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Posts posted by backupqueen

  1. Check out Movida...

    It's a new lounge / club with a complete analog system done by Shorty (the guy who did Stereo in Montreal). The room is completely soundproof so you can get the full effect without any complaints by the neighbors. The only thing is I haven't heard anything going on there musically that would intrest me at the moment...

    Where is it?

  2. They charge $60 because they're already beyond capacity and they still have a huge line of people outside waiting to get in. They're actually trying to discourage you from wanting to go.

    lol...yeah, they're doing it for our well-being not to make even more money out of us...lol

    please! it's a known and shady tactic of clubs to do that. it's just really tired and i think they loose all credibility afterwards coming here and say "we're really about our customers"...they have nerve to make statement like this, overcharge us but don't insult our intelligence at least.

  3. well, apparently people here are oblivious to the drama of yesterday.

    a nasty fight broke out in the line to get in around 4:30, involving people, bouncers, and nypd. at that point, they stopped letting anybody in. so at 4:30, that was it, no more pple in. i showed up around 7something; me and the usual late-arrivers were told to 'backup'; they would not let anyone in (or nypd would just close the party all together).

    what a waste!

  4. Actually you wont be hearing how great those clubs were by 2020, but you will still hear about PARADISE GARAGE,, LOFT, GALLERY, you will still hear about THE SAINT, FUNHOUSE you will still hear about LIMELIGHT,SHELTER, you will still hear about SOUNDFACTORY, you will still hear about VINYL, you will still hear about TUNNEL, TWILO. Avalon n spirit, centro fly, and others clubs form other eras will only be footnotes comepared to other clubs.

    i think avalon is just too commercial and lacks originality. on the other hand, i think spirit has a huge potential. they just put an amazing sound system there (that's the first step to greatness) and it will be getting better and better with time. also, they have a great line up coming up: Peter Rauhofer, Victor Calderone, Junior Vasquez [his 10am-10pm parties are amazing], and (possibly) Joe Claussell [that would just seal the deal if you ask me].

    Give it 1 years doing the right thing and we'll see. The only thing they still lacks (and that all big legendary ny club had) is afterhours. this might come later...

    also, i'm getting tired of 2 things: the people saying "nothing will be as good as it was before" ; and those saying "no, no, never say how fierce it was before because it's the past"...saying how great some old clubs were does not mean that nothing will ever be good and we should just stay home with memories...wtf?

    so if we were talking about art, it would be either i visit the m.e.t. museum OR the new chelsea galleries with today's art? since when can't i do both?



  5. Instead of living on what something was. Why don't you all open yourselves to what is to come...

    knowing your history and being open to what's going on today are not mutually exclusive.

    this thread started because someone posted a completely false comment about the sound factory. should we just let it be unanswered? I don't think so.



  6. How about the house that the owners built cause without their decisions none of it never would of happend.

    Junior was not only the dj there, he is also at the origin of the deal to get the physical space and transform it: from an empty warehouse to one of the few nyc lengendary club that defined an era. This club was his vision from start to legend.

    when people say 'the house that junior built' they mean it in every sense of the word. let's give credit where credit is due.

  7. Only bad thing i can think of is some of boris "crobar" crowd will be there and being that jp isnt playing at spirit on sat, might be a messy night.

    the non-party crowd will filter itself when the late hours arrive... starting at 6:30 will be when the real party begins i hope...can't wait for this event ; i always had a great time at dt's birthdays.

  8. SF...the house that JP built

    There is really only one legendary Sound Factory and that is the Original Sound Factory located on 27th Street, and that House was built by Junior Vasquez. As simple as that.

    Then, there is this other place uptown that took the name Sound Factory and catered to guidos mostly.

    There is absolutely no comparisons. The first one was fierce, the second doesn't even know what that means. End of story.

  9. DT vs. Frankie knucles


    funny how dt could match up against anyone and pretty much still make sense: dt vs cox ; dt vs junior vasquez ; dt vs francois k ; ...

    joe claussell vs. frankie knuckles ?

    junior vasquez vs. erick morillo ? (afterhours house classics)

    dt vs. derrick may ?

    (of course: larry levan vs. ron hardy)

  10. Ever get pages where some words are lighted in yellow?If so, its not installed correctly and you now have some nice spyware in there

    nothing yellow so far. spyware on mac is rare (and i would argue that it's harder to write --unix security is better and i don't even have root set up on this mac)...

    + i don't seem to have any unknown process running when the cpu goes nuts except safari/ffox using a lot of it...

  11. no one can ever give concrete, valid reasons why the man supposedly "sucks".....

    i completly agree with you that there is no real critique going on so far. it seems to be empty one-liners complaints after another, no depth to the discussion whatsoever: pointless.

    i'm not a jp fan, but i understand what you mean. jp has is fans, i'm happy for them and i don't need them to agree to whatever i'm into...they choose to listen to jp, i choose to listen to something else...no need for me to look into someone else's plate and go 'eewww you eat this?'

    as i said, a constructive, rich, detailled, interesting critique is always welcome, but the 'he sucks because <insert pointless reason here>' 1 liner is completely lame.


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