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Guys, i need yer help, support, prayers anything!!!

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1st off i am not tryin to come off as a drama whore here....2nd...for the most part i DO keep my personal life off the boards and like to remain that way...but in this instance i dont even know who or what to turn to cause none of my friends are around right now and the girl i was seeing, i am no longer seeing, so i kinda have like no one right now to immediately turn to but listen...

i really need yer prayers and shit or anything for my mom and my personal situation...no she is not dying or anything but mentally she has gone off the deep end and there is no coming back. Not until now have signs of her mental illness shown visibly as they have this past week and a half, though the problems has been there for years and just gotten progressively worse.

At 21, i just had to witness my mother removed from my household and i am still young and jesus christ that just was the hardest thing i just saw. But she has been talking sucidal lately and me, my sister and my father had no choice but to do this and get her help because we feared for our own lives as well.

I mean no one can possibly understand my fucking saddness right now from a bunch of things that have happened to me lately but yet i just move on with life and say fuck it...this is what is meant to be...but seeing my mother...the woman who gave birth to me...the woman who has nurtered me...the woman who without her conception i wouldnt be the 6' 4" guy that i am today...seeing her say to me before she goes to be evaulauted "listen, i want you to stay with yer aunt in brooklyn...she will take care of you best...your never gonna see me again...i love you michael." that is right there the truly saddest 2 minutes of my entire fucking life cause my mother practically just told me that A) she won't see me cause she will be in a mental ward B) she is contemplating suicide...

Now all i have been doing all day and even right this minute is cry like a motherfuck at this situation cause it didnt have to be like this but sometimes life gives you no choice...but this has been ongoing and only now has reached the end of the line and my worst fear now is that in her evaulation they say that is fine when we know she is not. But what is done is done.

I know you people are prolly like why the fuck is he talking about this...but i honestly dont care about the attention factor..i care for the release and venting factor cause no one can understand all the negative things happening in my life as of late...but i strive and just move on and live and try not to let it affect me.

So all i ask is for some reassuring words even if u completely cant stand my posts or the persona of "QUOTH" i am very desperate right now and still fear my mother taking her own life.

I just thank anyone who took the time to read MY personal life drama which i chose to post about.

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Wow Mike, I'm so sorry to hear that... I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through, or to offer any advise... my best wishes go out to you and your Mom and your family... I hope she can beat her personal demons and that you can all be whole again soon.

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wow, so sorry to hear about all this. but i'm sure that she will get lots of help at this place. i've worked in a "mental ward" before and have had many positive experiences with the patients there. i've seen people who have attempted suicide many times walk out of the place looking foward to living another day. the therapists and psychologists are very supportive and knowledgable and i'm sure they will do everything they can to help your mother get better. hope this helps....:smile2:

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I'm sorry to hear this news, mike. This sure must not be easy since it is your mom, and all that.

I know how hard it is to lose one of your parents. And the fact that this is a mental illness and that she is still there must make it even harder...

But be strong, you have faced tough times before, just keep your head up!

i will pray for her and hope that you stay strong and support her in this tough time.

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whoa man. u mentioned this briefly the other day, but i didnt really know wut u were talkin bout or how serious u were when u said somethin bout ur mother's mental problems. i kinda laughed it off thinkin it was just one of those things ppl say , like "my parents are crazy" or somethin like that.

yo thats gotta be a terrible thing to see. ive had some crazy shit go down in my family during my life. lts of fucked up drama, ppl takin away, deaths, arrests, all stupid shit.

and ive lost a parent too and its some fucked up shit. i hope this all works out for u, ur family and ur mother. all my prayers go out to ya bro :aright:

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I am prayin for ya kid. It may not seem like it at times, cause more often then not when it rains, it fuckin POURS. These are the times where we have to stay strong and look toward our faith, not stray away from it.

You are always being watched over, even when it does not seem like it.

Feel better Kid


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No accusations of drama whore here.

Mike, I sincerely hope that, for the sake of your whole family, that your mom gets better. Keep your head up, I hope for nothing but the absolute best for you and your family.

Keep ya head up, chief.

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Your not alone in this situation my friend.

I went through the same thing 10 years ago.

You have to be strong for her...and mostly for yourself.

Do not slip or falter from whatever your working on.

Have courage...give her all the unconditional love you can.

Let time heal.

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Mike, sweetie, my best wishes and prayers are with your mother and you and the rest of your family.. mental illness is one of the hardest things to deal with because of it's nature and all the confusion that goes on in the psyche.. it's one of the hardest things to understand as well.. please stay strong and know that there are people that care very much about you and your well-being as well as the well-being of your mother and the rest of your family. Please take care of yourself and try to stay strong. I know you don't know me all that well, but feel free to IM me or even throw me a call (not sure if you have my cell number still) if you'd like to talk. If there's anything I can do, just let me know. Send my best wishes to the rest of your family as well. Sorry to hear this is going on in your life. But I promise, after the thunderstorms and the rain, there is a rainbow to be found. Take care dear.

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I don't post much, but I do read the board, and to see a post like yours makes my heart melt. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this, and if I could just for one day, give you positive energy or positive reinforcement, and make you know that having faith in whatever higher power you choose will bring you through this then I would feel complete. So please, be strong, surround yourself by caring, loving people, and have faith....Everything will work out.


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I'm so sorry hun. Please remember the things I said to you yesterday. And DONT hesitate to call me. (I'm gonna PM you my work number). Beleive me, I know what youre dealing with right now, and it is the hardest shit you will ever go through. All I can say is, you are strong, and you CAN get through it, and you WILL be stronger for it in the end. Dont be too fatalistic either. She CAN get better. You guys did the right thing.

you're in my thoughts babe.


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Wow Mike! I am really sorry to hear about your situation...

Losing a parent in death or mentally is a really hard situation to deal with...

Just remember to keep your head up and remember you never know what tomorrow brings...it can bring a bucket of sunshine..so just think positive and keep strong....situations always have a way of working themselves out....

I wish the best for you and your family...

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Mike......my situation wasn't as bad as yours, but I had to deal with a lot with my mother too. Most of it had to do with her going through menopause and completely freaking out.....but things panned out later down the road.

This might just be a stage she is going through, some confusion in her psyche. Don't think its the end of the world cause its not. If your mother needs the attention of professionals, so be it. It will only help her out in the end.....remember that.

Don't kill yourself over this. As selfish as it might sound, you gotta keep your head on your shoulders and keep yourself focused otherwise you will spiral down the beaten path......I have seen and experienced this first hand. You might have to take out your aggression....but do it in a constructive manor.....take up a physical activity or something. You know my situation with wrestling, beating the shit out of people every day was like mini-therapy.

Just whatever you do, don't forget that you are still young and you got a lot to look forward to.

I wish you all the best.....good luck.

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