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Quoth Went To SF Last Night For The 1st Time (no Joke).


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Originally posted by cluadiaishot

The women in sf look like old crack whores who are past their partying days!!!! they look good casue the club light hides their wrinkles and cellulite!!!!!!!

i would disagree somewhat..

in the club i think some of the them look good.. its outside that they look terrible, especially in the summer when the lbs of makeup or melting off...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

Sue (nycchic) has been tellin me to go to a Sat. SF party for mths now..ive just been hard-headed....now i def. gotta go

:tongue: now will you go?!

and Quoth -- heheh :D (again) GREAT REVIEW! glad you had such a good time

so now when suthrnbelle comes up to visit, YOU WILL come with us ! (no excuses ;) )

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Originally posted by teklord310

Yo Quoth...

Lemme know, i'd like to hit up SF on a Sunday Morning

no thanx...i don't wanna scare the girls away...thats my job. I roll solo....unless with my partner in crime.

p.s. Can i just kindly point out...that ONE PERSON CANNNNNNNN MAKE A DIFFERENCE?

This one thread has had more people actually wanna check out factory than any other thread i have ever seen.

But you know what??

All you fuckin haters will prove nothing but hypocracy.

The deal is done...i was never a hater but then again i never really knew WHAT TO THINK about the club...i choose to go on my own..and did so...and had the time of my life even though i didnt do much...you can not escape the vibe...and for me its interpersonal and though its totally not Tunnel...it personally gives that vibeytunnel-ish feel to me in particular and for that...which i havent felt since July 2001 (when Tunnel closed) is a great feeling.

So for all you haters and whiny cunts sf sucks this and that blah blah...

don't just go there cause Quoth had a good time and good review...go there for yerself and enlighten yer mind and learn to be unbiased...and a beliver.

i did? ;)

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Originally posted by somebitch

SF is ok if you dont mind shirtless sweaty guidos rubbing up against you everywhere you go. :rolleyes:

shirtless sweaty guidos has been around longer than u and i combined.

besides....more or less any fuckin club u go to u dealwith guidos, shirtless or not...some are ok..some arent...you take the good with the bad and the bad with the good....there is no such thing as nitpicking when at a club.

you deal with the enviroment or instead you just stay home and smoke hydro like you choose to. :D

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Originally posted by highmay

done, you retarted piece of shit...

man you just don't learn when to stop fuckin with my people do you?

guess that talk was all a load of bullshit huh?

its one thing to joke jaime...but magilicuti don't joke and u basically put yer foot in your mouth so i dont wanna be playing fuckin father separating u too morons cause of words said on clubplanet

AND DO NOT FUCKIN DO THIS BULLSHIT IN MY THREAD ...go find one of danwilsons boring topics to do it in. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by magilicuti

that girl thing can be said for any club. and if you think otherwise you are an idiot.

that is not what this thread is about anyway. this is pro sf

definetly true that people in general coming out of a club look like shit no matter where it is...

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

Fighting never sloves anything... instead work out ur differences in a game of yahtzee!

....YAHTZEE!!!!!!!:bounce: :bounce:

....boy....u better whatch yourself.....i roll dice like nobody's business.......

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AHHHHH I sErIoUsly LOVE ReAdInG pOsTs LiKe ThIs!!!! I aM @ SF EVERY SuNdaY (w/ HaWaIi, He KnOwS.hEhE)

bUt SeRiOuSlY..I LOVE wHeN nEw PpL gO tHeRe, AnD fEeL tHe WaY tAaT u Do..I mEaN hOw CoUlD yOu NoT!?!?..fOr PpL tHaT rEaLly HATE oN SF..cAn'T cHaNgE uR mInD, wHaTeVeR..pPl HaVe ThEiR oPiNiOnS...jUsT lIkE yEaH, I lIkeE dRaPeR bUt I HATE eXiT....

aNyWaY tHoUgH, tHe ViBe AnD jUsT eVeRyThInG aBoUt SF Is So AmAzInG aNd ReAlLy CaN't Be ExPlAiNeD, uNlEsS yOu Go!!!!! i MeAn, SoMeThIn AbOuT iT mUsT bE gOoD aBoUt It ThAt I hAvE tHiS sIcK aDdIcTiOn AnD gO tHeRe EvErY wEeKeNd!!!!!!

JuSt EvErYtHiNg YoU sAiD iS sO tRuE, aNd So MuCh MoRe, DaMn It, WhY iS iT tUeSdAy??? I wAnNa Go NoW!!!!! aNd He OwEs It To Us ThIs WeEkEnD, aFtEr ThAt BuLlShIt ClOsInG oN sUnDaY....kIcKeD uS fAwKeRs OuT iNtO tHe RaIn!!!(aNd I SwEaR tO aNyOnE tHaT wAs ThErE tHaT wAs NoT MEEE sItTiN oN tHe StEpS aFtEr It ClOsEd...LoL)

AnYwAy, I dOn'T kNoW wHaT eLsE tO sAy~AnYoNe ThAt'S nEvEr BeEn...Go!!!!! aNd W/iDs AnD sHiT, i Am OnLy 20 ToO aNd I uSuAlLy UsE mY oWn Id...DePeNdS iF pArIs Is At ThE dOoR wHeN u GeT tHeRe AnD iF sHe LiKeS yA i GuEsS....i HaVe BeEn GoIn FoR lIkE 4 yEaRs NoW, sO sHe KnOwS fAmIlIaR fAcEs AnD lEtS pPl In 18+ SoMeTiMeS, i GuEsS tO pLaY iT sAfE tHoUgH, iF u WoRrIed...SeRiOuSlY....gEt ANYONES iD tHaT kInDa LoOkS lIkE yOu... DeF nOt StRiCt At AlL, eSpEcIaLlY iF yOu A gIrL...i HaVe NeVeR sEeN eM tUrN a GuRl DoNe...Ok...EnOuGh TaLk AbOuT SF bEfOrE i Go CrAzY!!!!!!!!!

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AHHHHH I sErIoUsly LOVE ReAdInG pOsTs LiKe ThIs!!!! I aM @ SF EVERY SuNdaY (w/ HaWaIi, He KnOwS.hEhE)

bUt SeRiOuSlY..I LOVE wHeN nEw PpL gO tHeRe, AnD fEeL tHe WaY tAaT u Do..I mEaN hOw CoUlD yOu NoT!?!?..fOr PpL tHaT rEaLly HATE oN SF..cAn'T cHaNgE uR mInD, wHaTeVeR..pPl HaVe ThEiR oPiNiOnS...jUsT lIkE yEaH, I lIkeE dRaPeR bUt I HATE eXiT....

aNyWaY tHoUgH, tHe ViBe AnD jUsT eVeRyThInG aBoUt SF Is So AmAzInG aNd ReAlLy CaN't Be ExPlAiNeD, uNlEsS yOu Go!!!!! i MeAn, SoMeThIn AbOuT iT mUsT bE gOoD aBoUt It ThAt I hAvE tHiS sIcK aDdIcTiOn AnD gO tHeRe EvErY wEeKeNd!!!!!!

JuSt EvErYtHiNg YoU sAiD iS sO tRuE, aNd So MuCh MoRe, DaMn It, WhY iS iT tUeSdAy??? I wAnNa Go NoW!!!!! aNd He OwEs It To Us ThIs WeEkEnD, aFtEr ThAt BuLlShIt ClOsInG oN sUnDaY....kIcKeD uS fAwKeRs OuT iNtO tHe RaIn!!!(aNd I SwEaR tO aNyOnE tHaT wAs ThErE tHaT wAs NoT MEEE sItTiN oN tHe StEpS aFtEr It ClOsEd...LoL)

AnYwAy, I dOn'T kNoW wHaT eLsE tO sAy~AnYoNe ThAt'S nEvEr BeEn...Go!!!!! aNd W/iDs AnD sHiT, i Am OnLy 20 ToO aNd I uSuAlLy UsE mY oWn Id...DePeNdS iF pArIs Is At ThE dOoR wHeN u GeT tHeRe AnD iF sHe LiKeS yA i GuEsS....i HaVe BeEn GoIn FoR lIkE 4 yEaRs NoW, sO sHe KnOwS fAmIlIaR fAcEs AnD lEtS pPl In 18+ SoMeTiMeS, i GuEsS tO pLaY iT sAfE tHoUgH, iF u WoRrIed...SeRiOuSlY....gEt ANYONES iD tHaT kInDa LoOkS lIkE yOu... DeF nOt StRiCt At AlL, eSpEcIaLlY iF yOu A gIrL...i HaVe NeVeR sEeN eM tUrN a GuRl DoNe...Ok...EnOuGh TaLk AbOuT SF bEfOrE i Go CrAzY!!!!!!!!!

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