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Im going away for a while...Don't miss me too much...


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(LONG, be patient)

Ok..this is not no bullshit last post i quit cp thread lol....

I have assesd(sp?) my life situation the past 2 weeks and have ultimately come to the conclusion as of yesterday that i am going back to college..and am so fucking for real about it.

I realize that this goddamn computer...and especially CP..though i only post before i go to work and when i come home from work...just takes up wayyyyyyyyy too much of my fuckin free time...free time of which i can do something better with my fuckin life such as earn a goddamn degree instead of being stuck working the graveyard shift in warehousing for the next 5 yrs of my life like i am now..though the money is good...the job is dead end.

I know a few months ago i had posted bout college..but u know what i just fell into that whole "putting it off cause of lazyness bullshit".

Well now..after having a long, thorough deep discussion my with 28 yr old sister (who i love with all my heart and who tries her best to point in the right direction of life since she kinda fucked up her own..though is still hangin in there and quite successfully...) its fucking way apparent that to be a good provider and have self-accomplishment i must go the fuck back to college.

Now i am using a few of my coming days off for the holidays to talk to advisors at community college and also a few local colleges here in jersey.

The main purpose of this post is to let those who know me and know the other side of me...to not think im dissing them if they don't see or here from me for a while or a regular basis such as on the computer.

Those who do know me know they can always contact me by phone and i can do the same..but not as much as i usta because i making sacrafices here...and one of them has to be computer usuage time..and the other definitely has to be social time.

The only time i have now is for school and work and i just wanted to let those people know that its nothing personal and that u wont at all see me out clubbing as much because i am out doing good for myself and must do it on my own personal time schedule which is weird as it is now with working 9:30pm-6am suns to thursdays.

I am so fucking motivated now than any other time in my life..even more so than when i was actually IN college before i withdrew.

Reason being is that i look around work and i say to myself "WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?" do i really wanna be here..working with 35 black men who didnt have a chance like i do now?"

In any event...im gonna miss a lot of u..and do not know when i will post again..but hopefully when i do...there will be something to show for my absence.

Im sure there are many other funny motherfuckers on here who will keep the boards entertained as i have done so myself.

But always remember..what will keep Quoth different from the rest is that he tells it like it is..and keeps shit real and has always been like that ...even in real life.

So in short...i do ask that those of u i speak to outside these boards remain in contact with me even if u have to call rather than email as i will try my best to remain in contact with them...but understand i will be more pressed for time because i am sacraficing lots of things to do good for myself and earn respect with a degree in my hand to show for personal accomplishment and to meet the woman of my dreams who then i will be VALID to become her provider for life and for my childs life.

Ferry Corsten and Marco V is pretty much gonna be my last hoo-ra cause in january is when i start and when i do i am going into seclusive so that i can thoroughly concentrate with no distractions even if God himself is going to be spinning at ARC...who gives a fuck...i pretty much have seen every dj i have wanted to see and have wasted enough money that could been put to better use such as on education and a car.

I hope that those of u who know i love yer presence, make it out to celebrate one last time out, before i seclude myself into my own world..for my own good and well being.

Thank you.



:aright: :aright: :aright: :aright: :aright:

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Aww congratulations on your decision Mike!! I remember you telling me a while ago that you really wanted to go back to school, I'm so happy you're going thru with your plans. :) We'll definitely miss you on the boards.. but I have your # so I'm gonna drop you a call once in a while and see how you are.. there's one set of DJs that's coming around in January that I think you might wanna hear.. ;) I'll be in touch.. but anyways.. best of luck with everything. I will be seeing you at Ferry Corsten and probally Marco V. so I will discuss things then. :)

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Originally posted by quoth

(LONG, be patient)

Ok..this is not no bullshit last post i quit cp thread lol....

I have assesd(sp?) my life situation the past 2 weeks and have ultimately come to the conclusion as of yesterday that i am going back to college..and am so fucking for real about it.

I realize that this goddamn computer...and especially CP..though i only post before i go to work and when i come home from work...just takes up wayyyyyyyyy too much of my fuckin free time...free time of which i can do something better with my fuckin life such as earn a goddamn degree instead of being stuck working the graveyard shift in warehousing for the next 5 yrs of my life like i am now..though the money is good...the job is dead end.

I know a few months ago i had posted bout college..but u know what i just fell into that whole "putting it off cause of lazyness bullshit".

Well now..after having a long, thorough deep discussion my with 28 yr old sister (who i love with all my heart and who tries her best to point in the right direction of life since she kinda fucked up her own..though is still hangin in there and quite successfully...) its fucking way apparent that to be a good provider and have self-accomplishment i must go the fuck back to college.

Now i am using a few of my coming days off for the holidays to talk to advisors at community college and also a few local colleges here in jersey.

The main purpose of this post is to let those who know me and know the other side of me...to not think im dissing them if they don't see or here from me for a while or a regular basis such as on the computer.

Those who do know me know they can always contact me by phone and i can do the same..but not as much as i usta because i making sacrafices here...and one of them has to be computer usuage time..and the other definitely has to be social time.

The only time i have now is for school and work and i just wanted to let those people know that its nothing personal and that u wont at all see me out clubbing as much because i am out doing good for myself and must do it on my own personal time schedule which is weird as it is now with working 9:30pm-6am suns to thursdays.

I am so fucking motivated now than any other time in my life..even more so than when i was actually IN college before i withdrew.

Reason being is that i look around work and i say to myself "WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?" do i really wanna be here..working with 35 black men who didnt have a chance like i do now?"

In any event...im gonna miss a lot of u..and do not know when i will post again..but hopefully when i do...there will be something to show for my absence.

Im sure there are many other funny motherfuckers on here who will keep the boards entertained as i have done so myself.

But always remember..what will keep Quoth different from the rest is that he tells it like it is..and keeps shit real and has always been like that ...even in real life.

So in short...i do ask that those of u i speak to outside these boards remain in contact with me even if u have to call rather than email as i will try my best to remain in contact with them...but understand i will be more pressed for time because i am sacraficing lots of things to do good for myself and earn respect with a degree in my hand to show for personal accomplishment and to meet the woman of my dreams who then i will be VALID to become her provider for life and for my childs life.

Ferry Corsten and Marco V is pretty much gonna be my last hoo-ra cause in january is when i start and when i do i am going into seclusive so that i can thoroughly concentrate with no distractions even if God himself is going to be spinning at ARC...who gives a fuck...i pretty much have seen every dj i have wanted to see and have wasted enough money that could been put to better use such as on education and a car.

I hope that those of u who know i love yer presence, make it out to celebrate one last time out, before i seclude myself into my own world..for my own good and well being.

Thank you.



:aright: :aright: :aright: :aright: :aright:


Dude, forget college! Instead.... GO TO THERAPY!

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Mike...ur takin it too seriously man...u dont have to become a hermit in order to go to college. most of us postwhores r college students and we do fine..most of us club on the weekends and for the most part we have pretty good GPA's. dont give up on being a HUMAN just because u wana go back to school.

i aint bashin on ya or nothin..just givin ya friendly advice...keep ya head up man..shit aint so bleek as u make it...ur 21 homie...and u made the right decision..now just go thru with it..but remember..u may have to cut back on certain things..but dont totally cut them out of ur life..


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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

Mike...ur takin it too seriously man...u dont have to become a hermit in order to go to college. most of us postwhores r college students and we do fine..most of us club on the weekends and for the most part we have pretty good GPA's. dont give up on being a HUMAN just because u wana go back to school.

i aint bashin on ya or nothin..just givin ya friendly advice...keep ya head up man..shit aint so bleek as u make it...ur 21 homie...and u made the right decision..now just go thru with it..but remember..u may have to cut back on certain things..but dont totally cut them out of ur life..


My thoughts exaclty.

Quoth, I hope you're registering at "The Actor's Studio" because you get an 'A' for melodrama.



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I don't think CP takes up that much time, depends how far you take it. But anyway have fun.

Right now you have an option of which way you want to go. I'd skip over community, unless you lack the bucks. You live in NJ, come to Rutgers... you can even commute from home. Tuition is dirty cheap, no housing, etc. Should cost maybe $2-3k in tuition per semester. I'm sure we'll keep in touch, see ya over winter break. Drop me a line if u need any advice or questions. --Yarin

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good luck quoth.. and i agree that not everything in your world has to stop in order for you to get shit straight. it's all about balance baby. prioritizing, time management, all that shit you'll learn in school.

we never got a chance to meet but one of these days we're bound to bump into each other. ;)

if you find yourself interested in investment banking, give me a holla! and if i have some interesting stories about my run-ins with security, shitting, queefing, or any of that nonsense.. i'll make sure to get the story over to you somehow. :heart:

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Originally posted by teklord310

I don't think CP takes up that much time, depends how far you take it. But anyway have fun.

Right now you have an option of which way you want to go. I'd skip over community, unless you lack the bucks. You live in NJ, come to Rutgers... you can even commute from home. Tuition is dirty cheap, no housing, etc. Should cost maybe $2-3k in tuition per semester. I'm sure we'll keep in touch, see ya over winter break. Drop me a line if u need any advice or questions. --Yarin

only $2-3k????

i pay almost $28,000 a year at my university....:mad:

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Originally posted by sassa

only $2-3k????

i pay almost $28,000 a year at my university....:mad:

If you live on campus with a meal plan its somewhere around $12k a year. Base in state tuition is around $3k i think. I'm out of state and I know it costs about $20k a year including fees and stuff. Definetely good bang for the buck. :tongue:

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