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Everything posted by fresinha12

  1. Not surprised...when we can have a NAZI for a pope...whats the limit?
  2. ahh...nice to c nmn is still on this board....and keeping to his old self....
  3. that my freind is the big question facing america....why did the chicken cross the street?...to steal the jobs of ordinary hardworking americans...[Pat buchanan]
  4. fresinha12


    same here, infact in my family I only know of 2 coupels who had a breakup...everyone else been married for 20+ yrs.... and I mean my family is huge... its all about being faithful...I think most relationships breakup b/c lack of trust or if one partner cheats on the other...or one partner is abusive (usually associated with being drunk)....very few couples rarely ever have issues that are so severe that would lead to a breakup.... culture plays a big part...some older couples from italy,cuba, spain, ME and asia tend to be very loyal and faithful... on the otherhand the younger generation from PR,DR, italian-american, asian-american have extremely higher rates of breakups than their grandparents or parents...
  5. fresinha12


    it did,until she just twisted it,crumpled it and threw it away....that was the last of it....dunno if its still there...
  6. NICE..... I was thinking of trading in my honda CBR F4 for the suziki....I was just wondering about the weight...is the GXR lighter?
  7. i was gonna say...take'm of the acura parked down the street
  8. hmmm are ya actively looking?
  9. so u r into eating box?
  10. I think internet dating, allows what would be otherwise socially disfunctional people a decent shot at meeting someone....I mean alot of peeps can actually express their true feelings by writing then by saying things in person... anyway, finding that one true luv is a life long journey...you may think you found the right person and then you find out on jerry springer that there is another side to em....all I can say is, finding that one true luv is about fate....something we humans have no control over.... so good luck to all those who are searching...just keep in mind that there is the internet in your toolkit
  11. dhat is so true....
  12. well..then, lead the way....as they say follow the money...if you do that it is clear that online dating is becoming popular...
  13. since when did you started quoting iranian agents?
  14. as a frmr techie...i can say this, online chatting or dating is a medium..nothing more nothing less...you meet someone at a gym or school, thats another medium...with the deep penetration of the internet in the american household, the online medium is easier and convienient.... its like online shopping, you can buys goods in a market, now that market is on your PC! just like that online dating is a market availalble for you on your finger tips. I dont think you can extrapulate anything about the characterstics of people using the online medium to reachout to others. just like you all are chatting on this message board....you could be talking with someone in your office or school etc....you cant pschycoanalyze like that. take for example your typical bar/social event scene, people normally show-up all dressed up and put on an act to attract attention, similarly I see people get professional picutres taken for their online protofolio. As an investment banker in the technology area, online dating represents an ever growing segment of e-commerce. the upside potential for online dating is simply huge. The amount of money involved in mind blowing....Yahoo is a major player and has $180 million projected revenues from their online dating product. Companies like google seriously lack such products and are looking to accquire some of the eharmonies.com or match.com of the world to beef-up their protofolio. If google is looking to invest over $250million in its soon to launch dating service, you better be assured that online dating is becoming very popular and probably sooner or later you might be tempted to follow the crowd.
  15. I'll ask her to go make dinner for me
  16. hahaa I do the same thing...an 1hr and 15 min b4 closing time, put on my mp3 player and get to it.... but then I met this girl at the gym and I am like wow...she is really great...i never pick up girls like this...I mean all the girls I have dated, I knew them through social networks...but this was the first time I dated a totally random girl and I am going through hell right now...given that we both got emotionally involved..
  17. thanks mama! I just sent her an email, telling her that we should be friends. I belive that people come in our lives for a reason, for a purpose, I am just asking her to give it time to figure out why both of us came this way... but definetly I am not quitting my job..(its hard to find one these days )
  18. hey' I am actually more attracted to her personality then anything else...I mean she is physically beautiful....after all shez from the great state of FL....miami... but I am more attracted to her character, intellect, personality, ambitions etc.... I would say lust is more physcial/sensual???
  19. she is moving out by the end of the month....she told me before we started dating that she was going out...but as I said before I was nt that serious...until after a few dates....the thing is I can really pressure her to stay..but then I dont want to ruin her life...she doesnt really like it here....what if we dont get along well after a while...I dont want to be the one who messed up her life...I guess I care for her...so I am not even going to ask her to stay... WEll it seems easy to drop everything and go...but things are complicated...I am in the middle of an assignment of a life time...I had to really pull a lot of strings to get on this project at work...I just cant dissappoint my colleagues too by just leaving them....tough position to be in...
  20. gut instincts says....are you stupid.... I tend to rationalize and analyse things...I dont rush into things....so my head is saying...stay out...move on...keep on track with your plans...but my heart is saying...she is the one... its an amazing battle of hearts and minds...
  21. well those thoughts are going through my mind as we speak.... however, at what point do i realize that getting degrees is not important..( I already have a Masters..6 yrs ago and I am going to Biz school just to get my next promotion)...I mean I find myself running after more money...career progression etc...but I never really paid any attention to the emotional side of life....until now...at least she made me realize that there is more to life than being successful professionally...she is giving up a lucrative job here....and moving to be with her folks...I mean I would do the same thing...be family and make sacrafices for family... but what really gets to me is that, we just met...I mean how on earth could I be thinking these things...when I just met a totally random person....it never happened before...I mean I am amazed at myself...is this normal? or should I go see a shrink? maybe I am the pshyco..I never would have thought that i would fall in love with someone so quickly and someone so random....
  22. Would you fall in love with some random person you just ran into? Well I didnt believe in this sort of stuff, untill it hit me...Ok so here is the story, i met this girl sometime back at a gym, she was cute but at first I wasnt interested in her....we just chated while we were running on the treadmil... somehow we run into eachother as we were leaving the place and we just started talking....I got her number...and we went out on a first date....surprisingly both of us somehow clicked...I mean she is a professional and so am I (both of us are successful), we have an amazing number of things in common....I mean its spooky....by our fourth date we are amazingly comfortable with each other... both of us are very family oriented....our parents had similar backgrounds, amazingly we have similar stories...both of us are very intellectual ( i mean both of us are post grads and are interested in similar areas)....we like similar music...even our horoscope signs are the same... Well sounds like a fairy tale story does'nt it?...until last week she told me she cant continue with this relationship ....she is moving out of state back to her parents...and I am stuck here with work, plus my post grad studies start this fall...I think we both clicked and we both took a turn in our relationship towards where we would like to go but cant afford to.... But ever since last week...I am torn between her and what I precieved to be my best interests... I guess I cant believe it that I fell in love with someone, in such a short time that i am seriously contemplating quiting my job droping my biz school plans and move down with her.....
  23. I'm an Investment banker , specializing in M&A in telecom and technology areas.
  24. u wud have luved the type-s... I took my friends 2002 for a ride on GSP, man the car had great handling...and excellent pick....though, I would have picked the TL just cuz it has 4 doors..
  25. OK how many of you acura 3.2TL owners had the headlights stolen? and how many times?
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