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Everything posted by fresinha12

  1. Its called diplomacy...u dont antagonize key world leaders.........
  2. dude, shez one tough lady....I know her, shez pretty patriotic and one of the finest officers i can think off, no one should doubt her character, i mean shez served this nation honorably and has done what most of us cant even phatom to even dream about.....shez made sacrafices for this nation, and we should be greatful to her! she had worked as an analyst in the now defunct Office of Special Programs, where you have all these isreali moles....running around...heck the guy responsible for that office dough feith is an isreali agent....she had guts to stand up to this shit and do something about it! I know of some serving officers who still who dont have enough balls to do what shez doing, exposing the extent of corruption in our DoD and the influence of forgein countries like isreal over our policies.......i dont know what us americans need to understand to do something about it....
  3. yeah, I had discussed this with this retd Lt. Col Karen Kwiatkowski sometime back, certainly possible, But i am not sure if she wrote this in her articles...chavez of venezuela is pursuing something similar...lets see what happens there...
  4. dont we all aid moslem terrorist charities by buying oil????
  5. OMG rappers and singers are the real terrorist....i wonder what they would do when TUPAC makes his appearence........LOL man this govt is becoming like a dictatorship...remeber saddam hussein has 99% people in his favor so sobeton and italin...whatever can be loyal supporters of ayotollah bush!
  6. NMN dude how many times do i have to tell u this....make her pay for the food......believe me, u'll b glad to have followed my advice!
  7. try via conditti, via barberra, if u r loaded with money, then try the via conditti next to the spanish steps, via nationale is a another touristy spot, there are loads of shopping places near via ventti & conditti. but if you are into where the locals shop then go across the river towards the old jewish quarters.... PM me and I can send u the more detail list.....
  8. lets just say...he got lucky after a long long time and is actually going out on a date.....dude take my advise make her pay for the food!
  9. babbooo go back to wherever the fuck u came from....and when u learn to read, read my post I clearly stipulated that I agree with the jewish claim of genocide by the nazi's....just cuz its all documented, from ann franks diaries to other historical documentations....again the holucast is believable cuz its documented, its written in history, its a black mark on humanity....we can see it... babboo one more thing.....u are full of shit...look at urslef....it seems u are posting over here every 5 minutes...goest to show , ur lmao who has no life other than to post/blog on cp....I mean look at it looser, you have spent most of your life posting your crap on this msg board....goes to show who spends their time on online in their nuthouse...cuz they got no social skills, and with all your political views its obvious you are one distraught anti-sociopath...whos probly still a virgin..man do us all a favor, go get some sex to relieve your frustration with the poor people of the ME.
  10. u guessed wrong fagot....i suggest get some metamusil to ease your obvious inconsistencies......and u cant educate me asshole, cuz u got nothing other than what your isreali embassy gives u as talking points....post some proof or shut the fuck up! and no i havent spoken to any victims of your so called alleged victims of arab/moslem bashing....cuz there'nt that many, except for my own family who lost a loved on 9/11, post proof motha fucka or plain simple take your dick and insert in your ass to please yourself fagot....if its too small, then ask your loving arab neighbor to stick his in u.... nuff said...
  11. yeah!.............wheres the proof? I presented some from the web, a simple search on the web and I got tons of stuff, so far I did a search on what you claim was "jewish" people being mis-treated in arab land b4 isreali-palestinian conflict began, cameup with nothing...so if you got some pls post...it makes things clear and more believable...u neo-con cunt! Again, dont get me wrong, as an outsider to this conflict, having no cultural,religous ties to these people, I dont know much other than what is documented, so far all I see is isreali's doing most of the wrong.....I see that people documented the nazi atrocities pretty well, and thus side with the jewish people, I am just surprised there isnt much about these claims u make by arab people....if you have some books, links, I'll be more than gald to look it up....as an impartial spectator to this conflict, I dont see you guys (babboo and his fellow israelis) make much of a case....I hear about this islamophobic arguments all the time, but they just boil down to pure hatered by some isreali/right-wing evengelical nut job.. but bottomline babbo do u agree with what isreal is doing with the palestinians? do u see these people as humans? do u see these pics as a right??? do u feel absolutely outraged at the fact that small children, their parents, their homes, their land is just being taken away....I know that you are quite an idot, but even this is too much for you to argue....tsk tsk tsk...
  12. is this bad enough.....living like slaves in their own native land???? man just do a search on palestinian refugee camps...u'll get tons of photos...infomation is out there...u just have to make the effort to find it....dont live your life with your eyes closed...live the freedom your forefathers fought for....live it by making the effort to learn the truth....
  13. there is no point in arguing with a moron like u....people in palestine have it as bad as it gets....and please nigga get your typing straightend out...cant make out a single shred of intelligelbe thing you r posting......a killer is a killer....panther or ur daddy whatever it is, palestinian terrorist or chechen rebel...they are all murders....they kill people....inncoent and guilty alike....dont tell me panthers didnt kill people just cuz they were white...dont tell me that the motha fucka who shot Malcom Shabaz X was not a terrorist???? nuff said....
  14. there are black panther members currently serving life sentences for murder of white people....man shut up do some study and then post! you shoot someone or you blow someone its the same...murder is murder.....black panthers had an armed resistence against the state, wherein they shot and killed people including an FBI agent....so whats the difference if u shoot someone to death or blow them up, whats the difference if you die by capital punishment for your crime, or you kill yourself commiting the crime???? haiti, South Africa, India-Pakistan, bangladesh, the United States all won their freedom thru war, heck in india, gandhi the founder of the non-violence movement had to partner with people who were fighting an armed rebellion against the british.... So for the last time, please no more ignorant posts, educate yourself and then post we can have a decent and intellectual discussion. But if you just post without knowing shit, then I am sorry, you are just a moron with no restitude! no hope to becoming a better human being, no chance that you will ever break out of your middle-ignorant class....
  15. forgot the black panthers???? forgot the civil rights movement? forgot the national guards sent in by JFK???man you must be suffering from dimenshia....or just simple ignorance of history....of the UNITED STATES. while we are talking about the northern american continent, forgot about the HAITI freedom movement?? how did HAITI become a free nation??
  16. isreali-palestinian conflict is an ethnic issue, there are chiristian palestinian, and atheist palestinian fighting along with moslem palestinians, i know my prof who was a christian from palestine and he was very clear in his opinion that the isreali-palestinian conflict was about people not religon, its only been the last 4-5yrs that US media has started potraying this as a religous conflict...this is actually coming from the bernard lewis camp (he is a prof @princeton, who happens to be a davout jew and very anti-moslem, christian, he believes in the clash of religons) so if you read history and do your research you will realize that this issue has to do with ethnicity...even yaser Arafat was a secularist, and was very anti moslem, to the extend that he denounced the saudis as religous backward people....this scumbag having realized that he cant stay in power too long is now all of a sudden like our president a born again religous-phobe.......and is using religon to describe himself...
  17. hard for me to believe u have any thai or buddhist tendencies.....i would think u are a morrocon jew, christian, moslem or monorite....cuz u dont depict anything of the buddhist faith....if u r, I am sure u r not paternally buddhist....u aggression and hatered is very contrary to the buddhist faith....
  18. so r u turkish??? or greek or an illegal alien enroute to europe??
  19. raincry can we see your boobs? just as a reference to what good looking boobs should look like.... got milk?
  20. jefferson must be twirking in his grave.....listening to all you people.....tsk tsk...he would probably be puking when georgy dubeya claims he served in the national guard, honorably like jefferson......LOL!!!!
  21. dude..just incase, I would suggest you go see a doc, clinical depression is a serious disease, that inflicts alot of people and it will get worse as time goes by...do ur self a favor drop in by the nearest neuroologist or a gp.
  22. I heard that there is one that got dropped right off the coast of charleston south carolina, then I heard it was dropped off in the mediterranean off the spanish coast......not sure if it is true......
  23. hmm, interesting, you sound israeli in your propaganda? moslem terrorist vs palestinian terrorist....tells a lot about you....I can bet u, u r not catholic LOL.....and u view the world from a religous prism...for instance I would say chechen terrorist or palestinian terrorist or isreali terrorist....somehow I dont view people from their religous affeliation....maybe cause I am not religous at all, and dont believe in most of the organized religon.....
  24. if u dont mind me asking whats ur religon??? u said muslim terrorist, u could have called em palestinian terrorists...but u choose to identify them by their religon, so while we are at it, what is your religous inclination???
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