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Armin @ Roxy !

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Awesome night! Great tunes, great energy, great vibe.

Too bad AVB didn't get to play the advertised 5-hour set. He started around 1:45 am, and ended a mini encore set with "Airwave" by Rank 1 at 6:15 am. He threw 2 records out to the crowd at the end.

There was a little hitch early in the set when the power in the DJ booth suddenly went out, interestingly while "New York, New York" (by Lemon8, not by Frank Sinatra) was being played. Luckily the power was restored within a few minutes.

I heard maybe 1 or 2 tunes that I hadn't heard before, but the set was full of great stuff that kept me moving the whole time.

There seemed to be a bit fewer people than I expected (and what you might expect for the "#5 DJ in the world"); while the place was by no means empty, there was lots of room to move, unless you were on the stage (which they set up, unlike the nights for Tiesto, Sasha, and PVD) right in front of the booth. They had the stage, the platforms, and the couches set up, like they do for the usual (non major event) Friday nights. I didn't see any dancers though.

It's remarkable that AVB signed as many autographs as he did without being too distracted from the mixing.

The security check upon entering the club seemed to be a bit slow. With the way I was searched, I thought maybe the club brought in security guys from Exit. All this while the Charlie Brown theme song was played repeatedly in that area. Did anyone else experience the same?

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I just got back its about 7:30 or something like that. I totally agree on that, I felt that shit so much, from below wit the crowd, and inside the booth, it was mad ill how he was just signing autographs and chilling with the music. AVB is def a great DJ and yes there was room to move and he was mad chill afterwords for all you there when the lights were on n shit.

Bottom line, Great Night sick shit, I have some Pictures and little clips, I am going to post up my server by tomorrow

email me if you want biatch1981@netscape.net

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Armin Van Buuren was amazing. He played alot of epic and uplifting trance. He also played hard trance and some hard house. I felt Armin was best from 4 30 am to 6 am. That last hour and half, he was incredible. Thanks to DJ Tek for knowing the names of alot of the songs he played. Rising Star verse Airwave was my favorite song. 1999 by Binary (gouryella remix) was another awesome trance song. Wallflour, I agree with you about the security. There were so many security people and police there. I saw like 15 people get kicked out of Roxy. Great to finally meet Cody, Hitokiri24 and Dave the moderator. Hitokiri24 what happened, I saw you were excorted out by Security. What was going on, so many people were getting kicked out. It was great seeing Hotcheme, Bugout, Hawaii and DJ Tek. Girly, I heard you went, but I couldn't find you. Larry and Debbie, what happened? I didn't think the weather was that bad in Longisland. Bob G great job as usual and Bob will turn Exit around.

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ok soo armin was just completely siiiick lastnight.. had a blast... danwilson.. too fucking funny you are.. zeeker where did ya disappear to... and someone who came up to me who i thought they said that they where girly on the cp board who are you!!!! doh!!! umm my first night back workin at roxy glad im back... music was awesome.. sound system was insane.. glad to see my sf heads in full efffect at roxy lastnight... woooop woooop

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AVB was awesome last nite.!!!!!

what was the deal with the charlie brown music at the door? or was it just me..

alot of my friends got baged and got arrested last night by cops... why was last nite so fucking hot??? there were DT's, cops, and crazy security...

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had such an amazing time. yeah, was looking for some friends, and found out later they were tossed. but, the music was great, had a smile on all nite. john, cant wait to get those pics of me and armin developed. and the tracks, what can you say? the usual great stuff from armin. I was waiting for 2 Players - Signet. Finally heard it at the encore. Trance at it's best part II in 2 weeks. see ya there,

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First show i've been to at roxy, and i thought it wa great.

would have liked to have seen avb come on a little earlier, but he was awsome once he did get one.

god, was the fuck was up with that charlie brown theme though? it started really annoying me after i heard it like 12 times in a row without moving in line...

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Originally posted by jin22

AVB was awesome last nite.!!!!!

what was the deal with the charlie brown music at the door? or was it just me..

alot of my friends got baged and got arrested last night by cops... why was last nite so fucking hot??? there were DT's, cops, and crazy security...

Yeah, round 3:15 or so NYPD was outside the club with 4 or 5 asians in handcuffs... thought that shit was a little weird

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So first, around 12:30, I turn onto 18th street and drive by roxy, seeing barely any line. I asked myself, "Is AVB really playing tonight? Where is everybody?" Then finally after 20 minutes of finding parking, I got two tickets on the corner of roxy for a meesley 25 bucks compared to exit's rip off price of special events for 40-60 bucks! You couldn't beat the price man.

Headin into the club, pre-AVB, I was amused by the chants I heard on the platform as people said, "asshole, asshole", "we want Armin, we want Armin." In addition to the middle fingers that rose pointing directly towards Joe Lodi the resident DJ. That couldn't be any funnier. Behind the scenes of chanting, this little guy who sort of looked liked AVB came out, tricking the audience so that every body went crazy. Haha that was hilarious, I later on saw that little guy mackin to two girls on the dance floor (good man).

Finally, the boss came out and everyone just went crazy. Starting out with a slow but very danceable mix, he had the crowd in his hands immediately (what was the name of that song by the way?). During his set, he entertained his true fans by becoming part of the crowd: dancing, clapping and going crazy for each climatic moment. It was just amazing.

Surpisingly, on the main dance floor, as everyone has said in previous postings, the dance floor was perfectly situated with enough room to move to the beat. Unfortunately, during some moments of his performance it seemed that the crowd didn't seem as excited as they could be (did anyone notice that on the main dance floor, not the platform?).

Unfortunately, I couldn't stay for his entire set, but I was there till 5:20 or so. The moment of the night, other then this one 40 year old lady trying to grab my ass and some whale trying to dance with me (why do I always get the fat chicks?) was when AVB played summer calling. I've never heard that remix spun before, it was incredible. I wasn't on the dance floor, I was standing on the railing near the bar, and I said to myself, "HOLY SHIT, this is the sickest remix of summer calling that I've ever heard."

All and all, even though security was ridiculous (seeming that there was more NYPD then people). After last night, I've declared AVB my favorite trance master of the moment. His friendly personality and dedication to his true fans couldn't be any better. Can't wait to see him again in NYC. (In addition to Ferry Corsten on the 27th!!)

If anyone has any pictures or clips of the night, I would be grateful for them, my stupid ass forgot my camera so I couldn't take any shots. E-mail me at flowjoe16@aol.com. Thanks guys.

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wow, sounds like it was a good night. I'm a moron and drank way too much way to quick and by 2:00 I was falling asleep standing up. Went out to the car to sleep at like 2:30.

While I was there it was good seeing Hawaii, Hotcheme, and that kid you were with who's name is escaping me right now, Clubgyrl00 of course, and I think that was about it.

What the fuck was up with all the cops in there last night??? Security seemed cool but there were a ton of NYPD jackets inside. Right before I left I watched like 3 or 4 asian kids get cuffed in the back corner.

And was it me or was the place pretty empty???? I'm guessing it was the weather.

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To start the night of I briefly met Glowgyrl and hawiaaguestlists only b/c i recognized their pics of CP...i was like, i dont post all that much but are u guys from CP? Also Fabio, it was good to see you again!!

Anyways...Amazing nite!!! Armin was so personable and full of energy durring his set!!! Even hard at some times!! :) His buildups were sick..omg, couldnt stop dancing...

So I made it my friend and my goal to get up in the booth and meet our Armin...at the end of the night we saw his manager Dave outside of the booth and we introduced ourselves and I got to meet the man himself!!!!!! Danced in the booth for his mini encore and then took picture and talked to him for a little bit...he was so modest and blushed when I told him he had a wonderful set! I even remember our conversation...he was so happy to be here b/c his flight was delayed for 8 hrs b/c of the snow...

After a shitty week of finals for school....this was a perfect ending!

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Yup, Armin was the man last night as expected. He played a great set. I think I knew every single song he played with the exception of 1 or 2 maybe. He played everything I was hoping he'd play.....Hydra - Affinity, Conjure one - Tears from the moon, Nightvision - Believin, Chicane - Autumn Tactics, Viframa - Cristalle (Katana Intro mix), Armin feat Ray Wilson - Yet another Day (Hiver and Hammer mix), Oceanlab - Sky Falls down, Sun Decade - I'm Alone, etc etc. I was on stage the whole time and the crowd up there was defnitely into it. (But that was expected because that's where all the hardcore AVB fans seemed to be). But looking around it didn't seem like the floor crowd was as into it. At the very end I had some kid ask me "What's this DJ's name?" LOL. But he was on the stage at the very end of the night dancin his ass off so despite his ignorance maybe he is a new AVB/Trance fan. There's nothing wrong with that. By the way joeflow.....that was the airwave mix of summer calling. Summer calling is a hot song to begin wiht but Airwave destroyed it.....def the hottest mix of that song. Also that song he opened his set with was Conjure One - Tears from the moon (Hybrid mix).....siiick song.

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rather than a typical review...I'll just post the highlights

Got there at 2am and walked into SUMMER CALLING (airwave), so i knew he'd be off the hook all night--

We have a DAN WILSON sighting!! Nice to see u dan good chatting with you. AVB was amazing bro--

I stayed from 2am-5am and heard some amazing trance, AVB was the shit from when he got on till when he left and anyone who missed this should feel bad....I know i'd be kickin myself if i didnt catch this...:D

Madd NYPD in there busting the kiddies with pills--unfortunately I saw some familar faces get taken out--please contact me and lemme know if everything turned out okay, hopefully it did....

Bob G good chatting with you also...Next week will be sick with Johnny's Bday and the 1 Year Anniversary of Sexy--

Cody, a pleasure as always-:kiss2:

Back to my world of studying...

Mike Bugout

PS---I heard the charlie brown theme when i walked in at 2am and i said, wow charlie brown & the guy given out bands got all excited that i reciognized it and just started yelling, YES, CHarlie Brown!!! So Walflour i dunno WTF was goin on

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though it was nice hearing tracks from friggin 1999..

i love hearing new tracks when i go out to a club. everything he dropped i either have as an MP3, heard at twilo 1999, or have it on a mix. there's no problem with that, but i wish he knocked me on my ass. nonetheless, a good party with a good vibe.

i always thought roxy security were more 'respectful' (if that's possible) than at other clubs. however, i was disgusted with the way they were treating a guy as i was leaving. i assume he got caught for something illegal, but THREE huge security guys pushed ONE scrawny guy from the main floor out to the coat check. they were all laughing, pushing him around like a doll, screaming in his face and then shoved him into the counter of the coat check. disgusting and not necessary. :blank:

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(LOL.. I also heard the Charlie Brown.. and it was so weird.. cause I was watching a little of Charlie Brown's Christmas on TV before I came)

Wow.. Armin Van Buuren definitely impressed me.. :D Since I don't listen to trance like I used to, I was a little worried that I wouldn't be overwhelmed with insane beats and muzik.. AVB was a DJ that I've wanted to see for a while, but it was a while ago.. when trance was one of my favorite genres.. but I must say.. I did not hear one song I didn't like.. the guy is so into his muzik, he loves what he's doing.. brought SOO much energy to the booth -- between the bombs he was dropping and the energy he was giving off by jumping around, non-stop smile on his face, clapping, and having just a wonderful time up there doing what he loves.. unbelievable vibe. So much of the crowd was just so into him, they were clapping every song, screaming, just so into the muzik.. it's so nice to be somewhere where so much of the crowd is so muzikly oriented.. so into the muzik.. it's something that makes the vibe untouchable.. :bounce: BTW -- Did I mention how fucking hot he is? :drool:

So anyways.. there was like an undercover raid going on.. not pleasant.. saw I think 7-8 I counted getting handcuffed and escorted out.. and that was only the number I personally witnessed.. I hope everything is ok for you guys.. :isok: I have my fingers crossed. Despite this fact (which, lemme tell you, can definitely ruin a vibe), AVB was bangin' it out so strong, you could almost forget that there were like 5 NYPDs in every corner along with 3 or 4 security and 1 or 2 undercovers just nailing person after person. :woah:

Met DAN WILSON. Great meeting you Dan, you're the man. Definitely a funny guy!! And just for the record hun, AVB did not drop any house.. haha.. :laugh2: He was trancin' it all nite (at least for the entire time I was there).

Good seeing Hitokiri and Gmoneyjive.. even if it was only for a second cause you guys were all entertaining with the lights. I heard glowgrl was there.. asked quite a few people to tell me where she was so I could meet her, no luck. Didn't see anyone else who was there.. xtcgspot, hotcheme, etc.. did you guys make it? Place wasn't as packed as it could have been but it was still a nuthouse with people jumping around and dancing like crazy. Hope you all had wonderful times.

Good seeing none other than DaVe himself! Don't forget what I told you DaVe about calling me Codica vs. Cody! Thank you to Bobby Goodrich, as always, and great seeing you. Domenick -- I saw you run by a couple of times but you looked like you were on a mission so I stood outta the way. Thorin & Sevan - didn't see you all nite (YOU WERE HIDING FROM ME!)

Mikey: :kiss2:

Ohh.. and my last comment -- for all of you that missed this, you should definitely kick yourselves in the ass! :nono: NO EXCUSES! I had so much trouble getting to the city between having no $, my car running out of oil and almost burning out my engine, the weather, my daddy yelling at me, and the fact that I have a final on Monday -- I still made it.. and damn am I glad I did. I'll probally see a lot of you next week for Johnny's birthday.. last year was ridiculous. :aright:

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Originally posted by dirtyepic18

Yeah, round 3:15 or so NYPD was outside the club with 4 or 5 asians in handcuffs... thought that shit was a little weird

all those 4 asians are my boys too.!! fuck.!!! there gonna be in jail until monday morning since there is no court on sundays... FUCK.!!!! seriously what was up with the tight as security and fucking PIGS everywhere.!!!

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I was pretty amped to hear AVB, but the weather was pretty shitty near Deb. We were on our way to Roxy, and it was slippery and the car started hydroplaning and shit so I just told her to turn around. Visibility was bad also, it just wasn't worth it. Glad to hear you all had a good time, next week the One year party and Ferry after that. See you all then :)

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good night....TOO MANY COPS....and Security was a bit OUT of Control...It was very Exit-Like...I could defienetely do without that stage there...and the drinks in there SUCK!

I am contimplating on ever going back to the Roxy...

.....Oh did The Cops Arrest Amin too for smoking trees? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by wallflour

Awesome night! Great tunes, great energy, great vibe.

Too bad AVB didn't get to play the advertised 5-hour set. He started around 1:45 am, and ended a mini encore set with "Airwave" by Rank 1 at 6:15 am. He threw 2 records out to the crowd at the end.

There was a little hitch early in the set when the power in the DJ booth suddenly went out, interestingly while "New York, New York" (by Lemon8, not by Frank Sinatra) was being played. Luckily the power was restored within a few minutes.

I heard maybe 1 or 2 tunes that I hadn't heard before, but the set was full of great stuff that kept me moving the whole time.

There seemed to be a bit fewer people than I expected (and what you might expect for the "#5 DJ in the world"); while the place was by no means empty, there was lots of room to move, unless you were on the stage (which they set up, unlike the nights for Tiesto, Sasha, and PVD) right in front of the booth. They had the stage, the platforms, and the couches set up, like they do for the usual (non major event) Friday nights. I didn't see any dancers though.

It's remarkable that AVB signed as many autographs as he did without being too distracted from the mixing.

The security check upon entering the club seemed to be a bit slow. With the way I was searched, I thought maybe the club brought in security guys from Exit. All this while the Charlie Brown theme song was played repeatedly in that area. Did anyone else experience the same?

Charlie Brown theme song ...... lololololo - i want to do a remix of that!!!! Armin was great last night.....but security was toooooo much...i would love to hear armin in centro one night.......hmmmmm



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yeah...avb...was...ummm.....i dont fuckin know cuz i cant remember a damn thing that happened that nite!!! :mad:

i remember getting to the city, me and my boy mike, and meeting gmoneyjive outside of roxy, and then goin to a bar around the corner. i already drank a 7-11 big gulp full of capt. morgan's and smoked a blunt, i was retarded. i went into some coyote ugly type bar, girls dancin on the bar and crap. had a few shots, a few beers, then we decided to go to roxy. i remember getting in there, seein nychunk and bobby, sayin hi, gettin a drink ticket.......and thats it. apparently i spent like $100 in there on drinks. i know i threw up in the bathroom. i dont remember one song that was played. i dont remember if i saw any cp people and said hi. and i dont remember wut i did for the 4 hrs i was in there. it was around 4am i think, my boy mike was passed out on the stage and security came by and escorted him out. i saw it happening so i followed and tried to get him back in but no luck. so i got our coats and we had to bounce. as drunk as i was, i was able to hold myself together and try to convince these bouncers he was ok to stay but they didnt give a shit. so we had to leave and i wasnt happy. took the train back home, ran into some more drama, and i felt like crap all day long yesterday. but i still went out to drink last nite:rolleyes:

so i guess i'll see ya at roxy next week for the 1 yr anniv party....im gonna be sober btw. im tired of gettin drunk already and ive only been 21 for a month. there's too many blurry nites that i regret

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