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How many people work out?

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Im curious as to how many people actually work out, ya know have some kind of excercise routine, maybe play a sport, weight lift. anything that gets your heart pumping? Do we have any extreme sporters here, any mountain bikers, hikers, mountain climbers, snowboards, skieers, skaters?

Or are you just the kind of people who sit online posting all day and night (which isn't all that bad, just a little un-healthy.)


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...i was always active when i was young....i danced,cheered,did gymnastics and played softball since as far back as i can remember......i also used to skate and play street/ice hockey in my free time when i was younger..........when i got into high school....i continued to cheer and play softball....

...after h.s.......i started going to the gym...that and dancing when i'm out is the only way to keep off the calories from drinking!.....however......i recently had a problem with a past knee injury...so no gym for me........this may be a problem lol

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Originally posted by misk

...i was always active when i was young....i danced,cheered,did gymnastics and played softball since as far back as i can remember......i also used to skate and play street/ice hockey in my free time when i was younger..........when i got into high school....i continued to cheer and play softball....

...after h.s.......i started going to the gym...that and dancing when i'm out is the only way to keep off the calories from drinking!.....however......i recently had a problem with a past knee injury...so no gym for me........this may be a problem lol

dancing is an ideal form of cardiovascular excercise in my book. but too much can be bad on your knees. ive started having problems with my left knee last summer but that doesn't stop me from going out of course. :rolleyes:

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I work out at least 5 times a week and love it -- I lift and do lots of cardio... :)

Before college, I did cheerleading and softball (dknybabe2929 remember that lol - we had the best times) but was never as into going to the gym as I am now......

Speaking of the gym... I need a new gym cd, I'm getting SOOO sick of my current cd selection, I HATE when you know what's coming on next and the order.... it makes me unmotivated......:(

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whats the deal with workout music...seems like people do everything in the gym but work out. i see people who go to the gym just to socialize(spelling?) and it pisses me off, they dont work out and waste other peoples time by just taking up space. that or they stop every two seconds to fix their music, i hate it :mad: , one of the staff at my schools gym swears hes stronger than everyone even though he only works their and never works out, hell do like 2 reps of a heavy weight in front of girls and grunt mad loud to get attention of girls, i hate peope like that...

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I am at the gym 5 days a week, do cardio everyay, and also lift everyday, but different muscles obviosuly. I also go clubbin & when i dance it's definitely a cardio workout, so it's double workout on fridays. It keeps the stress from school & other things out of my life :D

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