it's bound to be good. You'll also get treated like royalty if you and your friends do decide to get bottle service at a lounge. Finally, it makes a lot more sense to get a table at a small space vs. a big space because larger venues just seem ridiculous with people just sitting around. Get up and dance I said!!!
  20. Get back to the topic at hand people. It's between NYC and Miami! Not other cities around the world. Sheesh! Do I have to explain everything to everybody? Now to answer your question. I'd have to choose NYC over Miami simply because I'm a lot more familiar with NYC. I did visit the Miami club scene once and that was like three years ago during the WMC. I was not at all too impressed but I did have a good time at Crobar in Miami. I went to a few other places but they all rather seemed the same to me after awhile.
  21. It sounds like JP is going through the same thing that JV is/has gone through. It seems as if once a DJ's club falls through as has JV, JP, and even DT to some extent, they kind of fall off the boat. There is no real king of NYC DJ as of now. I mean no one has a big residency at any major club. They all wait till people miss them and then they make their money because the fans go expecting their DJ heroes to fulfill their msuical dreams and then get a big let-down when they don't. People should stop expecting these guys to always come through and go and give other little known DJ's a chance. Just go out and go to a good venue and hope for the best. It's better than waiting on line for an hour, being in a cramped club, overpaying for admission and everything else, and then not havng a good time at the end of the night. What I'm saying is people need to explore other, lesser known DJ's. Who knows, that no name DJ might give your big-name DJ a real run for his money.
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