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Everything posted by sidoolongo

  1. Anyone got the original pic?
  2. ^ Once bought a hammer from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
  3. http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2008/04/invitro_meat Scientists Flesh Out Plans to Grow (and Sell) Test Tube Meat By Alexis Madrigal In five to 10 years, supermarkets might have some new products in the meat counter: packs of vat-grown meat that are cheaper to produce than livestock and have less impact on the environment. According to a new economic analysis (.pdf) presented at this week's In Vitro Meat Symposium in Ã…s, Norway, meat grown in giant tanks known as bioreactors would cost between $5,200-$5,500 a ton (3,300 to 3,500 euros), which the analysis claims is cost competitive with European beef prices. With a rising global middle class projected by the UN to double meat consumption (.pdf) by 2050, and livestock already responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gases, the symposium is drawing a variety of scientists, environmentalists and food industry experts. "We're looking to see if there are other technologies which can produce food for all the people on the planet," said Anthony Bennett of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization. "Not only today but over the next 10, 20, 30 years." Rapidly evolving technology and increasing concern about the environmental impact of meat production are signs that vat-grown meat is moving from scientific curiosity to consumer option. In vitro meat production is a specialized form of tissue engineering, a biomedical practice in which scientists try to grow animal tissues like bone, skin, kidneys and hearts. Proponents say it will ultimately be a more efficient way to make animal meat, which would reduce the carbon footprint of meat products. "To produce the meat we eat now, 75 to 95 percent of what we feed an animal is lost because of metabolism and inedible structures like skeleton or neurological tissue," Jason Matheny, a researcher at Johns Hopkins and co-founder of New Harvest, a nonprofit that promotes research on in vitro meat, told Wired.com. "With cultured meat, there's no body to support; you're only building the meat that eventually gets eaten." Researchers can currently grow small amounts of meat in the lab, and have even been able to get heart cells to beat in Petri dishes. Growing muscle cells on an industrial scale is the next step, scientists say. "That's the goal and it seems pretty clear from this conference that it's achievable," said Matheny on Thursday by telephone from the symposium. Scientists are working on a variety of cell culture procedures. The cutting edge of in vitro meat engineering is the attempt to get cells to grow as if they were inside a living animal. Meat like steak is a complex combination of muscle, fat and other connective tissue. Reproducing the complexity of muscle is proving difficult. "An actual whole muscle organ is not technically impossible," said Bob Dennis, a biomedical engineer at both North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina, who attended the conference. "But of all the tissue engineering applications it is by far the most difficult one." While scientists are struggling to recreate filet mignon, they anticipate less trouble growing hamburger. "The general consensus is that minced meat or ground meat products -- sausage, chicken nuggets, hamburgers -- those are within technical reach," Matheny said. "We have the technology to make those things at scale with existing technology." At scale, in this case, would be thousands of tons per year, Dennis said. But once the meat is made, consumer acceptance is far from assured. What cultured meat will taste like is up in the air. Some scientists think it could be used to create novel foods that won't be quite meat, but won't quite be anything else either. "I was once at a conference of food designers and they really liked the idea that they were not bound to a certain product that we know," said Stig Omholt, a professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and chairman of the In Vitro Meat Consortium. "We could make novel products." But most of the trends in food run counter to high-tech meat production. Heirloom tomatoes, organic produce and free-range-raised meat that pack the aisles of Whole Foods harken to previous, lower-tech eras. None of the experts were sure if there is a large market of early adopters who want to eat test tube meat for environmental, health or ethical reasons. For all the talk of high-tech meat production, attendees of the first In-Vitro Meat Symposium didn't put their stomachs where their mouths were. Instead of sampling early versions of in vitro meat, they stuck to local fare. "We had some excellent Norwegian salmon, which was very tasty," Bennett said.
  4. ^ Is a part-time horsemeat salesperson for Microsoft.
  5. ^ Could be interpreted very lewdly by a dirty mind.
  6. It's so hard to photograph that bull (with a regular camera), it's so dark and matte.
  7. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/04/08/baby.heads.ap/index.html Let the two-faced jokes begin!
  8. Anyone who's been to Shelter's Sunday morning "afterhours" party knows that the crowd is mostly black and hispanic, not so much your models and celebrities set, and dress to sweat, bust out the big moves, and/or roll around on the floor. One day there was a girl there who was in any context smoking hot. Must've been 6 foot if not close, so blonde it was almost white, fair like porcelain with sharp European features, and curves that was right in between model and pornstar. She was wearing well-fitting low-rise jeans and a low-cut hot pink midriff-exposing top. She staked out a little space behind where my friend and I were, and got down; all by herself, facing the wall! No *end* of guys trying to get her attention either by staring and waiting for a glimpse of eye-contact or by dancing next to her and busting out the fancy A-manoeuvers, or just bluntly trying to get all up on that. She's at the Shelter, by herself, in the corner, FACING THE WALL!!! Guys, take a hint! Let the girl dance!
  9. You can't make a claim like that in public without the pictures to back it up.
  10. I like Monday. I'm well rested from the weekend, everybody's online again, It usually takes at least the morning for any work to through. Also (although this is NYC-specific) - Deep Space - Bryant Park Monday Night Movie (in the summer) - Nightstrike: disco bowling (winter) - Private Park: free DJ party at the Hudson Hotel. (Today TOTH)
  11. Water Balloon Pong (An experimental game): Teams of 11: 10 in bowling pin formation, 1 "net man". "Pin men" stand in a hula hoop on the floor, any pin man who steps outside their boundary is out. Each pin man has x number of balloons. Teams alternate lobbing balloons at the other team. Any pin men who get hit are out. The net man stands in front of the pin formation (is not allowed into or behind the formation). He has net with which he can try to catch balloons. Caught balloons go to teams arsenal. The net man can sub for a pin position.
  12. Pics?What is the robolegs were just as nice if not better (in both look and feel)?
  13. Dilemma 5. If the technology existed to replace your legs with cybernetic limbs which were far superior in strength, agility, control, and range of function, with no health risks and no financial cost, would you have your healthy legs amputated to have this done?
  14. Feel you from the in-side?
  15. 17. God is: A) An omniscient omnipotent omnipresent benevolent anthropomorphic entity invested in and affected by the manner in which we conduct our lives. A "spooky incompetent father-figure who doesn't give a shit". C) A largely fabricated and partially self-fulfilling concept devised by authority to facilitate social control. D) A labile abstract idea representing the ontological difference between what is known and what is known to be not known. E) Ma nigga.
  16. < Just wanted to post in the middle of this bitchslapfest.
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