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Whats Your Day Job?

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investment banking/corporate finance, J.P. Morgan.

i'm over on 277 Park. ;)

getting my ass kicked right now. for all those that are looking for jobs.. you have to come back to me another time. it's really fuckin hectic right now -- no jobs, shitty bonuses and shitty quarterly earnings.

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Originally posted by kitty19

investment banking/corporate finance, J.P. Morgan.

i'm over on 277 Park. ;)

getting my ass kicked right now. for all those that are looking for jobs.. you have to come back to me another time. it's really fuckin hectic right now -- no jobs, shitty bonuses and shitty quarterly earnings.

qwww. i feel ya

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Originally posted by kitty19

investment banking/corporate finance, J.P. Morgan.

i'm over on 277 Park. ;)

getting my ass kicked right now. for all those that are looking for jobs.. you have to come back to me another time. it's really fuckin hectic right now -- no jobs, shitty bonuses and shitty quarterly earnings.


anyways...i'm a full time student at baruch...part time tax intern...most likely full time grad student come september...:mad:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by bebby6919

Right now Im looking for anything. I wanted to get a job that involves working with children so I would have things to put on my resime (sp?) (Im going to college for elementary education). But I can only work on the weekends b/c I have to student teach 3 days a week and FT student. Larry is helping me look and he found a few. Im gonna give them a call on Monday, so we'll see what happens. Right now, I just need A job. :laugh2:

Get a job at the children's room at a library. Good experience with children and literacy education. Most library jobs require an MLS/MLIS, but if you have the necessary elementary ed education, they'd probably take you for someting part-time/weekend in a minute, especially for creating story hours and such on weekends when the kids aren't in school.

Good luck.

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