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Christina Aguilera on MTV!


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I dont know about any of you, but im watchin her Diary right now,

and shit looks FUCKING HOT!!!!

ANd what the hell happend to her boobs? They look almost better than Britneys.

Implants or real?? She did disapear for a while and now she shows up with more wieght and bigger tits...just like Britney did!

SHes so cute and so trashy at the same time, I LOVE IT! :D

ALso, i dunno if im not mistaking but did i see a nipple ring in that photo shoot?


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i didn't get a chance to see her diary but i did see "stripped in new york" -- i definitely have more respect for her after hearing her talk about her album, the songs, taking off, etc...

she seems like a cool chick whos just doing what she wants....

BUT regardless -- britney still kicks her ass!!!!!!

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christina is a better singer, no one can ever deny that...but britney has the pop princess title on lockdown... nothing but a string of bad movies or a trip to rehab(see whitney houston) is ever changing that.

chritina is a hot girl, but she's trying way to hard to be different "Not" to be britney and all the other clones. if i didn't know any better i'd swear she was shakira.

yeah she got a good boob job and put some meat on them bones. she needs to tone it down a bit on the make-up though...she's way to early for halloween..:eek: she's one of those god looking girls that does't nee to cake it on.. or need make-up period. she should just focus more on her talent which she has more of than anyone else fro the micky mouse club

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yes she does have an amazing voice -- better than so many out there....

one thing that also got me -- was how genuinely grateful she was towards her fans and especially to the crowds while performing.. even when carson daly was complimenting her, she seemed so modest.....

i agree w/the make up -- she wears WAY too much eyeshadow and eyeliner... she could look really good if she wanted to, but i guess she just doesn't really care.....

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Hey...I just noticed that you have 1234 posts, as I did the other day. Just thought I'd express this recognition.

Originally posted by mssabina

i'm not getting into this christina vs. britney argument, but i will say that i think christina has an amazing voice... i heard her singing live on mtv today and goddamnnnn can she sing...

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Originally posted by jimk29

she looks like a rat, and her music sucks... not saying Britney's doesn't; I think all that pop shit sucks.

i think shes cute but her music sux... i agree that all pop is no talent garbage, whatever they can market and sell to the masses. i think britney is hotter. ;)

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Originally posted by thehype

Jessica Simpson is alot hotter then Christina. And she has a better voice

have u seen her latley? I saw a picture of her and her boobs were sagging :puke: and what shes like 20-21?

she looks like a normal christan blonde from hickville, nothing special bout her

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Definately the fotoshoot was sweet!

I would expect Christina to end up in Playboy a lot faster than Britney now. But i do agree with the respect that she has for her fans and the success that she achieved.

Jessica Simpson doenst look good to me at all.


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how dare u say jessica simpson is better then anyone? if your gonna mention pop divas... u know damn well, that mandy moore is holding it down. i like her better with the dark hair....but isn't she like ummm underage... i'm not even sure i'm even suppose to be looking at her...speaking of which, anyone know how long before, it's ok to look at the olsen twins in that future maxium cover sort of way?:D :D

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Originally posted by senestro13

speaking of which, anyone know how long before, it's ok to look at the olsen twins in that future maxium cover sort of way?:D :D

damn, i remember when those two were on that TV show when they were babies. ok i'm old :blank:

anyway, i agree that christina does have a better voice than britney. britney is just marketed a lot better

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

have u seen her latley? I saw a picture of her and her boobs were sagging :puke: and what shes like 20-21?

she looks like a normal christan blonde from hickville, nothing special bout her

but her bf/fiance/ or is it husband now.. is HOT :eek::drool:

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