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Posts posted by backupqueen

  1. how many of the top 100 dj's are doing remixes on the fly and looping songs and shit...

    most real djs will do this (i know the usual nyc: jr, dt, vc, peter, ...) do ; sasha/digweed/... do.

    jp spins 15+ hour sets weekly... you wont find many dj's spinning that many hours because it's tough to do... it's tough to be on the ball when it comes to mixing after you have been standing on your feet for 6+ hours...

    what's that? a physical endurance contest? do they get to pee in the test tube afterwards?

    i bet if people started dressing like the dirtbag DT crowd and put the armani shirts to rest, took the spiker out of their hair and stopped going to the gym

    err...yeah...i'd rather go with the dirtbag look, it's the latest from mugatu right? he's so hot right now...


  2. oh no, not this topic again ...

    gee peter rauhofer is not even american ... he's gay though...i remember a picture of him in drag on an page of the mother/jackie60 website...would be fun if someone would post it.

    to get on topic, i think people who did not make their mind up should really check him out, he's a really good dj and i have a feeling most of us will be floored on his opening night...

  3. and now that victor calderone is spinning, there will be even more str8s.

    i think they are refering to 'heart of darkness', the jr vasquez black party afterhours event a spirit. victor calderone is spinning at the black party, usually the black party is not really a girl-oriented party (to say the least).

    jr's event cater to all freaks :) as they used to say: a party for boys, girls and everything in between.

  4. it's shot at limelight, definitely ... which was the home of the disco 2k parties.

    you should also check out the documentary 'party monster', it has original footage of the parties (better). if you enjoyed learning about that whole scene, you should be floored by the dvd 'the legend of leigh bowery' ; as dj johnny dynnell puts it, "they were all insects next to leigh"...

  5. man shut up.....

    it's nice to see you can have a conversation without being rude...oh! wait hold on...

    and I do go out and i've seen this staring phenomenon appear recently (2, 3 years). it's all part of the dj becoming a rockstar and leaving the underground...i guess people need idols, that's fine.

    so when you go to say a comedy act u turn away from the comedian? or a concert u stare at the speakers rather than the band?

    what on earth are you talking about? so when you go to an art-exhibit opening you don't watch the art but stare at the artist? stay on topic, those comparisons lead nowhere.

    I just know the first time i saw the whole club turned towards the dj booth i thought it was creepy...

  6. It looks like you really dont get it. People admire the dj becaues he selects the music and the music he selects hits the spot for them.

    What is so complicated about that?

    it is possibe that you dont understand becasue you never this way. I hope you do one day.


    well, i admire some people 'skills' but rarely people per se. equating someone's whole person to his ability to do something is wrong and dangerous if you ask me.

    i also admire such or such dj's ability to create and do this or that; but just staring at some dj for hours looks like plain adulation. it seems those people need an idol to worship...i think it's lame.

    as i said, it's not like you can see how he really mix records from there, you're just looking at some idol.

    also, it's dance music and, in my opinion, more completly enjoyed when letting go of oneself dancing...i'm fine with a smal portion of 'starers', but too much just kills the party.

  7. There is something i do not understand: the staring-at-the-dj-all-night-long

    first time i encountered that was at twilo for carl cox. i don't get it, it's a dancefloor, people are supposed to dance and have fun.

    since when the dj became the center of attention? and i would add that given the fact that you cannot really see the neat technical stuffs happening on the booth, this is just plain personality cult...T-I-R-E-D!

  8. you are all repeating the same thing over and over, if someone is gonna do the drugs they are gonna do them, they arent gonna listen to some cornball on a thread telling them to "cut it out"... and it doesent cause people to make irrational sexual decisions, people do...dummies

    this thread is mostly saying "all drugs are not the same and crystal is to put in the same category as crack, heroine -it's not your usual e, k, coke".

    now if this flies above your head as "corn" too bad; but please do not make any conclusions on how other people might react to this thread...i have a feeling everyone else is actually smarter and more intellectually sophisticated than you are.

  9. regarding bad luck...you should quit being supertitious cause it's bad luck.

    and for a history of club closing i think the only jr-club that got closed by the cops is really twilo (orig-sf was real estate, tunnel nothing, arena was a real estate deal).

    Exit was not shut down i think (closed and changed name after jr's passage), 46th street sound factory was really on the police radar for a long time so blaming jr is just wrong.

    also, if you're scared about roxy being shut down, believe me, the people running the night know the right people at the right places so it won't happen.

    finally, police closing clubs is about police controlling your freedom, so blaming the dj for that is missing the real problem, my humble opinion.


  10. i think he means that they got so caught up in the scene that they disappeared. Some turn inot complete a**holes and you dont ever want to see them again. Unless they clean there act up, that is when they come back, obviously

    I hope people understand this is not about angel-ism "Oh! You should never do drugs, this is so bad, just stupid people do drugs...blah blah blah."

    It is about the fact that this particular substance is different from the usual ones you see in clubland. I've also known people who basically ruined their lives (lost jobs, love, friends, health and finally had to move away from the city). And I'm talking about people who used to do all sorts of things and handle it all....no, this one is different and can f*ck you up real bad (even if you were able to manage the rest).

    You're free to do what you want, just make sure you know where you step foot...


  11. yeah, what's the deal...can't you just post a link to the actual thread like this ?

    also, can someone explain me why junior playing once a month at roxy when peter is off for the night is such a drama (1)? because frankly, if i was peter i'd rather have jr's name next to mine than some of the djs that played there recently.

    anyway, peter's fans should keep the faith; he's a great producer/dj and he'll turn it out anywhere else.


    (1) and don't give me this 'my house' 'your house' bs because roxy is not peter's house, it's not john blair's house but the owner of the space all right. also, jr gave drama over sound factory (aka twilo spirit) along the 'my house' lines mostly because he _built_ that club so you can't compare apples and oranges and kiwis and all that crap.

  12. First: check this site (or time out new york) if a big night is happening anywhere, you don't want to be in the wrong club at the wrong time. catching an event will make all the difference.

    having said that, there's some constants:

    - cielo

    - crobar

    - spirit?

    given unlimited funds,why not hit more than 1 club per night:

    friday: cielo earlier & crobar later (3am)

    saturday: spirit & discotheque afterhours?

    of course this is just my humble opinion, other will join in and you'll make up your mind. good luck.

    ps: i'd recoment time out anyway for they list quality events for movies/art/books/ you name it.

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