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Just curious...who is afraid of heights?

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...a friend explained to me once while we were overlooking the grand canyon, that most people dont realize that your fear may actually be of jumping as opposed to the height itself...ever since then, i cant help but think that for me at least, this is true...i'm not afraid of being that high but the fact that i want to fuckin leap out and soar and fly...well..to try at least...

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man this is pretty fascinating reasons and shit.

The reason i ask is cause the kinda work i do has me going up on machines 30-40 ft in the air with just a harness for support and maybe putting a 75 lb box on a steel rack..and this other new guy i happen to work with said to me, he is deathly afraid of heights and i asked him how come? he said similiar reasons...basically that he feels like he is gonna fall off.

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One of my ex's was deathly afraid of heights.....to the point she didn't even like to be on a porch of a third story appt. Her reason was that she felt she had no control of her balance at that height. Now here's the kicker....she was on the track team so being that she was an athlete and all, her balance should have been excellent.

I think its more of a mental issue, like a fear that only therapy can really cure.

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...my pops used to work at GM in Linden...at one point, he was on a 25ft ladder working on some lamps or something (he was an electrician)...the ladder started to shake and teeter...instead of going down with the ladder, he jumped off...fortunately, he landed flat on his feet - no bones were broken but his feet were so bruised he missed work for almost two weeks...unfortunately, the ladder never fell - either it stabilized after he jumped or he had one too may gyros that day...

the man has no fear of heights...we re-roofed the house together...not that high but walking around three floors up with nothing to hold onto can be interesting to say the least...

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everyone is afraid of heights to a point - self preservation. even people who rock climb and stuff (like me)...its healthy. gives you an edge and keeps you sharp.

totally different is the "unreasoning" fear of heights where you lose your balance and stuff. that's like a whole different issue. this is called vertigo and is a medical condition

as for the jumping off thing: yeah its pretty common. happens mostly when you look out to the horizon and you just want to go there...to jump off and soar and stuff. happens mostly when you are pretty high up on something. i totally get that which is why i won't drop acid on top of a mountain ;)

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. . . I am and I'm not . . It's an odd thing with me . . Its like . . I'm not afraid of the actual height issue, its the falling part like someone mentioned . . . I'm the type of person that will instantly flash 30 different outcomes to any given situation . . I have control over it to an extent but at the same time it just happens automatically . . And unfortunately, the outcomes that flash through my head include the negative as well as positive (this happens alot when I'm waiting for the subway trains . . I'll flash falling onto the tracks then in some cases seeing myself climb out and others seeing not-so-nice outcomes) . . you know what I'm saying? . .

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Originally posted by barvybe

ahh...so much fun. but tandem jumping kinda blows. its not scarey at all...u'r so high up that there is no fear of heights IMO

i have yet to experience this yet, but my friend who did said the same thing...he said the only fear you have is the initial jump from the plane...and that's it...damn...i'll still do it at some point but maybe i should look into handglidng...

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Originally posted by barvybe

ahh...so much fun. but tandem jumping kinda blows. its not scarey at all...u'r so high up that there is no fear of heights IMO

Whatever.....I just know that when I go skydiving I'm gonna be screaming like a little bitch the whole way down

Then get plastered afterwards knowing that I'm still alive

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well, suit yourself

my first jump i was last one outta the plane. i'd just be rock climbing for like 2 weeks in CA and was so calm that the jump master was like "what's up? you wanna do a back flip or something?"

the jumping wasn't scary at all...the first second or two is kinda uncomfortable cause u'r accelerating. once you hit top speed though its like you're weightless in a wind tunnel...mad cool...flipping around and stuff.

when you pull the shoot you get a jerk but then just floating nice and easy, checking shit out.

i did go get drunk after though...i was in vegas.

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I always thought I had a fear of heights, but after reading this thread I guess like everyone said its more of a fear of not having control of my balance and jumping. Every so often I have the same reoccuring dream of walking along a huge bridge (similiar to like the Whitestone) and being stranded, as I lose my balance. Seriously, b/c of this dream, I dont think I would ever be able to walk across one of these bridges.

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Originally posted by barvybe

everyone is afraid of heights to a point - self preservation. even people who rock climb and stuff (like me)...

hey do you live round here...you been up to the gunks much?

i am going to new jersey rock gym tonight anyone want to come?

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Originally posted by hoke

I'm afraid of heights and I'm not sure why -- it's definitely not that I'm afraid I'd jump. But whenever I stand near a ledge/cliff/whatever, I feel I have no control over my balance. It's quite frightening...

I completely feel that same way.

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