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Posts posted by backupqueen

  1. you've got to be kidding me with this statement - NYC having a real music scene??? - this is coming from someone who hasn't even gone out in years (as far as i can tell from what you've told me)... Maybe it had one when disco was around but even in the late 80's/early 90's we all knew in Florida NYC was more interested in dressing up and being cool then letting it go to good music. If your idea of a 'real music scene' is either hearing madonna or trance/tribal/deep house then, yeah, it has one... however if you're looking for the latest in electronic music then it does not - sorry but find me a place where they're playing electro and not some lame dj's bips-n-bleeps. if you do find me a place playing electro let's see what happens, as in if they care at all, when you switch it to madonna or mariah carey....

    btw, how does what i say not have an ounce of credibility??? I kinda know the difference between a real one and one that doesn't exist seeing I've actually got to experience not one but two real music scenes w/each one lasting about 5 years each. I don't want to pick a fight with you but you've given me the "not one ounce" crap w/out backing up what you're saying - live up to your name and back it up ms. queen because w/out doing so you need to step down off your throne when it comes to this discussion... if i'm willing to risk and lose a friendship with the best NYC DJ, one i've known since jr high, over the importance of music then i'm hardly gonna back down and "calm down" when fed shite statements like this.... i realize you're pinpointing the 'never' statement but seeing most of these kids weren't born when disco was around, and maybe that's when you're referring to, then i can safely say "NYC has never had a real music scene" and be 100% factual about it. odd thing is - i bet you those who disagree with me haven't even been outside the realm of the NYC scene and thus, w/out being able to contrast and compare, can't say for sure if it's real or not.

    and of course everyone is dying to visit NYC - it's the best fuckin city in the world but that doesn't automatically mean it gives a fuck about new music.... and london - no, if you talk to people from london they'll say it's better than NYC but definitely not the best...

    one thing i do know is music and i do know NYC is more interested in selling you a table then giving you the latest & best the world has to offer in electronic music.

    one note tho - if you do want to hear a emerging music scene visit mr black when sammy jo is spinning (make sure he's not having some guest DJ because he tends to give the whole night to them) - it's just a sad fact i had to go get myself banned from the only place that even remotely resembles something of a real emerging music scene. if you do go tell connie, the door girl, McMike says 'hi'. it won't help you get in any quicker but do me the fave and say 'hi' for me....

    You can't be credible when you write that nyc doesn't have a music scene and never had. I have a problem with the 'never had' thrown in there.

    I make a difference between 'real music scene' and 'new music scene'. I think a party like Joe Claussell's at Love is real, I think Danny Krivit's 718 sessions are real, and i think that the calderone parties are real too. Hell, I even think the Loft parties thrown by David Mancuso are real, and they're definitely not new.

    All those scenes are real, meaning they are the true representation of a sound, yes. Are they new? Not really.

    Also, I don't go out as much as I did (it was 4 times/week), but I've seen some of what this city has to offer. Yes, I've been to mr.black Fridays, it's fine but i don't call that cutting edge either (Maybe S.Jo wasn't playing).

    The only scene I consider new and interesting is the MisShapes party back 2 years ago. And I like the HotPink! sound ...

    We're probably overlapping in what we're saying but somehow your messages sound so aggressive ...

    I'll throw a good old PLUR in there!

  2. some of u r sad as f*ck... if u think NYC has a real music scene (one with NEW music) then keep listening to JP, Junior or whoever NYC thinks is the shite..... trying to hear the newest in what electronic music has to offer in NYC is impossible... trance, deep house, tribal - it's NOT "underground" - if f'n tired! if it was over and done with in 1995 you can rest assured it's just as over and done with in 2007... you're fooling urself if you think NYC doesn't have a crap reputation on the world music scene. they think this town is a joke when it comes to what's the latest in music and they're 100% RIGHT! don't get me wrong - i love NY but it's hardly for the nonexistent music scene.

    You said earlier that NYC never had a music scene. This statement is ridiculous, and you have to realize it to have 1/2 an ounce of credibility.

    Now, does it have a real music scene today? Yes.

    Does it have the latest coolest new music scene, I don't know. London's probably it nowadays...

    Also, I don't give a shit about the rest of the world's opinion about New York. The rest of the world's dying to visit this place anyway so they can shut the fuck up.

    Finally, calm down, there's a scene for everyone, and everyone thinks their scene is the shite ...

  3. try this test tho for how fucked up alcohol is - take any drug and try driving (pot, coke, xtc, whatever) and then get drunk and drive... when you realize which one is way harder to drive on then you can come back and talk about "hard drugs"

    Err...I don't think anybody should try either ...

  4. At the opening it looked like the decor was tacky and unfinished. The rooms were poorly laid out and the overall flow of the place sucked. Also the crowd was a lot more girls who thought they were fashionistas than actual models, and the crowd is faux pretentious people who are actually BnT in their finest A/X dropping their weekly paycheck to try and feel like they are somebody. In short, it sucks. Is that dump even still open?

    Welcome to your own hell ...

  5. wrong, I could care less about the DJ. The only people who complain about the attitude etc... are people who can't get in, or people who just want to dress like trash and dance on E, I want no part of that.

    So anyway, where and when did you last enter a club and had a great time? I don't care if it's 2, 3, 5, 7, x years ago and where.

    Just give us the name of the place, the time, and (if applicable) who played what kind of music ...

  6. there is not much to the room, I was there when it was empty,

    just 4 walls and a dance floor, (which is just ply wood with laquer over it)

    they have these cool lights going up the side walls and shit, but other then that, It really isn't much to write home about or wish to be in NYC for that matter

    of course I would still like to see it, packed out and lights a blazing ,

    the system is no joke though, that much I heard

    It's exactly what I like. Total simplicity of architecture, very modern/futuristic lighting, and completely overwhelming sound system.

    Crobar's not that, Pacha neither, they try to be a lot of things at the same time (maybe there's no place for something like Twilo in nyc anymore?).

  7. There's something super-duper ironical about this...
    I am happy you enjoyed it.

    I haven't seen pics of Twilo Miami until recently and it really impressed me a lot. Much better than what NY has to offer nowadays (it seems).

  8. when jnr is on, like at bassline opening night at shelter & parts of his bank sets in 2006, he is still at the top of world djs.

    but his dates have been more sporadic & unpredictable & even poorly planned since 2005 at least...

    he needs a 'home' for monthly or even more frequent parties.

    vic has crobar; dt has crobar & pacha... jnr deserves a home but i understand he or his mgmy have burned bridges over the years,...

    Id suggest a monthly at pacha [im not fond of a 9 am start] or crobar or love or even stereo... I dont like cielo sundays ....

    shelter might be good for jnr .....

    I agree, there is a definite value in having a residency somewhere, even if it's a once a month thing like Victor.

    DT also has a once a month at Twilo Miami. I'm happy for DT and Miami but I feel sad for the NYC nightlife. I wish Twilo Miami opened in NYC, this club looks insane and miles ahead of Crobar or Pacha are about ... I can't think of how amazing Twilo NYC would have been if they didn't close. They had planned a VC / DT / JR rotation on Saturdays ... anyway, I'll stop the babling. The folks behind Twilo really know what they're doing it seems.

    A DJ needs a residency and I hope the JR camp understand this. They've been f-cking up things so hard for the past few years I feel it's their last chance at it.

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