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What if someone you were with . . .


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I agree with you 100% Z... double standards are BULLSHIT!!! I think it's really hysterical when women who are bi, or whatever they want to call themselves, think it's gross when guys mess around with other guys. Hypocrite much? :rolleyes: There's just way too much homophobia when it comes to two guys getting together, it's one of the last strong prejudices out there, even in a liberal city such as ours. I've dated guys who were bi, or who had experiences with other men, or who were curious. I feel that in certain ways they were better able to understand me and the feelings I have for women than a straight guy would.

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Originally posted by tastyt

I agree with you 100% Z... double standards are BULLSHIT!!! I think it's really hysterical when women who are bi, or whatever they want to call themselves, think it's gross when guys mess around with other guys. Hypocrite much? :rolleyes: There's just way too much homophobia when it comes to two guys getting together, it's one of the last strong prejudices out there, even in a liberal city such as ours. I've dated guys who were bi, or who had experiences with other men, or who were curious. I feel that in certain ways they were better able to understand me and the feelings I have for women than a straight guy would.

complete agreeance with the last statement. Sometimes guys or girls want to explore their sexuality further and try new things. I know for one I have never been with a male who slept with another male, but the more I discuss it with him, I understand his view. He wants to see what he likes so he is trying everything and exploring. I honestly don't see anything wrong with it if you want to do it. And for all you homophobes, he tried it once, didn't like it and that was that.
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double standards terms or not thats not the deal .....

we dont have nothing against man who likes man but u guys are asking to much , from a society and world that teach and show man as the strong part , rough , non tender no gentle , we come from a world were even OUR OWN MOMS told US man dont cry , man dont kiss another man , man dont hold hands etc.. etc...

so it is very logical that people will not accept easyly to see two man kissing BECAUSE U HAVE THAT INFO SCINCE U WERE A KID .....

yes we see the women & women more relaxed because as we all know we hug , kiss etc... ALL THE TIME with our mothers , sister , neighbors, friends etc... so society is use to this type of affection ....

i dont care about gays , lesbians , bisexual or what ever u want to call them .....

but my answere to ur question IS NO if a man tells me he likes man or been with another man sorry but no... thats all......

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Originally posted by scaredgirl

we dont have nothing against man who likes man but u guys are asking to much , from a society and world that teach and show man as the strong part , rough , non tender no gentle , we come from a world were even OUR OWN MOMS told US man dont cry , man dont kiss another man , man dont hold hands etc.. etc...

so it is very logical that people will not accept easyly to see two man kissing BECAUSE U HAVE THAT INFO SCINCE U WERE A KID .....

Just because we've been told something since we were a child doesn't mean it's right... I grew up with tons of people whose parents were at least somewhat racist; if their kids grew up thinking they were better simply because they had white skin, would that make it okay???

Sorry, but if people are going to be hypocritical, they should at least admit it and skip the justifications... (scaredgirl, that's not aimed specifically at you)

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I want more input from you babes :tongue:

...some of the comments within this post sadden me....i think jon is speaking in the tongue of caveman and scaredgirl in a voice i thought we left behind post 1950...but here we are...

...i'm not saying i would experiment with a man...that may be one of the only directions i would not take sexually simply because it is not in me...but i would at least try to understand...to empathize....put it in its proper place...and take it from there...

...i know i sound like an idealist...but who gives a shit if i am...in certain matters, you need to try to be...in the name of understanding, compassion and growth....

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Originally posted by phatman

...some of the comments within this post sadden me....i think jon is speaking in the tongue of caveman and scaredgirl in a voice i thought we left behind post 1950...but here we are...

...i'm not saying i would experiment with a man...that may be one of the only directions i would not take sexually simply because it is not in me...but i would at least try to understand...to empathize....put it in its proper place...and take it from there...

...i know i sound like an idealist...but who gives a shit if i am...in certain matters, you need to try to be...in the name of understanding, compassion and growth....

Thanx babe. I agree, I don't think I would experiment with a girl, say with a strap on per say cause it isn't in me as well. But if you choose to do it then so be it. I don't think it anyone has the right to judge someones sexuality. eh, it is an idealistic world we live in and I doubt that it will change anytime soon:(
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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. ..Unfortunately, the views of mainstream America isn't exactly as lax as what's acceptible in ARC on a Friday and Saturday night... ya know? . . .

...damn it..did you hit howells while i was in tampa?...

...fuckin hewa...


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Originally posted by tastyt

I think it's really hysterical when women who are bi, or whatever they want to call themselves, think it's gross when guys mess around with other guys. Hypocrite much? :rolleyes:

Sorry, but if people are going to be hypocritical, they should at least admit it and skip the justifications...

brilliant. . .absolutely brilliant! :D

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Lets just say this world is not as open minded as you think . . Unfortunately, the views of mainstream America isn't exactly as lax as what's acceptible in ARC on a Friday and Saturday night... ya know? . . .

well at least arc and a bunch of other places do exist

so progress can be made

it has been made...

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Originally posted by nympho69

well at least arc and a bunch of other places do exist

so progress can be made

it has been made...

I agree to an extent. I mean there are places that exist but sometimes even those place exclude people who are considered "normal aka hetero". . .It seems to me that "gay" guys are even a bit more discriminating that straight people tend to be. Like they would rather not have any straight people come to their parties. I don't get this, it seems sometimes that they try to keep their preference a bit more bottled and enclosed in like a bubbleup ya know. Whereas I find women who like women or men, tend to be more open about it. IDK, if I have made any sense here but this is only an observation that I have noticed :confused:

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I agree to an extent. I mean there are places that exist but sometimes even those place exclude people who are considered "normal aka hetero". . .It seems to me that "gay" guys are even a bit more discriminating that straight people tend to be. Like they would rather not have any straight people come to their parties. I don't get this, it seems sometimes that they try to keep their preference a bit more bottled and enclosed in like a bubbleup ya know. Whereas I find women who like women or men, tend to be more open about it. IDK, if I have made any sense here but this is only an observation that I have noticed :confused:

i know what ur saying cause i experience it to some extent when i go to gay parties

but its not entirely a hetero vs gay thing

some people are just shady, lol

actually i think gay parties, or the gay community as a whole is more accepting of people from all walks of life, and are less judgemental

i myself sometimes feel like i have to hide my sexuality, and i have

simply to avoid problems or feelings of discomfort from roomies or other situations

oh well i dont have to, but i guess i choose to

bottom line not everyone will be open minded or accepting, on either side of the issue...

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Originally posted by nympho69

i know what ur saying cause i experience it to some extent when i go to gay parties

but its not entirely a hetero vs gay thing

some people are just shady, lol

actually i think gay parties, or the gay community as a whole is more accepting of people from all walks of life, and are less judgemental

i myself sometimes feel like i have to hide my sexuality, and i have

simply to avoid problems or feelings of discomfort from roomies or other situations

oh well i dont have to, but i guess i choose to

bottom line not everyone will be open minded or accepting, on either side of the issue...

I hear ya, it sucks that our society is construed to a point where people have to hide what they feel, or how they want to be. But tis is life and change is slow:(

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I think it sucks to learn about your significant other's past experiences, gay or not...

the gay thing may freak some people out more because sometimes its weird when your partner has done much more sexual exploring than you, its like finding out they have done stuff that is not completely accepted in today's society (not saying its a bad thing though!)

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I hear ya, it sucks that our society is construed to a point where people have to hide what they feel, or how they want to be. But tis is life and change is slow:(

...hmmm...kinda reverts back to my first response to all this...

"...we have come so far, yet in some areas no where at all..."

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Originally posted by foodidoo

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that is funny they are just as judgemental and non accepting as anyone else if not more judgemental at times. People are people

well if u read the rest of what i posted i said people from both sides can be judgemental and closed minded

and when i was referring to accepting i meant men kissing men, holding hands, or women kissing women, etc

because this whole thread started about a man sleepign with another man

and someone even replied that men with men is something society does not accept as opposed to women with women

yeah fiery it does suck especially when ur living with two of the most close minded people on the planet

one of the girls was like yuck women with women and all this other shit

meanwhile im her roomie and im bi, lol

but her and her man were still living in the 50s, they're great people and i respect their values, even though i dont agree with some

lol i just thought of a funny example like the girls cooked and cleaned the bathroom while the boys took out the trash

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