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What's the most fucked up thing you've EVER seen?

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Or PARTY...?


Here's mine:

*Bloody male on male Anal Sex

at the Tunnel! (nice!)

**A drag queens Fake breast leaking as

she ran off screaming in horror at Twilo...

***OD of girl choking on vomit at Limelight...

****A girl sitting on a bottle at

a Rave (only to realize the bottle wasn't coming back out

too easily thanks to the wonders of suction)


(Sorry but with all that other shit I mentioned some of

those guys with shaved backs, juicy spikes, mustaches and

no shirts on still take the cake!)


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I don't see much in clubs -- I tend to ignore pretty much everything except the music, my dancing, and my own friends -- but...

I live 2 blocks from a hospital. Saturday morning I was on my way to buy breakfast when a car came speeding around the corner and lurched up onto the sidewalk. Four kids about my age jumped out and opened up the back seat, from whence they proceeded to pull a young girl, a friend of theirs. She was unconscious and her body was limp. One of the larger men hoisted her over her shoulder and proceeded to run toward the emergency room.

An onlooker -- not the brightest individual -- exclaimed, "Why are you carrying her over your shoulder?"

To which the man replied, "She's dehydrated -- alcohol, drugs, the whole nine yards!"

I'm guessing she was no longer breathing... :(

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- Watching one of my friends OG after ingesting about half a bottle of GHB accidently

- Watching a girl go into cariac arrest after using too much cocaine

- Watched some guy get brought into the emergency room after having a massive coronary, he had pink vomit dribbling down the side of his face onto his chest.

- Finding a Tek junkie that I knew in a pool of his own vomit/shit/piss after he dissappeared for a coupla days.

- Experienced the horror of being propositioned for oral sex by a 15 year old girl in exchange for pills

. . . there are others . . :( . . .

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I've been clubbing since the early 80s so I've seen my share of some things. But the most memorable was this girl was soooo wasted she couldn't even stand up, open her eyes, talk, nothing....

.... So, she's sitting on the floor, leaning on the speaker, and she just pulls down her pants and takes a dump. Nothing big, borderline water and clumps. I didn't realize what it was until the smell got to us, and we looked over and there she was just poopin' away! This happened back in like 89' or so at Palladium, and that was the one thing I will NEVER forget. The girl was really cute too. Don't know what happened to her, the bouncers didn't throw her out, they just picked her up and took her to the office. I didn't see anyone go up to her as if they knew her, but she kept saying... "I LOST MY HUSBAND, I CAN'T FIND HIM ANYWHERE!" It was the funniest, yet, saddest thing I've ever witnessed at a club.

- Optic.

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Originally posted by brickhouse

Funny but gross.....saw a girl puke on some guy's knob at a frat party once....

Yeah, you don't need illegal drugs to get fucked up... alcohol will do quite nicely.

One night in college, I stumbled into our dorm bathroom at about 3am and almost slipped on the tile floor. I looked down and saw one of my hallmates lying completely naked in a pool of his own vomit.

I went to the shower to wash my feet and found that he'd done a number in there, too... went down the hall to another shower, washed up, and got back into the hallway just in time to see him walking back to his room, still naked...

This same guy later broke his hand punching through a small door window while drunk... *shakes head sadly*

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...i saw a used Hypodermic needle on the floor of a club in Ibiza...

...i saw a guy on a stretcher taht looked like he was going into seizures & foaming at the mouth @ Extrema Festival in Holland

...i saw a whole bunch of drag queens at the Tunnel YEARsss Ago having some sort of sex session in the "FUZZ Room"

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

...i saw a used Hypodermic needle on the floor of a club in Ibiza...

...i saw a guy on a stretcher taht looked like he was going into seizures & foaming at the mouth @ Extrema Festival in Holland

...i saw a whole bunch of drag queens at the Tunnel YEARsss Ago having some sort of sex session in the "FUZZ Room"

what club in Ibiza?

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i havent really seen much sick shit inside clubs... but one time at limelight i was going into the girls bathroom at like 5am when the bathroom attendants were already gone, to find some guy jerking off in the stall next to mine.... :puke: makes me sick to my stomach every time i think of it

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i've seen:

people shooting heroin at the back of a bar in the hague, holland

people pull guns on bouncers at the front of a club in DC

dealers dropping their stash on the inclined walkway of a club in london...and then the other dealers/runners and patrons scrambling to pick up the 50 odd pills that had fallen

people too fucked up to find/make it to the bathroom...and pissing in the corner instead

semi/un-conscious people rolling around in that piss + vomit and adding to it.

people not wearing shoes inside a club (i'll never understand that, not even on the dancefloor)

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the one thing I remember clearly is a girl hitting another girl over the head with a bottle and it breaking and the other girl's head gushing blood like a hose, the towels turned bright crimson with her blood and towel after towel just kept filling with her blood.

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Originally posted by mugwump


Or PARTY...?


Here's mine:

*Bloody male on male Anal Sex

at the Tunnel! (nice!)

I have seen this as well at the Tunnel

(not so nice!)

Once at Tunnel, my friend Charlie was talking to me but he had my friend Joeys face and my friend Darrell's voice was coming out!

No shit.

I was so freaked, I just closed my eyes for about an hour.

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There is ALOT of shit I seen,

From cracked out drug dealers Droppin their money on the bathroom floor in Asbury Park.

To a 4 girl Lesbian scene at Essence 4, All sorts of sex, a couple layin on the floor @ this party called Velvet havin sex.

And the most distrubing scene was when I was @ Vinyl a few years ago. I n the Vip room there were these 2 spanish guys, they had these 2 little white girs all drugged up and just feeding them more and more K. Taking advantage of them in the worst way. I had to leave the room cause I was so disgusted I was gonna flip my shit on them

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A was talking to a friend at the bar across from Drapers booth (old exit) and i see this guy come up to this girl he sits down and starts hugging up on her... she tried to push him away but he was very persistant she finally freed herself from his grasp and stood to get away to see a girl come flying at her (the guys girlfriend) the girl threw two punches which landed on the girls eye and mouth... the result was a huge welt on her eye and her front tooth getting chipped real bad... i helped the girl down to security she was bleeding bad from her mouth and none of her friends were around... real horrible.

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this is nothing compared to some of the stuff you guys have seen, but my friends and i usually have an afterhours get together at one of our friends house. he has turntables and usually spins the night away while we all enjoy party favors. well this one night, everyone decided that taking G and popping E and drinking would be a lot of fun. i was the only one that didn't take the G because i take a CNS and they shouldn't be mixed (well same goes with K as well but.....) but i was rollin face. anyways, my friend slips into a G coma, then another friend, then another friend. so i am here with 3 friends all in G comas, rollin face not knowing what to do, no one is responding to anything, their bodies were lifeless but they WERE breathing thank god. we waited and waited for hours (still spinning records tho, and my friend who was spinning records with me had taken a lot of G but was fine). they were not waking up. we kept moving them a little to see if they would come out of it, learned that is not what you should do. so then they started vomiting in their comas, one was making a gagging sound in his sleep, it was just gross. we made sure to have them all on their sides so they wouldn't choke on the vomit. i had to leave and after i left they came out if it, but the friend who was spinning records finally collapsed behind the turntables and went into his coma, at one point i was told he was banging his head against the wall. it was pretty much a sketchfest.

we do have some funny AND gross pictures from the whole event

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

Damn! You've seen some crazy things!

I saw Niki picking her big nose after realizing she snorted too much K at Vinyl. I also witnessed her propositioning 2 gay males (won't mention who) for a blow job in exchange for 2 Lolita Holloway vocals.

u must not like her very much....

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~ Drama @ Limelight, gay pride weekend '99...some guy was dancing next to me on stage and falls on my foot and goes into convulsions...10 minutes later he ODs...right by my foot.

~ 59th & Lex, rush hour...naked cracked out black woman on the street beggin for $ while sitting in her urine/shyt/vomit

~Kurfew @ Tunnel '98...on line in the bathroom, get hit on by butch dyke to be saved by some guy who the next minute ties a turnicate (sp?) on his arm and shoots up.

~Tunnel, same year...see some poor lil girl passed out being molested by 5 nasty guys.

~Twilo, PVD July '00...in need of some air, so I open a door that I thought lead to the street, actually lead to the security room..there was a guy face down in a pool of vomit and blood with his pants down around his ankles...walk out 3 hours later and the ambulence is there to take the med student who ODed away.

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