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I fucking hate those morons...

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...who go behind the news camera and stupidly wave at the camera, yelling on their cell phone "yo mami! what's up!" (as if anticipation to greet their friend is building up so much that they can't hold it until they arrive home), while a reporter is giving details of a horrific murder and the description of the suspect for TV...

WHAT THE FUCK, YOU DUMB MUTHAFUCKA!!! let them work and be respectful!!! what the flying fuck!!!! i feel like fucking hacking those stupid muthafuckas with a blunty ax...fucking sheep...

...well, now got that off my chest....anyone feel exactly like i feel? :)

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That is so f'n true. Someone goes on a murder spree, 20 peeps are dead, and some cock-snot is waving behind the camera trying to give shout-outs to pookie and ray-ray and saying hi to his baby's mamma's, mamma...etc.

Tell me this though...anytime there a huge incident with tons of witnesses, reporters always find the doofiest bastards to interview...good laughs!!

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omg that pisses me off to no end man. show some respect my god. The worst is when there's a fairly decent lookin female reporter talkin and you got your ghetto trash jumping around swinging from their vines in the forest crying for attention.:mad:

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Originally posted by spragga25


That is so f'n true. Someone goes on a murder spree, 20 peeps are dead, and some cock-snot is waving behind the camera trying to give shout-outs to pookie and ray-ray and saying hi to his baby's mamma's, mamma...etc.

Tell me this though...anytime there a huge incident with tons of witnesses, reporters always find the doofiest bastards to interview...good laughs!!

hahaha how fucking funny would it be anytime they interviewed someone after some fucked up accident they'd give shout outs at the end like hot 97 style

"so what have you witnessed"

"it was horrible, dead bodies everywhere, the tanker rear ended the truck and flipped and blew up"

"do you have anything else to add?"

"yeah.....yo yo yo i wanna givea shotout to my boy pepe, manny, my girl lulu, nili and mili wassup love yall yo to my mama too and and my sistah lele and ma boy jojo wassup yo! peace out yo reprazent east side."

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Originally posted by somebitch

i hate people who drive in the left lane and arent passing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

. . . give me your car then . . . :tongue: . . problem solved! . . .

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Hahah, this is such a true-2-life topic.

It all seems to be what Warhol talked about, getting your "15 minutes (or seconds) of fame. But what a low, deprecable way to do it :rolleyes:

But Don't you remember Jim Carrey in In Living Color when he was mocking all those idiots who do it?/? Freaking Classic :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by somebitch

i hate people who drive in the left lane and arent passing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

lady im gonna have to give you a citation for PWI (posting while driving). $4000 fine, suspended license for a year and you have to go to those driving schools for drunks where they show cute little babies getting their heads ripped open by people driving while boozing and talking on their cell phone.

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. . . seriously though . . On the topic of people who gawk in front of the camera . .

.. . . Yeah, the whole "breaking news" gawk (people dying, occasionally something on fire in the background, and Larry the town Sociopath waving like a kindergartener on crack because he's never seen a camera in his life . . ) . . is bad an all, but the gawker who takes the cake . . .

. . .The ULTIMATE gawker is the street-level-news-room gawker . . You all know what I'm talking about . . All these rubes from Asspinch, Iowa who are in the "Big City" just HAVE to stand in front of those heavy plate windows for their fleeting 15 fucking seconds of TV time intrusion . . . The POINT of that setup is to show NEW YORKERS going about their business on NEW YORK streets . .. NOT showcase a bunch of drooling midwestern school children . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . seriously though . . On the topic of people who gawk in front of the camera . .

.. . . Yeah, the whole "breaking news" gawk (people dying, occasionally something on fire in the background, and Larry the town Sociopath waving like a kindergartener on crack because he's never seen a camera in his life . . ) . . is bad an all, but the gawker who takes the cake . . .

. . .The ULTIMATE gawker is the street-level-news-room gawker . . You all know what I'm talking about . . All these rubes from Asspinch, Iowa who are in the "Big City" just HAVE to stand in front of those heavy plate windows for their fleeting 15 fucking seconds of TV time intrusion . . . The POINT of that setup is to show NEW YORKERS going about their business on NEW YORK streets . .. NOT showcase a bunch of drooling midwestern school children . . .

What about TRL and those STUPID FUCKING KIDS screaming and moaning at the camera to get a shot of the top of their head amongst the crowd on MTV.......

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Originally posted by spragga25


That is so f'n true. Someone goes on a murder spree, 20 peeps are dead, and some cock-snot is waving behind the camera trying to give shout-outs to pookie and ray-ray and saying hi to his baby's mamma's, mamma...etc.

Tell me this though...anytime there a huge incident with tons of witnesses, reporters always find the doofiest bastards to interview...good laughs!!


i'm a damn library too, imma bit my left finger off to keep from laughing!!!!! baaaaaaaaaaaaahahhahaaaahahhah!!!!!!!!!

-daniela :rock:

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How can those reporters Katie Couric (who's ugly as sin) stand being surrounded by hundreds of screaming fans into the camera. Who are those stupid mothafuckers anyway? Where are they from and why are non-New Yorkers (or even New Yorkers for that matter) fans of a morning news show? :confused:

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

How can those reporters Katie Couric (who's ugly as sin) stand being surrounded by hundreds of screaming fans into the camera. Who are those stupid mothafuckers anyway? Where are they from and why are non-New Yorkers (or even New Yorkers for that matter) fans of a morning news show? :confused:

I've always wondered about those m0f0s because... don't thay have a JOB or something else bettah to do? or shouldn't they be out lookin' for a job or doin' something beside trying to get their head shot show for the 1.5 seconds?

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Originally posted by dr0ne

"do you have anything else to add?"

"yeah.....yo yo yo i wanna givea shotout to my boy pepe, manny, my girl lulu, nili and mili wassup love yall yo to my mama too and and my sistah lele and ma boy jojo wassup yo! peace out yo reprazent east side."

so true.. i hate people like that... no respect at all.... and the people who wave around in the back, if you wanna be on tv just stand there quietly.. people can see you, no need to act like a complete moron!!

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