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Dj Breakthrough Night At The Roxy

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

i was considering trying to make up a demo for this, but have basically decided it aint' worth it.. theres no way it would ever be picked.. aside from the fact that my mixing is still way inferior to the majority of the dj's who'll be entering, my style is nothing like what they're looking for.. they're not gonna pick someone playing tech, breaks, and *real* house... they're all about the ktu big room jp vocals...

thats becasue you suck:laugh: :laugh:


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I so don't agree w/ the second half of this. The first half is spot on. Don't bother making a demo unless you want t oplay for that crowd, but I don't think richie hawtin's demo would get picked and i'd be hard pressed to name a better dj

Originally posted by djustinh

The problem is, is that too many people have lost sight of "rocking a room."

If its a KTU crowd, then jesus christ, play the KTU vocals. Why? Because when you leave that building, and your crowd leaves the building, they are goin to say "holy shit, he rocked it" becuase you did in fact play KTU accapellas all over the place. Right there, you won the masses over. Who cares if theres 10-20 people that say, "Yo wtf man, wtf where is all the deep tribal grooves?"

If you have what it takes, you should be able to adapt to any room, period. Keep in mind, play to that crowd, make them happy if your up and coming, once you win them over, you if you have the balls, and the mentality, you can start to play how you want and win them over in that sense.

but logically if you can win them over on the style of music THEY want, you've already stepped up a notch. that "staying true to your music" bullshit doesn't fly anymore. win them over, then change. :D

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Originally posted by djustinh

The problem is, is that too many people have lost sight of "rocking a room."

If its a KTU crowd, then jesus christ, play the KTU vocals. Why? Because when you leave that building, and your crowd leaves the building, they are goin to say "holy shit, he rocked it" becuase you did in fact play KTU accapellas all over the place. Right there, you won the masses over. Who cares if theres 10-20 people that say, "Yo wtf man, wtf where is all the deep tribal grooves?"

If you have what it takes, you should be able to adapt to any room, period. Keep in mind, play to that crowd, make them happy if your up and coming, once you win them over, you if you have the balls, and the mentality, you can start to play how you want and win them over in that sense.

but logically if you can win them over on the style of music THEY want, you've already stepped up a notch. that "staying true to your music" bullshit doesn't fly anymore. win them over, then change. :D

I completely disagree with this... just goes to show integrity is hard to find in the dj business. If you gotta sell yourself out just to get some attention, then its no wonder you say 'staying true' is bullshit. If I was spinning, I'd much rather have 20 heads appreciating the GOOD beats being played, than 500 people liking shit that's already been fed to them by KTU, and I'm just regurgitating it for them.

there's a difference between working a crowd with shit you actually went to the record store to dig up that rocked YOU in the shop, and spoon-feeding them the same old crap.

If they leave saying 'holy shit he rocked it' b/c you played KTU vocals, then you can go ahead and have that radio-friendly crowd. Dirty techno beats are what get me off, and if my crowd ain't along for the ride, then they're in the wrong joint!

KTU is NOT the beat of New York! It is POP music!

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Originally posted by djustinh

The problem is, is that too many people have lost sight of "rocking a room."

If its a KTU crowd, then jesus christ, play the KTU vocals. Why? Because when you leave that building, and your crowd leaves the building, they are goin to say "holy shit, he rocked it" becuase you did in fact play KTU accapellas all over the place. Right there, you won the masses over. Who cares if theres 10-20 people that say, "Yo wtf man, wtf where is all the deep tribal grooves?"

If you have what it takes, you should be able to adapt to any room, period. Keep in mind, play to that crowd, make them happy if your up and coming, once you win them over, you if you have the balls, and the mentality, you can start to play how you want and win them over in that sense.

but logically if you can win them over on the style of music THEY want, you've already stepped up a notch. that "staying true to your music" bullshit doesn't fly anymore. win them over, then change. :D

thats the funniest thing ive read all day....keep em coming:laugh:

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Originally posted by djustinh

The problem is, is that too many people have lost sight of "rocking a room."

If its a KTU crowd, then jesus christ, play the KTU vocals. Why? Because when you leave that building, and your crowd leaves the building, they are goin to say "holy shit, he rocked it" becuase you did in fact play KTU accapellas all over the place. Right there, you won the masses over. Who cares if theres 10-20 people that say, "Yo wtf man, wtf where is all the deep tribal grooves?"

If you have what it takes, you should be able to adapt to any room, period. Keep in mind, play to that crowd, make them happy if your up and coming, once you win them over, you if you have the balls, and the mentality, you can start to play how you want and win them over in that sense.

but logically if you can win them over on the style of music THEY want, you've already stepped up a notch. that "staying true to your music" bullshit doesn't fly anymore. win them over, then change. :D


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Originally posted by djustinh

The problem is, is that too many people have lost sight of "rocking a room."

If its a KTU crowd, then jesus christ, play the KTU vocals. Why? Because when you leave that building, and your crowd leaves the building, they are goin to say "holy shit, he rocked it" becuase you did in fact play KTU accapellas all over the place. Right there, you won the masses over. Who cares if theres 10-20 people that say, "Yo wtf man, wtf where is all the deep tribal grooves?"

If you have what it takes, you should be able to adapt to any room, period. Keep in mind, play to that crowd, make them happy if your up and coming, once you win them over, you if you have the balls, and the mentality, you can start to play how you want and win them over in that sense.

but logically if you can win them over on the style of music THEY want, you've already stepped up a notch. that "staying true to your music" bullshit doesn't fly anymore. win them over, then change. :D

i love this. you're not even joking right? if it was me posting this ppl would be "hahahaha funny guy" but seriously i don't even know what to say. i can't disagree with you, because its like my mindset and yours (if you're serious) are just on different fucking dimensions altogether (and i'm not saying you or me are better, just completely out of phase). oh well there's a little something for everyone in this city.....that's why different people chill at different places i guess.

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Originally posted by djustinh

The problem is, is that too many people have lost sight of "rocking a room."

If its a KTU crowd, then jesus christ, play the KTU vocals. Why? Because when you leave that building, and your crowd leaves the building, they are goin to say "holy shit, he rocked it" becuase you did in fact play KTU accapellas all over the place. Right there, you won the masses over. Who cares if theres 10-20 people that say, "Yo wtf man, wtf where is all the deep tribal grooves?"

If you have what it takes, you should be able to adapt to any room, period. Keep in mind, play to that crowd, make them happy if your up and coming, once you win them over, you if you have the balls, and the mentality, you can start to play how you want and win them over in that sense.

but logically if you can win them over on the style of music THEY want, you've already stepped up a notch. that "staying true to your music" bullshit doesn't fly anymore. win them over, then change. :D

thats the thing... your wrong b/c its wouldnt' be *my* crowd.. it would be KTU's crowd... winning the masses over is easy and spoon feeding the crowd what they want to hear is the simple means of doing so... yet its requires no creativity, which is what the club scene has been based on over the years and what is REALLY the problem these days.. if you think the fact that people pushing the envelope and testing the limits attempting to be creative, original and form their own sound is what is WRONG w/ the scene, then imho you are sadly mistaken.. your approach only reinforces the conformity of the big rooms in NYC today... by simply playing to a crowd to hear them cheer for you(when in fact it is just you entering the self perpetuating sphere of unoriginality and contributing, ironically, nothing) you become a jukebox... a puppet... your not rocking the room, the big vocal is... simply put, if you can mix, then you could play a big room by just dropping jp's or hex's latest big vocal... some cheesy tribal in between for a couple tracks.. then another bomb... thats fine, but its not what i choose to be about...

your rationale as far as "adapting" to a room only goes so far... imo, if you go into a room and you know they like it deeper, play it deeper *if you play that style*... by your logic, if the metallica was having a concert, and the crowd looked like it enjoyed country instead, they should start playing garth brooks songs... doesnt' work man... my whole point in the post, and one reinforced by randy and yourself initially, is that i play music i like.. tracks that i enjoy and feel are an expression of my preferences in music... songs that actually have feeling and meaning to me... the roxy crowd does prefer that... it likes jp, thunderpuss and all the other ktu stuff... therefore, i would not submit a demo, b/c it would not work...

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~~~ i nkow what u mean about staying true to the music, BUT would u rather be true to it and be broke or play for the crowd, make ur $$ make a name for urself and then play for 50k a night in your own style.........hmmmmmmmmm jst think about it:idea:

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Originally posted by sexxyh

~~~ i nkow what u mean about staying true to the music, BUT would u rather be true to it and be broke or play for the crowd, make ur $$ make a name for urself and then play for 50k a night in your own style.........hmmmmmmmmm jst think about it:idea:

believe it or not, there are indeed people that place artisitc integrity over fame and fortune.

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Originally posted by Randy

believe it or not, there are indeed people that place artisitc integrity over fame and fortune.


someone with sense on this board finally.

people.....believe it or not (yes i know this may shock some of you)....but many DJs get into it for the music and SOLELY for the music, not for fame, fortune, pussy or otherwise.

that's the difference between the wedding/radio DJ and the more "artistic" DJ. When I go to see someone spin, I don't want the DJ to play what he thinks the ppl wanna hear.....i want to be surprised, hear new shit, get in on the vibe coming from the DJ, not the other way around. its just a different way of thinking....nothing against all wedding DJ's out there, but there's a difference.

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Originally posted by sexxyh

~~~ i nkow what u mean about staying true to the music, BUT would u rather be true to it and be broke or play for the crowd, make ur $$ make a name for urself and then play for 50k a night in your own style.........hmmmmmmmmm jst think about it:idea:

thought about it a million times.. that's called SELLIN OUT! if you have no soul, then doing it for the money shouldn't even phase you. Personally, like I said earlier, I would MUCH rather have 20 appreciative heads in the house AND be broke, as long as I was still playing the music I enjoyed, and I think other people might enjoy as well. The minute you compromise your own interests just to make a buck is the minute integrity goes down the drain. Obviously, some people don't really care about that.

On that note.. come to Homegrown tonite!! I'll be playin tracks that I picked out, that :eek: you might never have heard! 12-1 see ya there!

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sorry djjustinh but you yourself described what a sell out is....that is the worst...i cant fucking stand going to a club and hearing the same shit on everymain floor...hence the problem with large clubbing today....

remember the tunnel...everyroom had its own exclusive sound...even exit when it first opened its fri party was ill...roxy is ktu...who needs a dj..just have the station broadcast into the club...same thing,....i can rock that room with ktu tracks and i cant even mix....

this is why ive been resorting to clubs like shelter and centro...small rooms filled with music heads and great dj's.....

and lets not forget arc now....bringing in the heavy fucking hitters....i just wish nyc had a large room where howells and teneglia can tag team it at......

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Originally posted by msoprano13

roxy is ktu...who needs a dj..just have the station broadcast into the club...same thing,....i can rock that room with ktu tracks and i cant even mix....


I havent seen you at Roxy since classics night. I've posted about this earlier also....the fact that KTU is there seems to bother people a lot more than it should. They have a booth set up and they do one announcement, if that, and then they're done. As far as the music, maybe its not to your liking but its not as bad as your exaggeration is calling it. Do i hear some tracks at roxy that are on KTU right now? Yes. Usually early on before the majority of the crowd is there, its a method dj's use to get THAT CROWD on the floor. As far as this opportunity roxy is offering, I dont think people realize or maybe they're just "too big' to understand. How many times will an opportunity like this come along? A chance to play on the MAIN FLOOR or a slamming NYC club (no matter what people think of the crowd) on one of the best systems in NYC. The chance to have your name adverstised on flyers and on KTU so that their 3.2 MILLION listeners hear of your name....??!!

Me, im not into spinning for the money--I am in Law School and will make all the money i need thru that-- one of the other reasons that DJ's spin is for the LOVE OF THE MUSIC and the chance to impact other people by spreading YOUR vibe to them. I cant even count the number of times i've walked out of a club and felt the impact that dj left on me saying I WANNA DO THAT 4 PEOPLE...but sadly this biz we're in is a bit backwards-- and to even get that opportunity to play on some stages, you have to sell tickets or bring x number of heads to spin for an 20 mins before you get kicked off for the guy who brought more people..

I consider myself an upcoming dj. Most people have no clue who i am. But by spinning on a main floor in NYC, even if just for an hour, and even if i feel like I can't play the exact tracks that I like, and by having that radio and flyer exposure--I feel like i can get more opportunities (and by excelling there and getting to possibly come back to open for johnny and spin for an hour on ktu!!!???) then you can begin to institute your own style into the mix and begin to bring that up to the point where promoters are calling you to come spin the stuff you love b/c now the crowd demands it.

It seems like everyone on here has a problem with adapting to the crowd, and the idea im seeing is that playing to the crowd is "SELLING OUT" ... then i guess im a sell out. From spinning parties when i was in 6th grade, to Teen nights i spun, to college bars where i played Limp Bizcuit remixes, to exit where i played hard to Abyss where i play tribal, I like my crowd to have fun & enjoy themselves. I have my own style and I know what I like, you can check my cd's that i make to hear what I like. But when it comes to the live performance of a dj, when theres 100 people or 1000 out there....you are there to please them unless you are PVD or someone that people have shelled out 50 bucks to come see u spin.

I'll finish this manifesto off with something DT said at WMC at one of the panels....Someone asked him a question pertaining to the rumor that he listens to every single track he's given....he answered that indeed did, and he spends much time every week preparing for his friday crowd and for his other engagements. He said he listens to every record and cd not just to pick out what he likes, but what his crowd will like.

Mike BuGouT

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and i wont be at roxy.....maybe just one time to hear vicious...once a month is better for him......

but why go to roxy when i know the majority of the songs that are being played....

i heard casselle and i cant remeber the other dude at centro....completely fucking sickness...i couldnt id one track the whole night,....

i went to shelter to hear lawler and morillo tag team all night long....fucking ridiculous.....these 2 were getting nuts in the booth jumping all over the place.....

if i didnt have class id be at hybrid tonight to hear another ridiculous set of dj's....

sorry to say by ojeda and rizzo and tessetos do nothing for me.......

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Originally posted by djmikebugout


I havent seen you at Roxy since classics night. I've posted about this earlier also....the fact that KTU is there seems to bother people a lot more than it should. They have a booth set up and they do one announcement, if that, and then they're done. As far as the music, maybe its not to your liking but its not as bad as your exaggeration is calling it. Do i hear some tracks at roxy that are on KTU right now? Yes. Usually early on before the majority of the crowd is there, its a method dj's use to get THAT CROWD on the floor. As far as this opportunity roxy is offering, I dont think people realize or maybe they're just "too big' to understand. How many times will an opportunity like this come along? A chance to play on the MAIN FLOOR or a slamming NYC club (no matter what people think of the crowd) on one of the best systems in NYC. The chance to have your name adverstised on flyers and on KTU so that their 3.2 MILLION listeners hear of your name....??!!

Me, im not into spinning for the money--I am in Law School and will make all the money i need thru that-- one of the other reasons that DJ's spin is for the LOVE OF THE MUSIC and the chance to impact other people by spreading YOUR vibe to them. I cant even count the number of times i've walked out of a club and felt the impact that dj left on me saying I WANNA DO THAT 4 PEOPLE...but sadly this biz we're in is a bit backwards-- and to even get that opportunity to play on some stages, you have to sell tickets or bring x number of heads to spin for an 20 mins before you get kicked off for the guy who brought more people..

I consider myself an upcoming dj. Most people have no clue who i am. But by spinning on a main floor in NYC, even if just for an hour, and even if i feel like I can't play the exact tracks that I like, and by having that radio and flyer exposure--I feel like i can get more opportunities (and by excelling there and getting to possibly come back to open for johnny and spin for an hour on ktu!!!???) then you can begin to institute your own style into the mix and begin to bring that up to the point where promoters are calling you to come spin the stuff you love b/c now the crowd demands it.

It seems like everyone on here has a problem with adapting to the crowd, and the idea im seeing is that playing to the crowd is "SELLING OUT" ... then i guess im a sell out. From spinning parties when i was in 6th grade, to Teen nights i spun, to college bars where i played Limp Bizcuit remixes, to exit where i played hard to Abyss where i play tribal, I like my crowd to have fun & enjoy themselves. I have my own style and I know what I like, you can check my cd's that i make to hear what I like. But when it comes to the live performance of a dj, when theres 100 people or 1000 out there....you are there to please them unless you are PVD or someone that people have shelled out 50 bucks to come see u spin.

I'll finish this manifesto off with something DT said at WMC at one of the panels....Someone asked him a question pertaining to the rumor that he listens to every single track he's given....he answered that indeed did, and he spends much time every week preparing for his friday crowd and for his other engagements. He said he listens to every record and cd not just to pick out what he likes, but what his crowd will like.

Mike BuGouT

you guys don't seem to get it...

what msoprano, randy, lasix etc and i are saying is that if you dont' like a style of music that a particular type of crowd enjoys, then thats not your crowd(musically) and therefore simply dropping ktu cheese to hear them cheer is selling out.. there are no two ways about it...

if you have to drop a big room nyc ktu vocal just to regain the crowd then you are not meant to be playing for that crowd.. either you style just doesnt' mesh w/ their's, or your just not even creating the desired vibe when using the big vocals(though this is nearly impossible.. as i said early, formula for reaching the roxy crowd = latest hex mix... followed by some cheese tribal... jp's latest... robbie riveras anthology... then either an old school hex or jp track and you've got em...)

if thats your thing, by all means, do what you like, no one is even criticizing you for your style which is what your misunderstanding here... we're simply saying, if your not big on the ktu stuff, you shouldn't just play it for the "fame"... that makes you the equivalent of britney spears or some boy band manufactured using the model someone else already coined... perfect example: vicious... when he remixed react in '98 he started a different type of sound that went over huge... next thing ya know everyone damn dj and producer is out there making similar shit until that sound gets stabbed to death and no one except 13 year olds in massachusetts who just got their latest "underground dance hits volume 10^9343898343"(the ^ means exponential) this is what hinders any kind of change in origniality and creativity in big rooms in the city... which is what i believe i said originally...

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Not to toot my own horn too much but I would point out that at one of the openings I did for Vicious at the Roxxy I got the whole room clapping to one of the tracks I threw down.

Here is a few hints:

It wasn't a vocal.

It wasn't cheesey.

It was a break.

Can anybody tell me what track it was?

Just goes to show you that you can throw down some underground tracks for that crowd and get them to like it . I guess you just have to have the guts to try.

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~~~exactly! its all about educating the crowd...if all they know is cheese b/c thats all they've been exposed to then u educate them by throwing in some tracks they never heard of.....chances are they'll like it........thats what happened at arc DD threw down ready steady go and noone knew what it was and the club went nuts!!! when they found out that it was by oakenfold they were shocked.......u see if draper would throw down a good track once in a while im sure his followers would like it and learn something new..the thing is he doesn't do it.......

~~~if u don't plan on making djing a career then u SHOULD spin what u like.........if u do wanna make it a career there is nothing wrong with exposure.........its like actors who start out doing low budget or teen flicks and go on to make better movies and win oscars.......u need to make urself known in the industry and yes it sucks that it has to be that way but unfortunately it is........

just my $5.....dont start drama:shades2:

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Originally posted by laraver

Not to toot my own horn too much but I would point out that at one of the openings I did for Vicious at the Roxxy I got the whole room clapping to one of the tracks I threw down.

Here is a few hints:

It wasn't a vocal.

It wasn't cheesey.

It was a break.

Can anybody tell me what track it was?

Just goes to show you that you can throw down some underground tracks for that crowd and get them to like it . I guess you just have to have the guts to try.

thats great and all bro.. and not that i dont' respect your skills, but i wouldn't exactly say your style(from what i heard at roxy) strays *tooooo* far from what that crowd likes... although it was only a handful of times i caught your sets and i could easily be mistaken...

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not to start any drama like i do usually :laugh: but its funny how reading this and other threads.....you can pretty much classify the people in this board into 2 different types. i'll leave it up to your imagination to figure out what they are. neither are better than the other, just different, like apples and oranges. i have friends on both sides of the camp and i can say no one is a better person than the other. its just funny how we get into arguments like this when we're fundamentally different in so many ways....but i'll tell ya its always interesting to hear what other ppl have to say no matter how different from your way of thinking it might be.

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Here's my opinion on the whole ordeal......

I am not going to side with anyone here, let that be known right off the bat, but I am going to state my opinion.

You get booked at a certain club/lounge/gig for a reason. Someone has heard you before either by being there live, by CD, demo, or maybe even reputation. Nobody would put you in front of a crowd like say Exit Friday nights if you spun jungle......it would confuse the shit out of that crowd. However, managers as well as promoters will fill you in accordingly if they think you can handle their party. How do they know that? Well first, they have to know your style and what you are know to do up there.

If your style happens to cater to the crowd then unfortunately, you don't have a style. You are just another dj that may or may not have a reputation with no vision or direction.

I see spinning as an art form, it has to be you. You lay out the music that you like and has purpose and feeling to you. Along with that comes the energy and the flow that is so goddamn necessary......the crowd can tell when you are into it and you are really laying it forth. Along with playing through your set you feed off the crowd, you don't cater to it. If your set is groovy, then people will dance....if it is boring (ie. repititive, dull, lackluster, generic, etc.) then people will sit around and complain.

When you go in there, you bring it. If you are opening up for a more high profile dj then you obviously hold back a little, but if your on as the mainroom dj, you play what you do best. People will still enjoy it.

In other words......don't be a fucking sellout. You sell out, you're gone...see you later. Its gonna be a while before you earn your reputation and, most importantly, respect again.

You bring me to Roxy on a KTU night......thats right, I said it......I will bring the same style that I bring every week to Pseudo, the same style I brought to that brand new Homegrown party, the same style I brought to Vibe/Insomnia on a weekly basis, and the same style I brought at the three State Of The Union parties I played in northern NE.

I would sincerely hope every other dj out there would give their best to keep to what they do.

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jon i agree with almost everything u said--

but i dont think that catering to a crowd involves selling out--or at least, not having a style....

When i spin vocals, its vocals that i like, that i sing along to like a lil bitch when im in the booth jumping around....

when i spin trance, its trance i like, it gets me real mellowed out but the buildups get me hoping around going crazy

when i spin hard trance i get into a nice flow and pump my fist endlessly

and when i spin house and tribal (which is what im really feeling right now) I go crazy....like a madman, never stopping to talk to anyone or rest--constantly doing something

i feel and love all 4 types of music stated above....so if i go to spin and trance isnt going over well....i can move to house and tribal --work the crowd and still stay tru to myself...

i agree with the artist comparison also---too many mp3 dj's these days have no clue what that or a flow is about...:rolleyes:

Mike BuGouT

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Listen up dj's...we believe sincerly this is a good thing for everyone who dreams of playing music for a crowd. Already club owners have contacted mike rizzo who also think this is a wonderful idea...who knows where this can go. Maybe, hopefully, more and more doors will open for everyone down the road..and more and more clubs will allow talented djs an opportunity to be heard..everyones music will be respected..just be the best you, you can be...there are going to be qualified people honestly listening to your demo cd's..(because of the amount of cd's that will probably be presented is the reason why they've asked for a 30 minute set)...On the night the four dj's will spin (and this is very important) it doesn't matter if your first or last on the night. It doesn't matter if there are 300 or 3000 people in front of you..you will be judged for your set based on the following factors:....CREATIVITY...PROGRAMING...ARRANGEMENT...MIXING SKILLS...The order of the four finalists will most likely be either their names pulled out of a hat or maybe the finalists will themselves pull a number from 1 to 4 out of a hat. Whatever it is, it will be simple and fair. And to all those dj's who weren't picked, it doesn't mean you don't have incredible talent and potential..it just means that in every election, in every contest, and like the movie "ON ANY SUNDAY" one team wins and one team loses. as long as you try...give it your best shot..have fun..there's always tomorrow...I can't begin to tell you, how many dj's over the years I have worked with who today have become top dj's, producers and remixers. . when we get together, we laugh about the days when we did teen nights, college bars, obscure rooms that are gone now, the crazy owner stories and more. . Even though these are hard times we're in because of everything thats going on around us..they're still wonderful and exciting. .If you have a friend who's a dj..encourage him or her to submit a cd..and the ones that are picked to be a finalist..support them all...to those people who constantly assert their identity through negative attention on the board..to those people who use the board as a vehicle to be heard.. maybe this one time you'll give it a rest...you may or may not realize the emotional damage you do by putting something like this down. Perhaps a dj who wants his music to be heard, win or lose, might be to embarrased to enter because of negativity on the board and decides not to submit their cd. ..what a sin to have lost an incredible music opportunity for the future...

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