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I cannot believe it has come to this..


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Terrorists are have direct objectives, and thats to inject harm to whomever it takes to exemplify a point that they are trying to make

This is the bottom line. This is why these people have to be removed.

YES I WILL BE @ THE PROTEST ON SATURDAY IN THE CITY..against the war in iraq....and kudos to the government for building up this hysteria and forcing half the people who are against the war to stay home "BECAUSE THE TERRORISTS MIGHT STRIKE THERE"

Serge would your opinion change if a suicide bomber decided to take action in the middle of this war protest?

These people have to be stopped. There is no reasoning with them; eilimination is the only answer.

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I guess 9-11 must have never occured to some people...The 3,000+ that died that day must have been made up the "Jewish" propaganda machine that controls all the media and gov't in this country.....We should ignore all the evidence that points to the chemical and biological weapons that Saddam has made....He says their milk factories so he must be right.....Lets make sure we please all the fanatics until the last one of us is dead cause thats really what matters....Lets listen to the French; a nation of peaceniks who spit in your face after you rescue them in WWII....They were right when they said Hitler wasnt a threat after the US and British warned them so they must be right again....Yeah, go ahead and listen to them cause they will help you see the truth.....:blown:

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Bush senior forced Saddam to sign a treaty after he defeated him that he will not bring in weapons of mass destruction intro his country, he violated that. We asked him again, he said ok, and again violated it. The man has no respect for the UN or anybody else for that matter. He is ruthless and needs to be stopped.

violated it?

-how do u know what he violated? cause they sent puppet "WEAPONS INSPECTORS" into iraq to conduct bullshit examinations..cause they found remnants of mustard gas..they prolly found mustard on a hot dog...


-who asked him? did U?..do u know what Bush said to him exactly? how do u know Bush isnt just out for personal reasons to get saadam?


-who in the fuck respects the UN??!!...it should b disbanded..it serves no purpose except givin militant groups target practice....its a corrupt institution that does nothing good for the underpriveliged..its a POLITCAL ORGANIZATION...it expounds the beliefs of the US and the UK...

-the US violated UN charter manyyyyy mannnnny times before so dont start with that shit..look up the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia..it screams UN VIOLATION


-dropping bombs on innocent civilians because of one person isnt ruthless?

u might have a hot GF...but otherwise....u aint got shit :aright:

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Originally posted by Legend

Serge would your opinion change if a suicide bomber decided to take action in the middle of this war protest?

These people have to be stopped. There is no reasoning with them; eilimination is the only answer.

yes that would be some shit..but guess what...i am not livin in fear of no one and nothing. i dont support the War..and im goin out there no matter what.

i really am not afraid of destruction and carnage..take a trip back with me one day to my country..ill take u thru some shit and i guarantee ill change ur mind ..ull never look @ indiscriminate bombing of people as Justified ever again

look man...i know what its like to live with terrorism..Kosovo is a Terrorist Cell itself ...yet the U.S. allows this to happen....so whatever man..u cant turn away from one problem to solve another...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

violated it?

-how do u know what he violated? cause they sent puppet "WEAPONS INSPECTORS" into iraq to conduct bullshit examinations..cause they found remnants of mustard gas..they prolly found mustard on a hot dog..

Get a fucking clue. Iraq DECLARED it had weapons of mass destruction years ago. Under the current UN resolution, IRAQ was responsible for proving it had destroyed those weapons it had previously declared. It cannot account for previously declared WMD, so Iraq is in BREACH.

Moreover, you refer to "puppet weapons inspectors?" Just watch any interview with Khidr Abd Al-Abbas Hamzah, Saddam's top nuclear scientist who defected and he can tell you about Saddam's WMD. Someone with facts, not someone who talks out of his ass.

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u seriously have got to be kidding me. do u really believe there are good natured people in this world who defect because they "KNOW THEIR COUNTRY IS DOING WRONG" and other bullshit like that? stop watching CNN..pick up a foreign newspaper..watch a foreign newscast...open ur fucking mind man...his TOP NUCLEAR PHYSICIST??? WHAT?? where did they import the uranium from?? the US has its arm so far up IRAQ's ass that they know when chicken feed is imported...much less fuckin URANIUM!....

this is not a movie...there is no good guy and bad guy...the lines are blurred...

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for all the people who chose to insult me rather than back up their words with facts....you have shown your true colors, thanks for letting me see that...

i agree that al-qaeda is a threat to this country, as is saddam...but we provoked this war, and there is a reason why they hate this country and the West. this war is not justified with the reasons this administration is giving.

maybe i'm not the one who is blind....

just because i don't support this war or this administration does not make me a terrorist lover, and if someone is low enough to think in these terms, then perhaps they shouldn't open their mouths and spew bullshit.


and people wonder why the rest of the world despises the US...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

look man...i know what its like to live with terrorism..Kosovo is a Terrorist Cell itself ...yet the U.S. allows this to happen....so whatever man..u cant turn away from one problem to solve another...

This is not only a war on Iraq, it is a war on terrorism. If we are successful, terrorist networks who pose serious threats will , hopefully, be eliminated.

Iraq poses the most serious threat right now because, in part, of their alleged Al quaeda ties.

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Originally posted by sassa

for all the people who chose to insult me rather than back up their words with facts....you have shown your true colors, thanks for letting me see that...

i agree that al-qaeda is a threat to this country, as is saddam...but we provoked this war, and there is a reason why they hate this country and the West. this war is not justified with the reasons this administration is giving.

maybe i'm not the one who is blind....

just because i don't support this war or this administration does not make me a terrorist lover, and if someone is low enough to think in these terms, then perhaps they shouldn't open their mouths and spew bullshit.


and people wonder why the rest of the world despises the US...

ahhh...i like u more every day!...

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The war in Afganistan is still going on but why did the US go to war with Afganishtan? To get rid of al Qaeda and its leaders including Osama, but did they kill or find Osama???? No!

So what will the outcome be in the war with Iraq? The US says they want to take Saddam down, but will they find him??

I only support the war with Iraq because if Saddam is left alone, maybe in 10,20,30 years when everyone has forgotten about him, he or his sons will do great damage with their WMD(weapons of mass destruction) and I am not interested in looking forward to that. I want to see my future children and grandchildren grow up.

But I don’t want the US to go into Iraq and kill innocent people, most are happy in the condition they are living. Everyone doesnt need to follow in the beliefs of the US and western countries


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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

U know whats bullshit...that most of u people r fuckin BLIND...

before u rush to ur CNN predetermined judgement...think about this..

ever stop and think that all this hysteria around terrorism..and this "ORANGE" alert we're on is fabricated?

the justification? WELL SHIT!! the good ole boys up in government know that itll b a hell of a lot easier to bomb iraq when people r busy duct taping their doors and building fall out shelters....

YES..I AM AGAINST THE WAR ON IRAQ..i am against any war where civilians die over foreign policy/oil/political influence/ or just because our economy is doin bad and we gota divert attention outside our borders..

YES I WILL BE @ THE PROTEST ON SATURDAY IN THE CITY..against the war in iraq....and kudos to the government for building up this hysteria and forcing half the people who are against the war to stay home "BECAUSE THE TERRORISTS MIGHT STRIKE THERE"

i feel sorry for the soldiers who were deployed..but if some of them die...dont put all the blame on the "AYY-RABS" ...because the Bush government is just as guilty

Actually the PILGRAMAGE to MECCA has started and the U.S fear more attacks here! :idea:

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i agree that al-qaeda is a threat to this country, as is saddam...but we provoked this war, and there is a reason why they hate this country and the West. this war is not justified with the reasons this administration is giving.

So we should sit back and let them kill masses?

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Originally posted by Legend

This is not only a war on Iraq, it is a war on terrorism. If we are successful, terrorist networks who pose serious threats will , hopefully, be eliminated.

Iraq poses the most serious threat right now because, in part, of their alleged Al quaeda ties.

larry..why does the US always have to have someone pose a serious threat? why is it that there is always some enemy the US is keeping an eye on?

ever since the downfall of russia the US has just been choosing random "foes" and "threats" and knockin them back to the fuckin stone age...and then u wonder why everyone hates this country..

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Originally posted by sassa

for all the people who chose to insult me rather than back up their words with facts....you have shown your true colors, thanks for letting me see that...

i agree that al-qaeda is a threat to this country, as is saddam...but we provoked this war, and there is a reason why they hate this country and the West. this war is not justified with the reasons this administration is giving.

maybe i'm not the one who is blind....

just because i don't support this war or this administration does not make me a terrorist lover, and if someone is low enough to think in these terms, then perhaps they shouldn't open their mouths and spew bullshit.


and people wonder why the rest of the world despises the US...

Ur entitled to your opinion! :idea:

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terrorists will never be wiped from this earth....my neighbor could be a terrorist for all we know.....

who is gonna stop the guy down the street walking into the mall with a bomb on his chest....how will going to war with iraq stop what i just described???

look at the coldwar and communism.....just substitute the word terrorist and you have the exact same thing.....

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Originally posted by Legend

This is not only a war on Iraq, it is a war on terrorism. If we are successful, terrorist networks who pose serious threats will , hopefully, be eliminated.

Iraq poses the most serious threat right now because, in part, of their alleged Al quaeda ties.

what about all the nuclear weapons this country has? what gives the US the right to demand iraq disarm when this country has more bombs and weapons than many many countries combined...

total hypocracy, maybe if the US wasn't so greedy in exploiting third world countries, this shit would not be happening...

this is something that can be argued for hours, but it has been proven that the US was aware of a possible terrorist threat and did nothing to stop it, i honestly cannot believe with the technology we have, 9/11 cannot have been avoided....

again, instead of just looking at this situation from the US's perspective, maybe people would gain a better idea of how the world is and how it has turned this way by reading about the world, its history and the timeline of events that has led up to this point....

again, there is a reason, if not many reasons,why so many people despise the US....anyone ever stop to think about that?

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Originally posted by rdancer

Actually the PILGRAMAGE to MECCA has started and the U.S fear more attacks here! :idea:

EXCUSE ME, but what the hell does this have to do with the topic at hand...the hajj is a religious staple of islam that all muslims must do at least once in their lifetime.... it's not a terrorist event or a convention for them to gather around and plot bad things against the US.....:blown:

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

violated it?

-how do u know what he violated? cause they sent puppet "WEAPONS INSPECTORS" into iraq to conduct bullshit examinations..cause they found remnants of mustard gas..they prolly found mustard on a hot dog...


-who asked him? did U?..do u know what Bush said to him exactly? how do u know Bush isnt just out for personal reasons to get saadam?


-who in the fuck respects the UN??!!...it should b disbanded..it serves no purpose except givin militant groups target practice....its a corrupt institution that does nothing good for the underpriveliged..its a POLITCAL ORGANIZATION...it expounds the beliefs of the US and the UK...

-the US violated UN charter manyyyyy mannnnny times before so dont start with that shit..look up the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia..it screams UN VIOLATION


-dropping bombs on innocent civilians because of one person isnt ruthless?

u might have a hot GF...but otherwise....u aint got shit :aright:

Evidence? American navy planes flew over iraq airspace with cameras and took footages that displayed unauthorized weaponry. before anything, i'm taking Politics and instead of learning the material this is all my professor is talking about and recently i found out this guy worked for the central intelligence for 7 years predicting events based on his extensive knowledge, everything im telling u is an indirect recitation from him. Im not trying to sound like a dick throwing stupid nonsense at you, just explaining in a nice matter that saddam is not a nice person and if u were to stand infront of him he'd have no problem blowing ur head right off without even thinking twice. As far as innocent civilians, yes a lot of them are innocent, but a lot of them are willing to kill everyone of us for the pure reason of their religion or other group belief. Dont think their so innocent, those same innocent faces will explode a chemical bomb in macys one of these days that will make ur shit come out ur mouth. and lastly, WHAT THE FUCK DOES MY GF HAS TO DO WITH THIS TOPIC?

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

larry..why does the US always have to have someone pose a serious threat? why is it that there is always some enemy the US is keeping an eye on?

ever since the downfall of russia the US has just been choosing random "foes" and "threats" and knockin them back to the fuckin stone age...and then u wonder why everyone hates this country..

These threats are not trivial, however.

A lot of this hate from rival nations does not only invlove our politics and policies, it also involves jealousy of our freedoms.

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