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Why does everyone hate glowsticks so much?!

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There is so much anger towards people who "VIOLATE" clubs by bringing glowsticks in... why is this?... somewhere down the line did you get struck by one in the face and develop a hatred towards these glowing plastic toys that has stripped you of any tolerance to them?!... is it a glowstick phobia?... i dont get it! if someone enjoys doing glowsticks and some people enjoy watching them why would someone go so far as to say "Glowsticks should be banned?" does this make sense or am i just ranting?

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Glow sticks are for little kids on 4th of July. Yeah, they were great when I used to go to raves, but they have no place in a good club. As soon as I see glowsticks, I know there has to be kids under 21 there. People that are obsessed with glow sticks need to get a new hobby. The DJ, music, and lights should be entertainment enough - go talk with your friends or learn how to dance.

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Glosticks are fun and I am amazed the way people do them......I can tell you that:

1: I am over 21

2: I dont play with my strings unless it is not crowded

3: I have RESPECT for ppl around me!

4: And most important...I look cute doing them!!!!!

GlowGirl <---------Clapping for all the talented Glowstick and String PPL!!!!!!


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Glowsticks are a necassary & fundamental part of the club expirience. I agree sometimes people doing strings and glowsticks take up priceless real estate, but its definetley fun eye candy to watch as long as no one is hurt. The people that do get hurt are the ones that are dicks and decide they want to step right into the path of the glowstick or the spinner. People that act that way should be shmacked hard in the face.. When I go out I enjoy watching people work a crowd and add to the lifestyle. I respect those who do glowsticks on strings cause I have tried messing around with them and know that there is a lot of concentration and skill that is involved otherwise you smack yourself in your own face. As well as those who do glowsticks without strings only cause there are like mad people watching them... And you have to admit if you have ever been heavily sedated by subtances it does look sick.... :idea::laugh:

All you haters better recognize....:laugh::D

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Originally posted by rdancer

Glowsticks are a necassary & fundamental part of the club expirience. I agree sometimes people doing strings and glowsticks take up priceless real estate, but its definetley fun eye candy to watch as long as no one is hurt. The people that do get hurt are the ones that are dicks and decide they want to step right into the path of the glowstick or the spinner. People that act that way should be shmacked hard in the face.. When I go out I enjoy watching people work a crowd and add to the lifestyle. I respect those who do glowsticks on strings cause I have tried messing around with them and know that there is a lot of concentration and skill that is involved otherwise you smack yourself in your own face. As well as those who do glowsticks without strings only cause there are like mad people watching them... And you have to admit if you have ever been heavily sedated by subtances it does look sick.... :idea::laugh:

All you haters better recognize....:laugh::D

werd! you try sticking and not bug yourself out... lol!

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pro-glowsticks here. I think they add to a clubs atmosphere. If you're nasty with em', fuck it, put on a show. Some of the kids you see out at the clubs are just amazing. It's a form of dancing, one thats really cool to watch. it just sucks that they're now always associated with drug use at clubs, even though the two really do go hand in hand. the whole string thing I'm not that big a fan of though. I mean, they take up way too much space and a lot of the kids I see doing them aren't very good. unless a kid is just absolutely rediculous with the strings, then they're just taking up space.

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well everyone's entitled to their own opinion and mine is the following:

i think they look stupid as fuck.

although if you're using them WITHOUT THOSE FUCKING STRINGS then go ahead its none of my business. But if i'm trying to dance and get wacked by one of those shits on these 10 feet strings that take up half the club, i will fucking tie you up with those fucking things and shove those stick things so far up your ass you'll have your fucking mouth glow in the dark when you open to scream. PLUR d000000dzzzzzz. :aright:

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Originally posted by dhisler

Glow sticks are for little kids on 4th of July. Yeah, they were great when I used to go to raves, but they have no place in a good club. As soon as I see glowsticks, I know there has to be kids under 21 there. People that are obsessed with glow sticks need to get a new hobby. The DJ, music, and lights should be entertainment enough - go talk with your friends or learn how to dance.

i need a new hobby an i too am over 21 an my friends can t teach me to dance.......wait a sec thats not right:idea: lemme try this again i do have a hobby an i am over 21 but ...i still can t dance so im stuck playin with those kiddie toys made for what i thought was for halloween tho i could be mistaken:aright:

Glowsticks are a necassary & fundamental part of the club expirience. I agree sometimes people doing strings and glowsticks take up priceless real estate, but its definetley fun eye candy to watch as long as no one is hurt. The people that do get hurt are the ones that are dicks and decide they want to step right into the path of the glowstick or the spinner. People that act that way should be shmacked hard in the face.. When I go out I enjoy watching people work a crowd and add to the lifestyle. I respect those who do glowsticks on strings cause I have tried messing around with them and know that there is a lot of concentration and skill that is involved otherwise you smack yourself in your own face. As well as those who do glowsticks without strings only cause there are like mad people watching them... And you have to admit if you have ever been heavily sedated by subtances it does look sick....

couldn t have said it better myself:hat:

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