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Damn, im all sorts of sad and unanswered right now...

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My father comes in my room not too long ago and tells me that my cousin's husband is very sick. He is like in his late 30's early 40's has a phat job and everything going for him. But he has been sick a wholeeeeee week and hasn't even peed in a week and yet the doctor was thinkin it had to do with his prostate possibly. But today he was complaining about pains in his neck and a stiff neck..and right this minute he is in the hosptial gettin a spinal tap for viral meningitis (the non-toxic type that can't be spread airborne).

So now im all sorts of fuckin weirded out cause how the fuck do you get this shit, plus this is all too fuckin weird cause 2 yrs ago my other older cousin..she was at work and was complaining of a headache and that her sinus's were clogged but also that she had a stiff neck and pains. She was dead 18 hours later of meningitis brought on by a sinusitis (infect of the sinuses) in which the infection reached her brain and it was right near xmas time and fuckin..left behind a phat house and lifestyle,husband,and 2 lil children 4 and 2.

Now i know the boards are the boards..but i just felt the need to write about this cause its very surreal that possibly i might have to go through losing another cousin mysteriously to a mysterious illness once again. Wow..i can't even belive im writing this.

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Yo, much appreciated everyone...fuckin..things are really weird in my house like the phone keeps ringing off the hook with fuckin details and spreading the word and yet no one can get an update. I feel really bad for my cousin though..she is a complete fuckin nightmare right now during this time cause no one knows yet what the deal is..But hey i thank you guys who took time to read someone else's problems cause we ALL have problems..some worse then others.

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Yea well just to vent...i just found out that he has blood in his spinal fluid most likely meaning that he does in fact have meningitis...but wont know til the results are official in a few hours..which basically means i cant fuckin sleep tonight and suddenly..all my plans for this weekend may take a tragic turn..but i hope not..but gotta do what ya gotta do.

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~~~awww hun thats terrible....i seriously hope everything works out all right :hug: just keep ur head up there is nothing u can do but hope

i think there is a serious meningitis outbreak i keep hearing about it all over the place...does anyone have more info?

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Originally posted by sexxyh

i think there is a serious meningitis outbreak i keep hearing about it all over the place...does anyone have more info?

First of all why are you trying to alarm people about some "outbreak"?

Second..do you even know what this illness IS? Anyone can get it, wheather you are the cleanest healthiest or dirtyest yuckyest scumbag. There is Bacterial meningitis which is the more deadlier one that you hear about kids in nyc schools gettin to where they gotta get their children checked cause it can be spread via casual contact, perhaps someone coughs on their hand then shakes yer hand..then there is Viral meningitis which is the less serious but also deadly of the two and can't be spread by causual contact. Basically how ppl get it..is a simple infection in their body..could be ANY kinda infection even a sinus infection...and it spreads to the brain...causing inflamation of the brain..in which you can die from.

Now sorry if i read you wrong, but this is quite real and serious dilema happening...but their aint no "outbreaks" and its not "all over the place" cause if in fact it was you would hear major headlines and it would be all over the NY Daily News.

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quoth - i am sorry to hear about your cousin's husband..i hope everything turns out ok and best wishes to your family...i was in your position a month ago...my grandmother, who had her problems, but in general was healthy. had a heartattack on a sunday night...she was rushed to the hospital..it looked bad the first night and next day, but then doctors said she was doing better...she had to have surgery on her liver or somethng, but they wanted her to get a little stronger..i didnt go see her, cause my dad told me it was best to wait until after the surgery...i still remember it like yesterday...that wednesday i was at the mall with my friend all day..i get home, ask my dad when i can bring the card i made for her..he looked at me for a second, and i coulda swore he was tearing, and said your grandmother passed away today...the first thing i said, was why didnt you tell me? i was so mad that all day had gone by, and he never told me..i never got to say goodbye..she was the only grandparent i had the chance to know, all had died by the timei was born..and with my mother out of the picture, we were really close...to this day, a month later, i still have trouble dealing...i got behind in school, i gained a few pounds and got depressed you know...im starting to get a grip now, with the help of my bf and other family members...but its hard..like we're still going through all the stuff in her house, and pictures, and theres not a worse feeling in the world...im so sorry to have written such a long post...guess i needed to get some stuff off my chest too...sorry everyone...

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Originally posted by clubbincutie

quoth - i am sorry to hear about your cousin's husband..i hope everything turns out ok and best wishes to your family...i was in your position a month ago...my grandmother, who had her problems, but in general was healthy. had a heartattack on a sunday night...she was rushed to the hospital..it looked bad the first night and next day, but then doctors said she was doing better...she had to have surgery on her liver or somethng, but they wanted her to get a little stronger..i didnt go see her, cause my dad told me it was best to wait until after the surgery...i still remember it like yesterday...that wednesday i was at the mall with my friend all day..i get home, ask my dad when i can bring the card i made for her..he looked at me for a second, and i coulda swore he was tearing, and said your grandmother passed away today...the first thing i said, was why didnt you tell me? i was so mad that all day had gone by, and he never told me..i never got to say goodbye..she was the only grandparent i had the chance to know, all had died by the timei was born..and with my mother out of the picture, we were really close...to this day, a month later, i still have trouble dealing...i got behind in school, i gained a few pounds and got depressed you know...im starting to get a grip now, with the help of my bf and other family members...but its hard..like we're still going through all the stuff in her house, and pictures, and theres not a worse feeling in the world...im so sorry to have written such a long post...guess i needed to get some stuff off my chest too...sorry everyone...

Nothing to be sorry about..CP is used a lot as an outlet for many and rightfully so. But that is pretty tragic bout yer grandma and am also sorry to hear. My grandparents had also died before i was born...but i only had my grandma around until i was 10 yrs old. its weird hearing kids my own age talking about their grandparents and like the caring aspect of it cause i look around and im like shit, i dont even have grandparents. its a good thing though that with the help of yer family and boyfriend you are pulling through cause they do say it takes 6 months to get over someone's death...but i think its bullshit..cause sometimes it can be an eternity....or at least feel like one. Anyhow, keep yer head up as will i..cause i sit here trying to keep busy and can't fall asleep waiting for my house line to ring with hopefully good news about his progress cause this is all VERYYYYY sudden and VERYYY rare...but i thank all of you, who expressed concern even if you didn't post..it dont matter...you least read it and yer heart expressed concern inside.

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Quoth, is there someone you can talk to about this? Or is 2:30 am too weird of an hour to be calling people up? I'm glad you are finding solace on CP but for me personally, I've always found that talking to someone helps a lot. Sorry to hear about your cousin's husband, best wishes from :hat:

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Man...you would think that i could wake up today to good news right? Wrong. Yea so they did this spinal tap shit and found blood in his spinal fluid and it is confirmed that he has meningitis. But yet its another 24 hours to determine what type officially. Christ this shit just does not fuckin end. They said he may have contracted it from a sinus infection that spread and infected his brain. The good thing is..he is at least up and awake and ate breakfast..my other cousin was already in coma and brain-dead then died of cardiac arrest. Well this surely puts a damper on my weekend..not to sound like a dick at all..but i mean it as in...damn..healthy and shit one day...near death's door the next. hopefully i will make it out tonight and/or saturday..it would help to get my mind off things as well. Sorry to ruin everyone's day who happens to read this..just felt like venting.

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