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Remember the First Time You Were in Love?

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Wasn't it fun? It was a long time ago for me and man did she dump my ass LOVELY. She said I was too annoying, too hairy, too Greek, and that my dancing skills were way below her standards for a decent relationship. OK, that's not all true. I do remember it being a lot of fun. Tell me about your first love!!!!!! I need details, too, like first names, how long did it last, do you still keep in touch, hat sizes and eye color.


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Originally posted by Crackorn

Wasn't it fun? It was a long time ago for me and man did she dump my ass LOVELY. She said I was too annoying, too hairy, too Greek, and that my dancing skills were way below her standards for a decent relationship. OK, that's not all true. I do remember it being a lot of fun. Tell me about your first love!!!!!! I need details, too, like first names, how long did it last, do you still keep in touch, hat sizes and eye color.


How long ago: um, five years?? yeah. i was 19.

length : year and a half...

was it fun?: oh yes. it was one of those sick puppy loves that made almost everyone gag. lol he would write poems for me and stick them on my car. bring me roses - for almost no reason at all. even cook for me haha. and yes i spoiled the boy rotten too. :tonuge:

why'd it end: um couple reasons but to highlight a) i was planning on returning back to school (IN FLORIDA) and even though i asked him to come with me, he turned me down B) youth :blank: he couldnt make up his mind if he wanted a gf sometimes... i knew i was in love iwth him, but he wasn;t quite sure

what happend? well we broke up BUT i ended up staying in boston (got a great job offer) that kinda threw him for a loop but we didnt end up getting back together. what's even funnier is that later about a yeaer or so later (in a drunken stupor to one of my friends) he professed his "undying" love for me and siad iws the best gf he ever had, and he ws still in love wiht me!:eek:and he wanted to marry me. .. we still didnt get back together.

do we keep in touch? = yes. i usually run into him when i go back to boston. we are on good terms :D


first name: paul

hat size= he had a peanut head like a size 7 (yes i know hat


shoe size - 12 (i bought him a couple pairs of sneakers)

eye color = brown

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i was 14 and in the 9th grade... his name was cody... ;) not sure of his hat size or shoe size... he was 16 and still in the 9th grade. he was my bf for about 8 months, i was head over heels for him. folks hated him to old to sorry, etc......

thanks crackie u just brought back some great memories now i am going to drag out the old pics.

i dumped him. got tired of him, etc.... to young to really be in love and he wanted more from me than i was willing to give.

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Question is...when am I not in love?

Hummm...I wait so long in between relationships that by the time I find someone worth my while I am a sucker for it...I have only broke up with one guy in my life...and that was the guy who fell in love with me for his first time.

I think since then karma has been slapp'n me upside the head cause I have been in a series of heart breaks. At least I can't say I never have loved.

I guess the most dramatic was when I was so in love with this guy that I thought he was my soul mate...we had this connection and once I thought we exchanged souls...WHAT...might of just been the drugs...anyway...that is far from over and since then I have learned not to go in heart first.

My latest escapade was great...I really cared about the guy...actually I really loved him...still do...except I got this job and moved to NYC and he remained at home. Soo sad. I being the optomistic enthusiast thought that when I left we could stay together and he could eventually move over here...blah, blah...sorry to say, he didn't agree. So we still talk occasionaly, I wish he would change his mind...but getting back to the topic of this thread, he was the first guy I ever said "I love you" to. So I suppose that would mean he was/is my first love.

I keep my fingers crossed everyday that fates trail will bring us on the same path once again.


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As I left for London, England my junior year of college to study and live there for a year, my mother jokingly said, whatever you do, don't fall in love and tell me you're not coming home...... well, I came home, but I eid fall in love....... he was great, the relationship was great--so great that we had a long distance relationship for 2 more years, visiting each other every two months until the distance finally took it's toll....we're still great friends :)

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Ummmmm -1st time I tough I was in love I was 15 - we went out for a little over year but know looking back on it, I know it was just puppy love, then 2yrs. ago I got involve with "the one you should have never started dating in the first place", fell in love - did'nt end well, actually it never really ended, its on & off again, and it's one of those relationships that is like a rollar coaster & I really wish it would be over.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

45,000 clubplanet readers and only 6 of us have been in love. I'm not sure if I like those percentages.......WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS CROWD?????????????????????????????????????????????

why do you think we all ended up in this scene... ;)

I bet if you posted "who loves drugs" you'd get more responses...


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ohh geeze... lets see...

My first love was definately a case of puppy love.... I was 16 and they guy turned out to be a bastard and would shelter me from friends, verbally abuse me, etc... so I dumped him.

Then I started dating this other guy, fell in love again, and dated him for about 6 months. I don't know whether it was the age gap or the drugs but I dumped him. He wanted marriage... i was just having fun (cmon I was 17)

Then there was this other guy and I thought it might have been love but it was just distance making the heart grow fonder.

But now I am in love, but its different than what I THOUGHT was love so I am hoping that this will last. :D

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Guest tilly


don't even remember his name

we used to run around recess time singing Grease songs (yes, i did grow up in the 80's) & took naps together afterwards

it ended tragically when the year ended and we weren't in the same class in 1st grade.


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Originally posted by rollinahard6

There was this girl named lisa who always wrote my name on the back of her papers every day and chased me around...I didn't love her though..:cool: but I really loved some ones that came later I think.

Maybe there isn't a love?

you little fallout victim... stop using other people's names mark...

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Originally posted by rollinahard6

There was this girl named lisa who always wrote my name on the back of her papers every day and chased me around...I didn't love her though..:cool: but I really loved some ones that came later I think.

Maybe there isn't a love?

. . . Are you TRYING to piss me off shitbag? . . . Cause You're doing a right fucking job of it . . :mad: . . .

. . What I suggest you do, is take that name and forget you ever created it on this board . . . cause if you don't . . YOU and every one of the twisted splinters of that malfunctioning brain of yours is gonna have a VERY serious problem. . . .

. . . Got me freakboy? . . . :mad: . . .

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ya i was in love once....he's actually a member of CP. we went out for a yr. i would have married this kid...but he met someone new at sf. dumped me the next day. and went over to her place the next day after that. WOW! whatever, their relationship is totally based on "e"....i feel bad for them.

basically they are both 2 insecure crackheads who have no ambition. says alot doesnt it.

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i got a story for ya:

[out of the bearded barley

Nightly, beside the green, green grass

Swing, swing, swing the spinning step

i wore those shoes and she wore that dress

beneath the milky twilight

Lead me out on the moonlit floor

Lift up your open hand

Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance

Silver moon's sparkling

down by the broken tree house

Swing me upon it's hanging tire

Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat

We'll take the trail marked on your father's map]

its about a childhood sweetheart that i never had. yet,

whenever i hear this sixpence song (if you haven't already

guessed), i :D smile :D at the thought of this youthfulness

and innocence and playfulness of such childhood experiences.

i'm reminded of the norman rockwell paintings and treehouses

and tire swings and jumping off the docks and into the pond

and lemonade stands and catching fireflies and sharing peanut

butter sandwiches on the front porch with my childhood crush--

the girl next door. it's a lovely thought, isn't it? :)

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