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Everything posted by mahalomenehune

  1. I enjoyed the quiet london board b4. Now this is just plain disgusting, i didnt expect to see some things i just saw, totally uncalled for
  2. whoa whoa whoa that picture wuz so uncalled for. I didnt expect to see that
  3. o come on dont put me in the red for negative reputation. Stop people
  4. congratulations on that great job by heilman yesterday. 1 earned run in 7 innings
  5. i guess u didnt see outside the lines yesterday
  6. make that two. 1 earned run in 7 yesterday
  7. duh houston and san antonio have more, they are metropolises! I believe dallas is the closest city to plano or austin, why dont u check out the scene there
  8. yea thats wut my friend told me. It had to do with the color, like sprite wuz also dangerous becuz of the color
  9. is this supposed to be some kind of joke?
  10. must be jamster. They make u think its free on their commercials, but u can cleary see 5.99 a month on the bottom of the tv
  11. california? wow who would go there just for some party?
  12. u should post this in the las vegas forum
  13. dust? what kind of slang term is that?
  14. theres always eomthing in picadilly circus, thats a hot spot
  15. eew pointy shoes? they remind me of like the 1900's for some reason. I dunno why but they just freak me out. O wait I remember now. Its from wild wild west, wen will smith stabs someone in the chest with a knife in his pointy shoe. Freaky stuff
  16. haha.......... r u serious? i mean i knew it killed sperm cells but not all of them!
  17. did u win a lot of money?
  18. can i still get a copy?
  19. u should post this in the las vegas forum
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