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boo6 review

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Hmm... no reviews yet? I guess I'll be the first to give one, although it will have to be quick.

Overall, I thought it was pretty good. Too bad the friend I was with wanted to move around so I didn't get to hear much of any one DJ. The glow-sticking action in the Moonshine tent during Christopher Lawrence's set was great!

The weather could've been better, but it wasn't as bad as many of us had feared. Rain was on and off. Too bad it starting coming down just as the 4 pm meetup was happening. The temp also got a little chilly near the end.

It would have been better if some of the tents were bigger.

Some more places to sit down (other than the ground) would have been nice, but I don't know how feasible having that would be.

The wait in line for food sucked. So did the wait in line for the porta-john, in each of the four sets (of 6-8 porta-johns). You could call the event "Stuck in line" :)

Thanks DaVe for the CP t-shirt. It looks really nice!

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i'm from nyc and moved to l.a., and like to visit home when i can, about twice a year or so. i was go home specifically around 4/20 just for boo, but i ended up not having the $. man, that lineup was too good to believe: space girl, sandra collins, dave hollands, paul johnson, dj funk, dj x-dream, donald glaude, slick rick, krs-1, and those were just the people i was really looking forward to. i mean, shit, i never see any of those peeps come out here except collins and glaude. and don't get me started on space girl :love: .

and i miss the east coast massives. west coast massives ain't the same; all ages parties are just a bunch of kids od'ing and killing themselves. i no longer go to parties where people die.

anyway, more reviews, and of specific djs! enquiring minds wanna know!

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Originally posted by weyes

i'm from nyc and moved to l.a., and like to visit home when i can, about twice a year or so. i was go home specifically around 4/20 just for boo, but i ended up not having the $. man, that lineup was too good to believe: space girl, sandra collins, dave hollands, paul johnson, dj funk, dj x-dream, donald glaude, slick rick, krs-1, and those were just the people i was really looking forward to. i mean, shit, i never see any of those peeps come out here except collins and glaude. and don't get me started on space girl :love: .

and i miss the east coast massives. west coast massives ain't the same; all ages parties are just a bunch of kids od'ing and killing themselves. i no longer go to parties where people die.

anyway, more reviews, and of specific djs! enquiring minds wanna know!

Spacegirl was amazing tonight man..looking so good...bangin out some mean shit on the rolands and wreckin the MPC @ the same time..while smokin a ciggarette..god.. i love her

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Originally posted by weyes

and i miss the east coast massives. west coast massives ain't the same; all ages parties are just a bunch of kids od'ing and killing themselves. i no longer go to parties where people die.

There were lots of cops and EMT's around just in case.

I heard an emergency siren go off a few times, for the golf cart that (I think) the EMT's used.

Was anyone there on the main stage while Mistress Barbara was spinning, and a whole bunch of cops, EMT's, and kids suddenly stormed through the crowd, towards the softball field (or somewhere around there)? I saw someone in the cart shove some people in the crowd aside. But anyways... Does anyone know what that was about, and what ended up happening?

anyway, more reviews, and of specific djs! enquiring minds wanna know!

Not much to complain about here, except that Donald Glaude played some old stuff. Also, the house tent appeared to be late in getting set up, and there were some rips, so water came through in a few spots. Did Roger Sanchez cancel at the last minute?

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I got "stuck on work" and sat there cursing

the working world thinking about all of

you having a blast.......:(

I kept getting reports from several people

on the cell phone and it bummed me out so much that

I just wound up shutting my phone off and going on

a CD and clothes shopping spree after I got off from work..

(Kinda to remind myself that I have $$$ now and no


To make matters worst I wound up in the one place

that I would have never in my life expected to

go to last night "CENTRO FLY" to check out

Hippe and Halo...

MAN DID THAT SUCK! What happened to that crowd?

It was like like secretaries and old mommies

with their yuppie boyfriends had hijacked that space!

I've never seen so many poofy hair perms on 50 year old

broads since a wedding I attended in the 80's for an

aunt! (Fuckin people where doing the choochoo train



someone shoot me please!

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heres my review, the music was off the hook, and the vibe was great. but im really upset with the amount of crazy drugs these young ass kids do. i seen people dropping and it killed the vibe, it seemed like on the most part it was a place for underrage kids to do mass amount of drugs, it didnt really seem to be about the music(which was off the hook. i got to see me 3 fav djs,glaude,feelgood, and hawtin. they all were amazing , all the djs were. i jus wish some peoples can clean up there act. dont get me wrong i like to party as much as the next guy, but do u call fun being strapped to a stretcher???

jus my 2 cents

a nero

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Originally posted by anthonyn

heres my review, the music was off the hook, and the vibe was great. but im really upset with the amount of crazy drugs these young ass kids do. i seen people dropping and it killed the vibe, it seemed like on the most part it was a place for underrage kids to do mass amount of drugs, it didnt really seem to be about the music(which was off the hook. i got to see me 3 fav djs,glaude,feelgood, and hawtin. they all were amazing , all the djs were. i jus wish some peoples can clean up there act. dont get me wrong i like to party as much as the next guy, but do u call fun being strapped to a stretcher???

jus my 2 cents

a nero

I didn't go so I can't speak from the point

of actualy seeing O.Ds.

But let's face it..Drugs and music have been

in the scene (MOST SCENES) since Hendrix

set his guitar on fire at Woodstock!

I agree with you though..

it's not MY way and I don't like it



But let's not be naive and act all shocked

when we see Youth over doing it in

a music festival..

(I was there once).

Just be glad you are older now to

be at an event like this for the RIGHT

reasons..(to each his/her own!)

I truely am sorry I missed this one!

(I guess three days of DEMF will make up for it though)

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The DJs I saw were consistently amazing -- DB, S.S., DJ Dan, Sandra Collins, Max Graham, Derrick May, DJ Funk, X-Dreamer, Donald Glaude, Slick Rick, et al. (Missed Hawtin, unfortunately, because Slick Rick was on simultaneously and he was unmissable, and I thought I could catch Hawtin another time in a solo perfomance.) But I wanted to add that, apart from the performances, the crowd was pretty amazing too -- at least those not sitting idly outside, smoking up and dropping off. I'd rarely if ever seen so many people moving their bodies so energetically, whether it was slamming, hopping, stomping and thrashing about in the D&B tent or hopping, twisting, bouncing, flipping gravity-defying breaks in the hip-hop tent. It might be true that many of the kids there were out there just to enjoy 4/20, but in any case it was clear that they were feeling the music. Seeing those breakdancers in the last couple of hours in the hip-hop tent alone was worth my money. Did anyone else see them? And the fire-dancers were unbelievable as well.

Sometimes I wish the kind of massive unified energy seen at these sorts of events could be harnessed for positive political change.

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Originally posted by anthonyn

heres my review, the music was off the hook, and the vibe was great. but im really upset with the amount of crazy drugs these young ass kids do. i seen people dropping and it killed the vibe, it seemed like on the most part it was a place for underrage kids to do mass amount of drugs, it didnt really seem to be about the music(which was off the hook. i got to see me 3 fav djs,glaude,feelgood, and hawtin. they all were amazing , all the djs were. i jus wish some peoples can clean up there act. dont get me wrong i like to party as much as the next guy, but do u call fun being strapped to a stretcher???

jus my 2 cents

a nero

I know where you are coming from, but the situation is the same at every massive and every party that I have ever been to. I don't agree with a 14 year old dropping four hits either, but its gonna happen and always does......its a sad reality.

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I had a great time... i got there around 7-8 pm after driving in circles trying to get to the island. when we finally got there we parked without even checking where the car was. we practically ran to the entrance and on the way scemed a plan to get in for free (which actually worked).

the music was great, i didnt get to hear as many djs as i had hoped but i got to hear derrick may, charles feelgood, and richie hawtin. by the time hawtin spun it was getting real cold out, me and my girl were in the middle of the crowd, i was dancing & actually sweating outside in the freezing cold :laugh:

the only person i saw from cp was scotty :D hi :tongue:

after boo (which ended too early), the search for the car began. we didnt even remember parking in the lot that we were walking through. Eventually we found the car & headed to baktun. always a great vibe there... me and my friend found a seat, put our feet up, lounged with some drinks & drum and bass. i turn to the left and there is TheHacker. good to see you again kris. Also nice to meet you Lou.

anyway, im only half functioning right now. so bye. :horns:


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Hey all!

Boo was incredible! I thought that the setup was great (altho larger tents for some stages would have been better). My friends and I got there a little late, and missed DJ FUNK and Sandra Collins :( Max Graham, Tall Paul, and especially Christopher Lawrence rocked! Neophyte also played an amazing set (for what was, in my opinion, an otherwise disappointing tent) and lucky for us we got to meet them and my best friend mike(biggest neophyte fan ever!) got to get pictures with them :D

As for the crowd, yeah there were a lot of crazed crackheadz running around (sadly most of whom were not old enough to drive), and a did see a few instances when security had to drag people out kicking and screaming; but overall I found the crowd to be awesome, energetic, friendly and having a good time rocking out to the awesome beats! Also so many reunions (what's up to all the kurfew kids!) The only other downer was the ground, so many bumps and slopes in the muddy ground, made dancing a little difficult, but a setback thankfully overcome by many! Thanks to everybody who showed up, your presence contributed to the wonderful vibe! Hope you all had as great a time as I did! :D Peace, K

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i think the kids OD-ing added to the fun..the fun of knowing that im not a moron and i dont need hallucinogens to party..just strap me up with some red bull vodka..and im rippp readdyyy to goooo! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

ps- shouts to kingartur and FLIPS SOE...forgot to mention meeting u guys

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overall i think boo 6 was not what it could have been

last yr's boo was much better

the vibe was better, the sound, the music, the stage, the lighting, and of course the people.

seriously after going to ultrafest this year in miami

i do not think i will ever go to a massive NYC event like this.

i think the quality of life is dropping alot at these large nyc parties.

i saw 6 people being wheeled out in stretchers.

that seriously brought me down

when are kids gonna grow up and learn to act responsiblity?

if you are gonna do drugs, take them responsibly.

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my boo6 review:

showed up @ 4-4:30 because there was an open house in my lab for high school kids. i don't think its fair to compare this party to ultra or creamfields or dance valley - there hasn't been an outoor massive like this in nyc since rabbit in the moon, and we need the practice.

misstress barbara is a goddess - my first time seeing her live and she was incredible. max graham won my respect with proggy, tribal trance. derrick may ran the gamut of bangin techno to dark house to even some arpeggiated trance. he may be a legend but he's certainly got his eyes on the future. dj dan was also good at mixing it up - his signature style of funky blended well with the cross-genre stuff he threw in. whatever was going on in the house tent really won me over, with the exception of one hitherto un-named dj who just fell flat.

disappointments: sandra collins must have been drunk or something - she must have set the turntables to "slow", and even then she fucked up twice on the same record. she is damn sexy, but she's done much better. richie hawtin, i'm sorry to say, did not do it for me. he was too minimal in the literal sense, reverting to that "closer to the edit" shit that puts me to sleep unless i'm stoned. he made up for it in the end but after destination and baktun, i've come to expect more from him. the speakers couldn't handle the character of some of his sounds - piercing and annoying at times. bad boy bill was funky as hell, and his skillz are amazing - but dammit, could you buy some new records? his sets haven't changed in 2 years. and where was roger sanchez?

sorry to have missed pleasurehead's 2 hr set (i heard he was actually really good) and spacegirl.

the vibe i thought was really good - everyone was mad friendly and i met some really cool people. the tendency at these things is to run around and try and see everything so i don't think i managed to hold a single coherent conversation. much respect for the cops who made their presence known but did not intrude on most of the fun. the emts must have had their hands full... which brings me up to my next topic.

i saw about 4 od's, though there were undoubtaly more. music and drugs have gone together like peaches and cream long before jazz and opium dens. but for the love of god: DO NOT MIX DRUGS. TEST YOUR PILLS BEFORE YOU SWALLOW THEM. LOOK AFTER YOUR FRIENDS. KNOW YOUR LIMIT. One EMT claimed that there was a dealer circulating "poison" pills at the party. It is already somewhat common knowledge that non-NL dealers have been substituting strychnine for pseudoephedrine - and with increased us-canada border control the same thing is probably happening here. If you are going to do drugs, TEST THEM FIRST!!!!! Aside from that, dust and k have no business being at a party. If you want to tranquilize yourself don't be a waste of chill-space STAY HOME.

ok now that that's out of the way... i'm going to take a nap.

have a nice day, all!!!



ps props to CP for the frisbees :)

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Alright Im at work and Ill make this quick and to the point.

- The day started off shitty, late trains, rain, and getting there late (5:00). I missed the meetup :( , I really wanted to see all of you.


- Short sets but I enjoyed the music they spun.

- Tons of people dancing on wet grass = nasty smell

- Kiddy raver's passing out on the lawn def. not cool

- WORST OF ALL...missing Space Girl, Reid Speed, and Collins's set def. slow and mellow.

- Over at 11 wtf?!


- Best sets, in order: tie: Dj Dan (never heard him live and i was blown away) & Dj Rap (wow she is f'n hot, music was kickin)

Richie Hawtin , and Micro.

- Neophyte = crazy german:D

- Vibe was great, no attitudes. I met alot of people from all over the east Detroit, Boston, Virginia.

*This was my first rave and I heard the drug use was bad but when you see it yourself....GOD DAMN :jawdrop:

All in all, the skies cleared up and the talent for the night was awesome. I had a great time. :cool:

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Well, this was my first festival type party... well, the only word to describe it was simply amazing.. i got there at around 1... and it wasnt that packed as i expected, but i didnt care.. i went to the moonshine tent and heard pleasurehead for a while.. he was surprisingly good actually... then i walked around for a little just to check out the other tents and i was saddened to hear that ROGER SANCHEZ was not there... my friend who worked at boo said that SANCHEZ and DERRICK CARTER were no shows, that they never showed up.. so i was pissed cause i LOVE sanchez.. so then i saw christian smith for a little, he did pretty considering it was my first time seeing him.. then i went to go see Spacegirl.. and oh my god.. first of all, that b*tch is f*ckin beautiful... and he music just makes her even more attactive, her boobs were gonna fall out cause she was wearin a tube top.. but she was off the hook.. she was a highlight of the day.. then i went walkin around to hear DJ Funk in the DNB room, he was playin some booty house, which was phat.. then i had never seen Donald Glaude b4, so i checked him out... and dam was i surprised.. he played some phat prog house and house... hes mad cool too, he was hypin up the crowd and just actin crazy.. hes mad cool though... he was on of the best highlights of the nite... then i heard Misstress Barbara.. and dam, she looks good too.. i dont know, seeing girls behind the decks is a real turn on.. she looked really good.. and sounded good too.. later i saw DJ DAN which was really good.. he played some good tracks..

after that, i went to the bathroom and to get something to eat cause i was hungry as hell.. no joke, it took me 30 mins on line for the snack vendor and another 30 mins waitin to use the f*ckin porta bathrooms... dam i couldnt been in a tent partyin..

anyway, by the time i was done, Bad Boy Bill was about to go on..,. I love bad boy bill... he was rippin it up, i love the way he scratches too... hes the man... then i went to go see, christopher lawerence and tall paul.. and dam, they played some good ass trance... tall paul was too tall for the decks, he was like on his knees tryin to mix.. lol.. then i left there at around 930 to go see richie hawin who i never seen before... richie hawtin stole the nite... his sets was absolute mayhem.. he played some crazy techno/hard house/minimal.. i dont even know, its kinda hard to describe.... but he was just phenominal...

well, overall, boo was very satifying.. i wonder if Creamfields will come back, cause that had a better line up and boo did. if it does, that'll be better.. just askin, but did anyone see me.. i was wearing a black shirt with a white shirt around my neck, light brown kaki shorts with black hair.. and diesel sneakers, i was usually alwys in the front where ever i went, i had a camera too.. peace...

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