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Posts posted by backupqueen

  1. Can someone fill me in...What is the Black Party and where is it taking place?


    The Black Party's a S&M-themed gay party held in march, usually at the Hammerstein Ballroom or some other place like this. It's organised by the Saint At Large group (from the old gay club The Saint). If you google all those keywords there's probably more details on all this.

  2. I miss "Be Yourself" and that space a lot too. DT has a big following and if he was to play a regular gig it would be also amazing. Not Arc, not Vinyl, sure; but something great. I'm really disapointed and feel sometimes Danny just threw the towel after 6 Hubert closed. Sure, it was probably heart breaking for him to see that space go, but I think it's time to get over it and offer his countless fans something better than a once a trimester gig.

    Sad because he's such a force in nyc nightlife, and could really create something amazing on a regular (not necessarily weekly) basis.

  3. I haven't been to Opaline since it moved but in the past always found it to be all about the EVil scene and not really about the music (at all)--has it changed?

    For the one who didn't get it, "EVil" is for East Village, not the

    "Evil" George Bush would actually say if he'd go to Opaline.

    And yes you are correct, most of the places above are mainly about the "scene" ; and depending on the place you'll hear great music or not (Larry Tee's great for example) --can't speak about Opaline or the new Tuesdays since they fired their Djs few weeks back.

  4. People are funny, it's not like he worked 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, for 4 years to make that track.

    Plus DT not being a great producer? WTF?! Have you heard "Hard & Soul" or "Tourism" ; amazing albums. And I'm not even talking about Elements, Bottom Heavy, Music Is The Answer, ... absolute House Classics.

    Now you don't like the track, fine. But don't say things like "DT's not a great producer" because History is there to contradict anyone who says this.

  5. that's great. people just dont wanna hear the truth sometimes... i think it really is pathetic when you're 30 and still running around going out everynight like a kid and you think it's ok.

    3 things:


    That's because you only go out to lame ass clubs?

    Seriously, have you ever been to the old Body and Soul for example? Or 718 Sessions? Don't you think it's absolutely fine for ANYONE to go to a dance club to enjoy: DANCING?

    Hell for that matter if you really enjoy a DJ then go out and enjoy him live and dance, what's the fucking problem here?

    Now if you go out for the wrong reasons no one can help you that's for sure.


    Also, can you please write down what people should do betwen 25-30, 30-35, 35-40, ....

    Honestly, if you have rules like this in your head on what people should be doing and when, well it's just really scary. Ever heard of diversity and freedom and the pursuit of happiness? Who are you to impose your ideas of what's to do on anyone?


    Is a house in the suburb, a desk job, a wife, 2 kids, a dog what those folks should be doing at 30? Much better I guess.

  6. of course it has.....but it will continue to annoy me and countless others..

    but you say I should leave cause of it......nah ...why should I get chased away cause of a few spazs, I just have to deal with it ...

    but does not mean I can't bitch about it and put down those that do it ...lol

    but I mean cmon....do you really like rubbing up against some guys sweaty back ......that is just disgusting.

    and it is mostly at the gay themed parties, to which I choose my spots wisely and enjoy myself with in the "fully clothed" section......

    The way I see it is that Victor's got his break from the gay crowd in NY (then at Roxy then with Madonna then Overseas then now) and if some of this crowd entertain themselves this way then I have to respect it ; and as long as there's a spot on the floor for the rest of the non-shiftless then I'm fine.

    As for Victor being under-rated, well .... what? He's remixing everyone, playing everywhere for big bucks, playing the best clubs in nyc and it's always packed ... not exactly the most underrated dj around. Is he under the radar of the JP/Boris fanatics? Yeah maybe, but I'd like it to stay like this.

  7. nah if your str8 and want to wear your shirt...just hang out upstairs..and there are no issues...

    I dont care if a crowd is str8 or gay .....but keep your fucking sweaty ass covered.....

    your fuckign disgusting...I dont care how many hours you spend in the gym......if you eat pussy , or suck dick ......wear clothes and have some class... ....we are all hot in there.....deal with it

    that was major things that irks me about "gay" friendly parties.....it makes the crowd so trashy and nasty and turns off alot of people

    granted they are not catering to the "str8" crowd, but music is music and should be loved by all and catered to all IMO

    on eof the major reasons I hate Junior Vasquez....from all his antics barring str8's and shit.....

    This shirtless thing's been going on for decades, I thought you would know it and stopped getting *that* pissed after a while. At this point, it's quite simple: if you can't deal with it that much, follow the EXIT sign.

  8. Ur right I dont know you, Nor do you know me, Keep going to your shitty JP parties with all the 17 and 18 year old kids. You know nuttin bout house music, and you never will. Keep suckin JPs cock in the DJ booth while he spins. PEACE!!!

    I think you transitioned from "Keep sucking JP cock" to "PEACE" to fast.

  9. My girlfriend and I got there around 10 and stayed till 4.

    It was our first time seeing VC and overall it was a fun experience, and a cheery crowd i suppose. I thought other party's had problems with shirts off, but apparently this one takes the prize.


    There's always a spot on the dancefloor somewhere for the folks who don't do the shirtless thing.

    I know that's where I usually am because there's just no way in hell I'm putting my shift off, after spending all I'm spending on clothes? ;)

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