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does anyone go dancing alone?

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Originally posted by lavendermenace:

I LOVE going by myself!!!

Go when you want, leave when you want.

dance with anyone you want. you get the idea.

no one cares what you do.

its very liberating.

Absolutely agree! and with BKISSA too of course. went out and did just that a couple weeks ago - had the best time.

but i wouldn't ever turn down my friends to go out alone - its not MORE fun, just different fun.

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every so often.. did it last night at Twirl...

If the vibe is their and the people are cool, friendly it could be liberating. Sometimes,, though, you stand there feeling like a loser.

The question is: should you just approach people and say what's up? or wait for people to approach you? I've done both...

It can be intimidating. I'm pretty brave, but it's not often I'll go up to a group of girls and say hello. Mixed groups are weird too, cuz all the guys think you're hittin on their women.

the answer to me, is shut up and dance I guess.




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Guest gabo

I usally go alone, because all my friends are not into clubs only I iam. I go to bars with them And then when twilo was open I would just go there around 4:00am. I think I really need to meet some of my own kind to hang wit!

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>It can be intimidating. I'm pretty brave, but it's not often I'll go up to a group of girls and say hello. Mixed groups are weird too, cuz all the guys think you're hittin on their women.

the answer to me, is shut up and dance I guess.


I had some real good nights at centrofly, I know whatcha mean when people are cool. I don't bother talkin to anyone, it's not that I'm unsociable: it's just that when I'm on the dancefloor, I'm already havin a conversation with the dj using my body.

know what i'm sayin?


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most lone female clubbers seem ok but most of the lone male clubbers are freaks, they are kinda guys that go around grabbing girls from behind at club. thats just my observation. i have a very bad experience clubbing alone. one time i was in the line right outside Limelight all by myself then suddenly my aunt and his whole family in their car drove through, recognized me and stopped, they are like what are u doing all by yourself this late etc.. and everyone was looking at me.. it was humiliating.

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Originally posted by andwhysee:

most lone female clubbers seem ok but most of the lone male clubbers are freaks, they are kinda guys that go around grabbing girls from behind at club.

Hey, I resent that... I don't know, I think dancing by yourself is great. And I don't grab girls' asses. Dance cuz it's just fun to groove like a lunatic.

When i'm w/ friends at a club, a lot of the time I end up losing myself and losing track of them dancing to the music. So there's often not that much of a difference...

Yeah, a lot people tend to think that not being social at a club is weird, I've gotten my shares of "huh?" But I started clubbing for the music, still do. So dancing alone's perfectly normal.


...it's quiet now...and as I think my thoughts alone...I try to keep my head straight... but i thnk i'm too far goneeeeeeee................

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I hate going by myself cause I like to have my friends around me to interact with them and like if a guy trys to push up me, we got that girl stare (Ladies u know what im talkin bout LOLZ) I feel so weird going alone..i cant do it





"~People Who Know-Dont Talk And People Who Talk-Dont Know~"

The Creation Of Me...

Was Like God Trippin on *E*...

While Smokin some Trees...

Saying How Can this Be?...I Just Created Someone Betta Then Me! ;)~

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd:

I hate going by myself cause I like to have my friends around me to interact with them and like if a guy trys to push up me, we got that girl stare (Ladies u know what im talkin bout LOLZ) I feel so weird going alone..i cant do it

you know, when you're in my situation - and your friends are too lame to go out to clubs oftentimes - you have no choice but go alone. That's why the meet ups here are cool.. even though I havent done one yet




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tru....its cool to make friends with the reg's at clubs also cause u know reguardless they will be their next week.





"~People Who Know-Dont Talk And People Who Talk-Dont Know~"

The Creation Of Me...

Was Like God Trippin on *E*...

While Smokin some Trees...

Saying How Can this Be?...I Just Created Someone Betta Then Me! ;)~

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I usually don't go out by myself, but if there is a great DJ spinning and I have nobody to go with i'll do it. It's totally different from going out with friends. I usually end up meeting new people because its a good thing. These days board people are everywhere. Only thing that sucks is driving to and from because its an hour trip each way for me. I say Go for it!



"1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ....Mathematics is the language of nature" --BT

AIM: teklord310

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I spent 6 weeks in Singapore around Christmas and New Years on my own. They have a great club scene down there with excellent DJ's.

I knew no one and used to go out by myself all the time, I probably had the best 6 weeks of clubbing of my life.

I met really cool people whenever I wanted to, danced when I wanted to and heard great DJ's, among them, Carl Cox and Darren Emerson (New Years, the night of newest GU). Since then, if theirs a good DJ spinning I don't hesitate to fly solo.


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just curious.

i told people at work that i do this quite often. they look at me like i'm a leper and go "isn't that weird?".

i love dance itself, and there's nothin like hearing a great dj spin. what's 'weird' about that? cwm11.gif

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I used to do it myself-and most of my girlfriends too.

Nothing wrong with it!!


As I dance I create my own language... with every beat of my heart is the music I will dance through life to.

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no its scary! cwm34.gif



AIM: TRANCEpotting


1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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I LOVE going by myself!!!

Go when you want, leave when you want.

dance with anyone you want. you get the idea.

no one cares what you do.

its very liberating.



"Contained in music somehow more than just sound,This inspiration coming and twisting things around"

--Op Ivy

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Originally posted by lavendermenace:

I LOVE going by myself!!!

Go when you want, leave when you want.

dance with anyone you want. you get the idea.

no one cares what you do.

its very liberating.

i'm with you, rockstar


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

my choice is what i choose to do and if i'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you

your choice is who you choose to be and if you're causing no harm then you're alright with me - ben harper

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Originally posted by nikkisticks:



it is!



AIM: TRANCEpotting


1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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Originally posted by xpander:

When i'm w/ friends at a club, a lot of the time I end up losing myself and losing track of them dancing to the music. So there's often not that much of a difference...

Shits the same with me. I purposely lose them in clubs b/c I like to dance myself. For some reason I dont like looking over my shoulder nad seeing one of my boys. It tewnds to cramp my space. Don't get me wrong I love to go w/ my friends but I like just walking in w/ them and scoping out the scene and maybe meeting up w/ them every hour for a brief spell. Plus my friends leave to early. Im seriously considering by myself one nite to see how it is.


YaY to all my P-E-E-ps who BUMP and grind their way through this K-razy life

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Originally posted by brodie332:

just curious.

i told people at work that i do this quite often. they look at me like i'm a leper and go "isn't that weird?".

i love dance itself, and there's nothin like hearing a great dj spin. what's 'weird' about that? cwm11.gif" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm11.gif</A>

nothing weird about enjoying yourself. it's about the music , and if that's what moves you; do it. I go to clubs by myself sometimes. I've met some kewl people out on the dance floor. enjoy yourself .. wink.gif

peace, sobeton



[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 07-14-2001).]

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