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NY TIMES: Smoking Banned in Nassau Bars and Restaurants

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How soon before NYC follows suit? I say 6 months...


GARDEN CITY, N.Y., Oct. 7 — Nassau County tonight became the first county in New York to extend its ban on smoking in the workplace to cover all bars, restaurants, bowling alleys and bingo halls.

The County Legislature adopted the law by a 10-to-8 vote, thus winning a friendly competition with New York City and Westchester and Suffolk Counties, which are drafting similar rules that are soon scheduled for hearings.

In an unusual regional move to crack down on tobacco, legislators from all four jurisdictions have met to make their proposals as uniform as possible. If the others follow Nassau's lead, most of the state's population will be covered, increasing the pressure for statewide legislation.

"We're going to steamroll this downstate," said a Nassau legislator, Jeffrey Toback. After the vote, an advocate from the American Cancer Society, William Stoner, said, "Nassau County just made smoking history."

County Executive Thomas R. Suozzi said he would sign the measure, most of which would go into effect on March 1. The ban on smoking at bingo halls is delayed till Jan. 1, 2004. Businesses that allow violations are punishable by fines of up of $250 a day.

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has pushed hard for a similar ban in the city, and the City Council will hold a hearing on the issue on Thursday. The Suffolk County Legislature has a hearing on Tuesday, and Westchester legislators are reviewing their own proposals.

Reflecting the cooperative effort, the first witness at Nassau's hearing today was a visiting Suffolk legislator, Brian X. Foley. "If you pass this," he said, "you will be setting the momentum." He and Legislator Roger Corbin of Nassau were instrumental in extending the efforts in their counties to the city and Westchester.

Upstate is getting in on the act as well. The Legislature in Onondaga County, which includes Syracuse, is considering reversing an earlier vote against a ban, though a dispute on how strict the new measure would be resulted today in legislators' shelving the issue.

California and Delaware have statewide smoking bans for restaurants and bars. Local bans are being discussed in Boston and Chicago.

Nassau's new regulation closes most of the loopholes in the county's ban against smoking in the workplace. The current law, for instance, allows smoking in restaurants that have special ventilation or special seating areas for smokers.

Now, the only exceptions will be for businesses that derive 90 percent of their revenue from tobacco sales and for workplaces in private homes.

Protecting the health of workers is the goal of the law, its supporters said in a news conference before the vote and in a three-hour public hearing here.

"The job I have chosen may contribute to my death," said a statement from James DeVito of Bethpage, who said he has been a bar owner for 17 years. He is a nonsmoker, "but I do smoke whenever I go to work" by breathing the air in the bar. The smoke irritates his eyes and leaves him with a cough, he said.

The secondhand smoke that a bartender typically inhales in a shift is equal to the direct smoke from half a pack of cigarettes, other speakers said, citing studies. Andrea Smith said she got bloodshot eyes, a hoarse voice and a cough as a waitress in Albany. "It's not right that I had to breathe someone else's toxic air to earn a living," she said.

But opponents charged that the law would hurt bars and restaurants, and even put some of them out of business, by driving away customers who smoke.

"I will be financially destroyed," said Steve Gasperini, 51, who recently bought Lisa's Lounge in Baldwin. "Most of my employees are smokers. Basically 90 percent of my customers smoke while they drink." As a Vietnam War veteran, he said, "I get a little choked up that our freedoms are being ignored."

Hoping to block the ban in their county, the Suffolk Restaurant and Tavern Association plans a rally Tuesday in Hauppauge. The group predicts that a ban would cut revenues 30 percent, force layoffs and close many businesses.

The Nassau law passed along party lines, approved by the Democratic majority. The Republicans failed in their proposals to exempt bars and taverns and to allow separate smoking areas in bars and restaurants.

Bars and restaurants have not suffered where bans have been imposed, proponents said, because added patronage from nonsmokers more than offsets business lost from smokers.

"I worked many years to fight these laws, but then I switched to support them," said Paul McIntyre, a former official of the California Restaurant Association, a trade group.

Kathy Zadrozny said that business at her Aegean East restaurant in Hicksville jumped 15 percent to 20 percent when it went smoke-free. Recently she opened the no-smoking Mae Browne restaurant in Huntington — named for her grandmother, who died of emphysema.

The ban's supporters also cited a poll of 1,001 Long Island adults showing that 81 percent did not smoke, 63 percent opposed smoking in restaurants and 52 percent opposed smoking in bars, and many said that they would be more likely to go to smoke-free restaurants, bars and bowling alleys.

Not stopping with workplaces, the smoking ban movement is even venturing into the outdoors. The Nassau law covers outdoor restaurant tables. Huntington town officials recently banned smoking in playgrounds, Mr. Stoner said. And now Oyster Bay is proposing to ban smoking at its town parks and beaches.

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Originally posted by Drunk

This is bullshit. Why don't they go ahead and ban alcohol while they're at it. I'm more worried about tanked drivers on the road than I am about someone puffing away. Fuckin hypocrites.

When you're sitting in a bar having a cocktail you're not endangering the health of the people around you. Unless you're DWI, which has already been OUTLAWED (in theory)...

I think this quote from the article means a lot:

"Bars and restaurants have not suffered where bans have been imposed, proponents said, because added patronage from nonsmokers more than offsets business lost from smokers."

I think ultimately bar owners will prefer higher revenue over happy smokers.

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BUT THESE RULES DO SUCK... I do know what it is like to be at a bar and want that cigarette... It used to go hand in hand with my beer.


Don't people come here for freedom... Yet if you all have noticed it is slowly being taken away from us.

It is like the hands free shit with the cell phones... Think about it... the only thing distracting about a cell phone is when you are dialing. Not when you are talking... and 90% of hands free systems you still have to dial the fuckin phone... So whats next... You are not allowed to hold conversation with the person sitting next to you...


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Originally posted by elementx


BUT THESE RULES DO SUCK... I do know what it is like to be at a bar and want that cigarette... It used to go hand in hand with my beer.

LOL ok well I am no longer a smoker anymore.. So I do understand the cigarette hand in hand with a drink..Yeah it will suck for people to have to go outside to smoke but now thats the law so they have to deal with it..


Don't people come here for freedom... Yet if you all have noticed it is slowly being taken away from us.

It is like the hands free shit with the cell phones...

This is a stupid comment. Some people are retarted with cell phones when they drive. When you have a phone to your ear it will distract you just as much as when you are dialing. I think this is a great law. Its a law and still I see soo many people a day not listening to it. They could have banned talking on cell phones totally while driving. A lot of people die b/c of other stupid people and their cell phone. America is home of the free and they are trying to save lives. If you dont understand that I think you need to re-evaluate your thinking. And god forbid they try to help the people taking in second hand smoke who are trying to have a drink or eat food. Many people develop cancer and die just from inhaling second hand smoke.

I agree with ths law.. I dunno if it will work but I think it a good idea.

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Fuck the non-smokers. If I want to light up at the bar, I should be able to. Alcohol and Tobacco are both considered 'vice' and they, as one would think, go hand in hand. I can understand not wanting to have tobacco on the main floor of a restaurant, but at the fucking bar?? Gimmie a break.

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Well I am from Kali where smoking is banned everywhere. It is good for resturants and stuff but in clubs it sucks. Some clubs in San Diego for instance let you go outside to a roped off area to smoke. Some you have to get your hand stamped to go in and out to smoke. And some clubs won't let you out or else you will have to pay again to come back in.

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Originally posted by LogiKandReasoN

Fuck the non-smokers. If I want to light up at the bar, I should be able to.

Why do many smokers fail to understand the reasoning behind these laws? It baffles me.

The law is being passed to protect the health of employees and patrons. They are not even addressing the fact that it's a matter of common courtesy and respect for those around you.

If I like to listen to music really loud am I allowed to sit a boombox down on the bar next to you? No. Why? It annoys you and might damage your hearing. If my "vice" is to sit at a bar and poke myself with cocktail toothpicks while I have a pint is it my right to poke you with toothpicks also? I might enjoy that so why shouldn't you just sit there and tolerate it? You would probably find it annoying.

A little common sense goes a long way.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by bebby6919

LOL ok well I am no longer a smoker anymore.. So I do understand the cigarette hand in hand with a drink..Yeah it will suck for people to have to go outside to smoke but now thats the law so they have to deal with it..

This is a stupid comment. Some people are retarted with cell phones when they drive. When you have a phone to your ear it will distract you just as much as when you are dialing. I think this is a great law. Its a law and still I see soo many people a day not listening to it. They could have banned talking on cell phones totally while driving. A lot of people die b/c of other stupid people and their cell phone. America is home of the free and they are trying to save lives. If you dont understand that I think you need to re-evaluate your thinking. And god forbid they try to help the people taking in second hand smoke who are trying to have a drink or eat food. Many people develop cancer and die just from inhaling second hand smoke.

I agree with ths law.. I dunno if it will work but I think it a good idea.

No need to be harsh... I just feel that one thing at a time is slowly being taken away from us. I don't think it is a stupid comment at all... Some people can do 2 things at once... Personally I use the hands free because I find it more comfortable. But think about what you are saying. Many things in a car are distracting and they never made a law against it... EATING WHILE DRIVING, PUTTIN ON MAKE UP WHILE DRIVING, READING A NEWS PAPER IN TRAFFIC... I mean think about it... There are a ton of distractions...

As far as the smoking... I believe you should not be aloud to smoke in a restaurant. Even when I smoked I didn't like smoke around me when I ate... But I mean come on... A bar is a social meet up. And for most smoking is involved with social events. I know many non - smokers that will smoke in a bar.

But theres my 2 cents anyway...

We all have our own opinion... No need to says whos opinion is stupid... Or correct... An opinion is just what it is.. An OPINION...

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I am glad they are doing it.

I am a bartender at a restaraunt and the second hand smoke is killing my lungs.

If you wanna smoke, go outside.

I'm more worried about tanked drivers on the road than I am about someone puffing away. Fuckin hypocrites.

If you wanna sound intelligent, learn the definition of "hypocrite" before you use it next time :aright:

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Originally posted by LogiKandReasoN

Fuck the non-smokers. If I want to light up at the bar, I should be able to. Alcohol and Tobacco are both considered 'vice' and they, as one would think, go hand in hand. I can understand not wanting to have tobacco on the main floor of a restaurant, but at the fucking bar?? Gimmie a break.

quit smoking. problem solved.

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I hate people who like to light up their little cancer sticks everywhere they go.

First off its looks BAD.

Plus how many times have i been dancing at a club and had to stop because all the second hand smoke in the air is filling my lungs.

Two times i have vomited at a club because the air to my lungs becomes restricted due to the fact that a lot of these clubs have poor ventulation systems and people are ligthing up one after the other.

and I was sober no drinks or drugs.

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Originally posted by jjcbebe


I hate people who like to light up their little cancer sticks everywhere they go.

First off its looks BAD.

Plus how many times have i been dancing at a club and had to stop because all the second hand smoke in the air is filling my lungs.

Two times i have vomited at a club because the air to my lungs becomes restricted due to the fact that a lot of these clubs have poor ventulation systems and people are ligthing up one after the other.

and I was sober no drinks or drugs.


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Originally posted by jjcbebe


I hate people who like to light up their little cancer sticks everywhere they go.

First off its looks BAD.

Plus how many times have i been dancing at a club and had to stop because all the second hand smoke in the air is filling my lungs.

Two times i have vomited at a club because the air to my lungs becomes restricted due to the fact that a lot of these clubs have poor ventulation systems and people are ligthing up one after the other.

and I was sober no drinks or drugs.


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Originally posted by jjcbebe


I hate people who like to light up their little cancer sticks everywhere they go.

First off its looks BAD.

Plus how many times have i been dancing at a club and had to stop because all the second hand smoke in the air is filling my lungs.

Two times i have vomited at a club because the air to my lungs becomes restricted due to the fact that a lot of these clubs have poor ventulation systems and people are ligthing up one after the other.

and I was sober no drinks or drugs.


I have to agree about tooooo much smoking along with poor ventilation. But I also said this when I was a smoker... My throat would hurt for 1 to 2 days after partying all night... And my cloths would STINK !!! And now I notice it about 10 times more then I did then...

But what are you going to do. Smokers have just as much right to partying as non-smokers... But they should maybe have well ventilated rooms throughout clubs as smoking areas...

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Originally posted by cintron

I'm a non-smoker... and occasionally i puff a clove...

but this law is too broad. Does that mean no smoking in clubs anymore too? Man this sucks!!!!!!

yeah and that also mean's no more cigarette burns on your arms and back and where ever else careless smokers wave their cigarettes... btw this law only applies to nassau county i believe...

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