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Originally posted by magilicuti

why did god make people so horny

It's a test to see whether or not you are seeking total perfection in your compliment or if you will just settle for the first piece of meat with a hole..

Originally posted by siceone

It's a test to see whether or not you are seeking total perfection in your compliment or if you will just settle for the first piece of meat with a hole..

agree :)

Originally posted by siceone

It's a test to see whether or not you are seeking total perfection in your compliment or if you will just settle for the first piece of meat with a hole..

yeah :cool:

i settle for the former. Smurfette is worth it to wait for ;)


because love isn't something that walks in and out of our lives everyday therefor in the meantime while most people are still waiting/searching for love we still gotta get some. IMO:D

Originally posted by jy

because love isn't something that walks in and out of our lives everyday therefor in the meantime while most people are still waiting/searching for love we still gotta get some. IMO:D



We all know what was Really going on with Eve and that snake.

Was it Adam's Snake?

And whos apples were really getting tweaked ...Eve's?


Originally posted by legend38

It all goes back to Eve and that damned appled!!!


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