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george is pissed and has been offended lol soem wut

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so i am siting here on aol bell rings i go answer it and its some crazy chick i met at sf a while back lol so i am like wut u want shes like wut do u think of me i was like as in, she was like u know do u think i'm cute i was like well how much u weight she was like 128 i was like your like 5'4 she was no 5'5 i was like wuts that red line on your neck lol not sure it was buggen me had to ask she was like i had surgery but i'm geting more to get it removed i was like uh huh your cute she was like wow u said a nice thing to me i was like not really your not ugly so i guess that makes u cute LoL so she was like eewwww your fuked up i was like i know so then she goes and says wut u really think of me i was like listen i met u and u call me, im me email me or wut ever and i ignore u and i tell u to get hot friends and then i met your friends and they were ugly she was like u met my sis she's not ugly shes cute i was like well shes not really cute so stop buggen me and i was headen back into hosue and she is like your fuked up your no god's gift to women so i was like no sh1t but i'm lucky enough get better looken 1's then u and i liek under my breath said u ugly kunt lol so she is like wut ever u got a hot body but your not that good looken i was like uh huh she was liek wut ever go get a nose job and get off steroidz LoL and then walked to her car threw a candy bar at me and left LoL my life is funny i know i just figured i make a few of yall laugh bout how fuked up the peopel around me are lol it was funny tho but that bitch offended my already known bout bad nose gggggrrrrrrrrr but atleast she gave me a complement i guess she said get off the roidz u fuken jucie head LoL i smiled when she said that then felt bad bout my nose lol and i'm still pissed bout it fuken girls these days are fuked up i mean they will kiss your ass and u call them ugly and they always make fun of your nose and steroidz LoL yall females are mean i swear and most of yall are to spiteful where if u call them ugly they always offend your nose and liften habits these are the reasons i hate females lol and y i just keep a few around but never get serious with any of them

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Originally posted by sexxyh

~~~awww poor georgie! but u know she wanted u if she bothered to go all the way to ur house to ask for ur opinion....some girls are so pathetic!!!! so what do u think of me?? lol j/k:shades2:

yea yea i didn't want her tho thats y i ignored her but she was to stupidto figure it out but any ways girls are spiteful i mean i have a bad habit of being mean and i'll admit i've called alot of girls ugly or fat or both in my time but when ever u tell them that they always say well get a nose job and get off roidz lol i mean i have heard those 2 things atleast 20 times in my life lol but its always after u call them a name which i hate i mean a girl will kiss your ass try to hook u upp or even try to get with u but as soon as u let them know ther not your type or that u think ther ugly they always say u got a nice body but u got a bad nose and get off the steroidz cause your fake LoL girls are fuked up, and this is all i gotta say and now i am tryen to get my other girls to fuk that skank up and no 1 is helpen out ggggggrrrr hate life and i hate my nose and that bitch offended it gggggrrrrrrrrrr

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~~~listen g i dont think u should even bother worrying about what she said......and yeah girls are spiteful but apparently she liked u enough (big nose and all) to go over there and ask u if u like her......it's all about confidence...some people made negative remarks to me at some point i really dont give a fawk tho..im confident enough to know i look i good (im not being conceited!) so those ppl who got some negative to say are just haters u cant please everyone:shades2:

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Originally posted by sexxyh

it's all about confidence...some people made negative remarks to me at some point i really dont give a fawk tho..im confident enough to know i look i good (im not being conceited!) so those ppl who got some negative to say are just haters u cant please everyone:shades2:

very well said.. i totally agress with you helen :)

George... dont let it bother you.. girls are pathetic! But she probably got pissed b/c she had the guts to go to your house to ask you if she looked good.. and she was so confident about herself that you would say she does and you didnt tell her what she wanted to hear... oh well.. thats her bad.... and for the nose thing... no one is perfect....and if we were all perfect life would be so boring and you would have no one to make fun of.. :laugh: jk

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Originally posted by bebby6919

very well said.. i totally agress with you helen :)

George... dont let it bother you.. girls are pathetic! But she probably got pissed b/c she had the guts to go to your house to ask you if she looked good.. and she was so confident about herself that you would say she does and you didnt tell her what she wanted to hear... oh well.. thats her bad.... and for the nose thing... no one is perfect....and if we were all perfect life would be so boring and you would have no one to make fun of.. :laugh: jk


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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Hahahahahaha she threw a candy bar at you! LMAO that's priceless! You know, maybe it had something to do with the fact u called her a cunt... that could have brought on that nose comment, just speculating ;)

yeah i have a bad habit of being nice to people and then relazen that i shouldnt' be nice to them cause i hate them or don't wanna be seen around them and then i end up being a dik LoL and bout her i called her a ugly kunt LoL fuk it tho u get used to being called sh1t after a while cause i pretty much have told every girl i hated them at some point and then they have pretty much called me a prick and has told me to get off the roidz and that i need a nose job or clearsil LoL after word :tongue: lol so i guess i deserve it some wut but it didnt 'bug me that much cause i know the bitch just said sh1t cause i called her a ugly kunt but hhmmm after a while of hearen the same things lol it makes u think i mean i hate my nsoe i had like 2 nose jobs lol i broke it a few times so i had it set and now its just wide which i hate but i mean u call a bitch ugly they always make fun of my nose or skin and tell me to get off roidz lol its odd its like all them know each other cause they all pretty much say the same sh1t this 1 didnt 'say sh1t bout my skin tho so i guess i'm good in that area these days ;)

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Originally posted by shook

so i am siting here on aol bell rings i go answer it and its some crazy chick i met at sf a while back lol so i am like wut u want shes like wut do u think of me i was like as in, she was like u know do u think i'm cute i was like well how much u weight she was like 128 i was like your like 5'4 she was no 5'5 i was like wuts that red line on your neck lol not sure it was buggen me had to ask she was like i had surgery but i'm geting more to get it removed i was like uh huh your cute she was like wow u said a nice thing to me i was like not really your not ugly so i guess that makes u cute LoL so she was like eewwww your fuked up i was like i know so then she goes and says wut u really think of me i was like listen i met u and u call me, im me email me or wut ever and i ignore u and i tell u to get hot friends and then i met your friends and they were ugly she was like u met my sis she's not ugly shes cute i was like well shes not really cute so stop buggen me and i was headen back into hosue and she is like your fuked up your no god's gift to women so i was like no sh1t but i'm lucky enough get better looken 1's then u and i liek under my breath said u ugly kunt lol so she is like wut ever u got a hot body but your not that good looken i was like uh huh she was liek wut ever go get a nose job and get off steroidz LoL and then walked to her car threw a candy bar at me and left LoL my life is funny i know i just figured i make a few of yall laugh bout how fuked up the peopel around me are lol it was funny tho but that bitch offended my already known bout bad nose gggggrrrrrrrrr but atleast she gave me a complement i guess she said get off the roidz u fuken jucie head LoL i smiled when she said that then felt bad bout my nose lol and i'm still pissed bout it fuken girls these days are fuked up i mean they will kiss your ass and u call them ugly and they always make fun of your nose and steroidz LoL yall females are mean i swear and most of yall are to spiteful where if u call them ugly they always offend your nose and liften habits these are the reasons i hate females lol and y i just keep a few around but never get serious with any of them

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The fuckin heffer through a candy bar at you?!?! OMG HAHA

yo you shoulda stepped on it and made her eat it like they did in that 80's movie, The Monster Squad. TheMonsterSquad.jpg

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Originally posted by quoth

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The fuckin heffer through a candy bar at you?!?! OMG HAHA

yo you shoulda stepped on it and made her eat it like they did in that 80's movie, The Monster Squad. TheMonsterSquad.jpg


I almost forgot about that movie.

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Originally posted by bebby6919

ok so george doesnt use punctuation or spell check get over it... these comments are getting old.. oh wait i mean they have been OLD! :rolleyes:

I dont think its trying to make fun of him grammar so much as it is having a hard time reading his long posts.

I mean George, if you can take the time to put 1's in your sh1t's, i can only assume you can at least stick in a "," and a "." anywhere


(who cares where it is at this point with u)

~the point being that after a long time of computer viewing, paragraph's like that look like scambled words hun~

anyways on the topic of whatever, when one insults someone, they should only expect a backlash. . .noone excpet a moron would sit there and take verbal abuse. . .

So you called her ugly, she said you have a big nose.

If you were to call her an idiot, she would call you egotistical or something. . .catch my drift? :confused:

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Originally posted by clubkat

I dont think its trying to make fun of him grammar so much as it is having a hard time reading his long posts.

I mean George, if you can take the time to put 1's in your sh1t's, i can only assume you can at least stick in a "," and a "." anywhere


(who cares where it is at this point with u)

~the point being that after a long time of computer viewing, paragraph's like that look like scambled words hun~

anyways on the topic of whatever, when one insults someone, they should only expect a backlash. . .noone excpet a moron would sit there and take verbal abuse. . .

So you called her ugly, she said you have a big nose.

If you were to call her an idiot, she would call you egotistical or something. . .catch my drift? :confused:

no sh1t, i mean that wasn;t the point the point of the post was that girls are spiteful ;)

and every 1 is bitchen bout my grammer well dont' fuken read it then u stupid fuks LoL if any 1 doesn't wanna read sh1t avoid it i mean it's simple to avoid just like it's simple to read cause serious a , . " those aren't maken any thing more interesting to read so if u don't like it that i don't use them then stop readen wut i right yall fuken loser's :laugh: cause serious 1 dont' wanna be half of yall's friend any ways i mean i post to crack joeks on people and to kil ltime not to make friends so on the real if your a lsoer just stay the fuk away from my topics cause i'm not gonna like u any ways so y bother wasten your and my time buggen me

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Originally posted by bebby6919

ok so george doesnt use punctuation or spell check get over it... these comments are getting old.. oh wait i mean they have been OLD! :rolleyes:

i am only saying that i have a hard time reading his posts...never said anything about punctuation or spelling...but these are the main reasons why they are so hard to read...


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Originally posted by sassa

i am only saying that i have a hard time reading his posts...never said anything about punctuation or spelling...but these are the main reasons why they are so hard to read...


uh..... sorry?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :laugh:

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Originally posted by sassa

i am only saying that i have a hard time reading his posts...never said anything about punctuation or spelling...but these are the main reasons why they are so hard to read...


His posts hurt my eyes.

No offense dude, they are just hard to read.

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Originally posted by shook

no sh1t, i mean that wasn;t the point the point of the post was that girls are spiteful ;)

and every 1 is bitchen bout my grammer well dont' fuken read it then u stupid fuks LoL if any 1 doesn't wanna read sh1t avoid it i mean it's simple to avoid just like it's simple to read cause serious a , . " those aren't maken any thing more interesting to read so if u don't like it that i don't use them then stop readen wut i right yall fuken loser's :laugh: cause serious 1 dont' wanna be half of yall's friend any ways i mean i post to crack joeks on people and to kil ltime not to make friends so on the real if your a lsoer just stay the fuk away from my topics cause i'm not gonna like u any ways so y bother wasten your and my time buggen me

You know, your head is as empty as a eunuch's underpants...

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