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Posts posted by backupqueen

  1. It's the new Shelter, end of the Story. I think Timmy Regisford just bought whatever space was there and fixed it for a deal dance party. You can trust Timmy for building something of quality and with the dancing crowd in mind for everything and especially sound (I mean, he did buy the Twilo system).

    Sounds like a great move. Hopefully it will do to JR what it did to Danny few years back, at Vinyl ...

    Anybody knows if this goes afterhours on Saturday morning?

  2. Ok, so I know DT started to chit-chat on the mic back at Vinyl when he felt he needed to educate the new kids or something. Personally, I was like 'wtf?! shut up and let us enjoy the music!' ; and so were most of my friends.

    Apparently Morillo's also doing this, but his thing is apparently to announce phases in his set ...


    1. Is there any precedence to this annoying art of 'the dj who needs to talk on the mic' or is DT the guilty trend setter?

    2. Does any other DJ do that so I can avoid it next time I go out?

    3. This shit has to stop!

  3. The majority of the cops are just doing their jobs. If you are going to hate anyone hate the people that sent them there. It pisses me off too but I blame the fucking drug addicts and the clubs serving underage kids more than i blame the cops.

    Well, sure they're just doing their job but you're letting them off a little too easily maybe. I mean, each cop is an individual who's free to think that the order he's following is a load of bs, and just do another job...no? I wouldn't be a cop for example.

    As for blaming the drug addicts, I'm sorry to say they've been part of the nightlife scene for decades and that's that. The only thing that changed is the authority decided that a bunch of folks popping E or Coke in a dark room with loud music was somehow important, and needed to be dealt with. Whatever.

    Having said that, if you know the authorities are just waiting for you to make a mistake (i.e. deal in the club), you should definitely get a clue and be smarter than them ... sad story.

  4. * Club Deep, where undercover cops allegedly purchased marijuana, cocaine and ecstasy.

    * View, where undercovers said they bought cocaine and ecstasy.

    * Splash, where undercovers allegedly bought $2,700 worth of cocaine.

    * Spirit, where cops said they witnessed assaults, including a stabbing; alcohol being served to minors, as well as drug use and sales.

    * Avalon, where cops reported buying ecstasy.

    So, when are they hitting wall street banking firms?
  5. Big fuckin shock. New York has never been the same for mega clubs since the shitstorm that happened at Twilo and Tunnel. I learned a few years after the fact that I guy I was acquainted with at Sound Factory was in fact a DEA agent and you would never have known by looking at him. Get used to it, that person partying next to you may be NYPD or DEA.

    know your friends indeed.

  6. Good (and long!) answer.

    If you're looking for 1990s clubs in 2000s, you will not find them.

    Get on with the times, look ahead. There's really some great parties nowadays (so much better than 2, 3 years ago). NYC is definitely alive.

    As Lady Bunny once said: "To the people who complain that New York is not as fun as it used to be, well so are you!". :)

  7. oh he never goes harder then that....damnnn

    he actually played Pacha opening (the wednesday one) and had everyone dancing. He was really great in that space actually.

    He's such a great DJ he's able to read and entertain any crowd. He can play "hard" (not progressive, but energetic funky house what _will_ get you moving). Definitely worth checking out, he's a real legend in nyc for sure.

  8. I am always stunned when Taxis cabs do not stop because the person's black or obviously gay (drag queens for example). I've seen this happen countless of times in the city and it's really sad and fcked up.

    I'm sorry but if you're a white person or not the supra-flamboyant gay either, you have little chance to experience racism/homophobia, because it still exists.

    Thankfully we can leave all this outside the club and all be free on the dancefloor.

  9. 1st off - I thought the conversation of JP's was real. Hearing JP, who is a complete polar opposite of the trannie scene, drop that he's hanging with a trannie was absurb. I don't know one trannie who would even know, or care, who JP is. And the reason I post here sometimes? I'm a complete computer nerd. I came to clubplanet before I even started going out 4 months ago to see where I could hang out at. I quickly discovered CP is all tribal, techno, trance and deephouse. I FIRMLY believe that it doesn't matter what music you're into as long as you're totally lost in it. More power to you. As for you Ms. Queen - I don't mean to piss you off. The night I wrote that message I was in the worst mood. I had had it up to HERE trying to be nice to the main "clubkid" and getting nothing but attitude in return (and if you're into the scene at all you'll know exactly who I'm talking about). I was in an extremely bad mood and reading that conversation (tho I now know it's false) set me off. Go to my myspace page and see if we know a lot of the same people. Sure I piss the shite out of people here on clubplanet but it's a whole 'nother story in the real world. But I can't help it tho - I'm a bit schitzo!

    However, do you go out to Distortion Disko or Bank (maybe even Happy Valley)? I help run Disko and I work the door at Bank. I tend to come across crass on message boards but if you met me in real life my other personality, the one that gets completely lost into the music and dancing to it, takes over. About Sophia tho - SHE IS THE FUCKING COOLEST THING EVER & to me that is news since I just met her about 2 or 3 months ago - Do you know Jack (Flawless Mother Sabrina)? He's been soooo nice to me and dressed me up last Thursday. If you were at Duvet last Thursday I was the one with the blue & purple hair with the blue beard. I LOVE Jack!!!!!!

    Hey, I know you're more positive than negative, it's cool. More enthousiasm is always a plus in the nightlife scene, and I see you're really into it so bravo for that. I do know about Happy Valley and DD but lately I'm busy and can't go out as much as I would like. But indeed they're the places I usually put in my list of places to go.

    Also, to close the topic about JP, 46th St Sound Factory was actually Trannie Central back in the days...and the crazy things that used to go on in that club corners .... "straight boys" riiiiiiiiiiiiight... :)

    Good luck with everything.

  10. YAWN - you people on clubplanet are a bore (well not all of you, but most of you know who you are). Name dropping? Please, I'll drop Sophia's name anytime I want and the only names I "drop" are those I consider to be good friends. It's the people who drop JP's name that need to get a clue.


    Listen, you come here and basically say 'if you know 1/2 the folks I know you're cool'. That's Boring! And if you think club planet's lame why do you post there anyway?

    And if they like JP why do you care? There's more than 1 nightlife scene in NYC. I was never into JP and SF (46th St) but really I feel no need to play superior to those folks.

    And yeah sure Sofia's cool, that's not news.

  11. Already mentionned:

    - More weekly/bi-weekly residencies with big Dj's (where's DT?)

    - Cheaper entry (how much will DT's birthday be for example? I'd like those $60 become $35)

    - Stricter door policy

    - Bottles of water going back to 5$ or have a water fountain available (think Twilo)

    I know everyone would like a room where half the space isn't taken up by tables, but the fact is those people paying 1500% premiums on bottles of alcohol are the people keeping your clubs open. That's where the money comes from. You just have to accept that as a trade-off for being able to party in top shelf nightclubs.
    How come clubs who didn't cater to that 'bottle crowd' --like Twilo, Shelter, Vynil, Arc-- are the one at the top of the quality clubs list of everyone? This is NYC not Vegas. Plus in real nyc clubs people don't sit and get drunk all night (they dance and get high ;)). I don't buy this.
    People need to stop going out just to be seen and to look as glam as possible. Sure these "club personalities" (most call them 'clubkids') add to the look of the scene but this "ultra-hip" crowd could use a definite infusion of kids that are there just to hear the music and get down to it. I've danced too many nights all by myself alone on the floor with multitudes of clubbers just standing around 'looking cool'.
    I think you're referring to a particular crowd maybe. I agree with you to a certain extend, which leads me to the one thing I'd change in NYC club life:

    More cool crowd mixing!

    Muscle boys with Cool Straights with House Heads with Drag Queens with Club Kids with Lost Tourists with East Village boys with Fashionistas with .... That for me is the key to a great party (plus the music of course!)

    That's also why afterhours were so much fun, less places are open so you end up with an interesting mix of people. I have visions of Body&Soul with so many flavors of NYC nightlife together under one roof ...

  12. Are you gonna only play your own shit the whole night. thast why [...] , Junior vasquez, [...] are like my fave djs.

    Man, if there's one DJ who plays his own prods like crazy it's Junior --which is actually a great plus because he certainly plays them like no one else can.

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