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I hope that Spirit does not fuck up the Twilo space

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I really hope they don't make the place cheesy or try to market to a more exclusive crowd. If they do it is a waste of the SF/Twilo house that has been for the music from day 1.

A friend of mine was telling me yesterday that they plan on having this huge VIP area with a wait staff, a massage room(?), and couches that you can rent for 200$ a night like Space in Miami. They are also considering doing it like the Dublin club, with a cinema night(?) or something.

I beg whoever may be listening not to go down this path and land in the shitter right next to Estate.

It seems to me that it would be soooo easy to put this together right. The layout of the place pretty much restricts a lot of changes. The dance floor, put the booth on any side of the square, install a banging system, beautiful lights, and bring in some old residents. Just put in the system and lights and open the doors.

Open that fucking rolodex and make your first call to S&D's management company!

Please Spirit just bring the music and infrastructure, and NYC will bring back the vibe.

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I hope the place follows suit to what Twilo was all about, and keep to the basics with the music too. But it's kind of unfair to judge it in comparison to Twilo or SF just because it occupies the same space. Afterall, they may have a totally different idea about what they want to do with the place. It's kind of funny that when it's mentioned that someone bought the space on 27th, everybody gets all excited cause 'Twilo's back.' It's not.

RIP Twilo blah blah blah

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It's just in the same space as Twilo was.

Doesn't mean it's going to cater to the same music or crowd, or even be close to what Twilo was about. Also I think right now is kind of a different era in clubbing, unfortunately catering more to money rather than music.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see....

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Its not even fucking open yet, and people are bitching about a preaty people place...

get some fucking plastic surgery n fix your shit up or something!


its opening as a Dance club....

With internationlal DJ Talent.....this was on the press release, do a Search for it....

As for the inside, There's New rooms, and a Basment, i believe,

and the lighting is installed allready, Sound is coming soon,

im excited, u should be 2

i mean look around NY.....Everything decent has a capacity of 500 or less...and i wouldnt call "ARC" Decent..



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If you really want to know what it's going to be like then I can tell you with very good knowledge that it will be an almost carbon copy of the Dublin Club. www.spiritdublin.com

The owner bought the entire building for $13 M. It has 6 floors and is approx 80,000 square feet.

The club is divided into sections or areas knwn as Body, Mind, Soul

The second floor is being knocked out to create a mezzanine that looks out over the basement floor main room.

The Basement floor (BODY) will house the main room(the old twilo main room) which will also double as the theater with stage and dressing rooms where for most nights of the week there will be a show (Cirque De Solei style)

Native American Indian tribes and Mayan dancers will perform and will also have a hand in the decor of the space.

The performances will divided into 4 yearly programs which change with the Soulstice's and Equinox's

The club itself will convert to the club ONLY on Saturday night by removing all the seating for the Theater show (which will end at about 10.30pm).

There will be several bars on the main floor and the club HAS a 6am liquor license which surpasses all other NYC clubs.

The Mezzanine level will be for overlooking the main room and house the bar/balcony VIP lounge.

The First floor (MIND& SOUL) (second floor in US) will be the Hollistic treatment areas, Juice bar,Bar, Restaurant,Service bar and performance platform.

The Hollistic center will include:

Aroma Therapy area

Chakra balancing area

Reiki healing area

Henna Tatoos area

Meta-physical treatment area

Aura Photograph Interpretation area

Tarot card reading area

The clubs total capacity will be 2500-3000

Saturday Night will be the only club night and the space is being divided up in removale walls that on Saturday's will be removed in order to bring the whole space together as one.

The remaining floors will at a later stage be turned into a Mercer style Boutique hotel and there is also plans for a roof garden which has views of the entire city and river.

The opening date is Saturday June 21st Summer Solstice

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Originally posted by jaysea

i tihnk its gonna be a neat little place, and i think it will Sorta follow the way the music didi, but i expect BETTER lighting n sound...... is what there focus will be....

also there wil lbe other rooms n shit,

looks good


You ask for better sound then as it was?..... you ask for to much my dear... phazon baby! but if they did have a better sound that wold be incredible....:)

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Originally posted by john62

If you really want to know what it's going to be like then I can tell you with very good knowledge that it will be an almost carbon copy of the Dublin Club. www.spiritdublin.com

The owner bought the entire building for $13 M. It has 6 floors and is approx 80,000 square feet.

The club is divided into sections or areas knwn as Body, Mind, Soul

The second floor is being knocked out to create a mezzanine that looks out over the basement floor main room.

The Basement floor (BODY) will house the main room(the old twilo main room) which will also double as the theater with stage and dressing rooms where for most nights of the week there will be a show (Cirque De Solei style)

Native American Indian tribes and Mayan dancers will perform and will also have a hand in the decor of the space.

The performances will divided into 4 yearly programs which change with the Soulstice's and Equinox's

The club itself will convert to the club ONLY on Saturday night by removing all the seating for the Theater show (which will end at about 10.30pm).

There will be several bars on the main floor and the club HAS a 6am liquor license which surpasses all other NYC clubs.

The Mezzanine level will be for overlooking the main room and house the bar/balcony VIP lounge.

The First floor (MIND& SOUL) (second floor in US) will be the Hollistic treatment areas, Juice bar,Bar, Restaurant,Service bar and performance platform.

The Hollistic center will include:

Aroma Therapy area

Chakra balancing area

Reiki healing area

Henna Tatoos area

Meta-physical treatment area

Aura Photograph Interpretation area

Tarot card reading area

The clubs total capacity will be 2500-3000

Saturday Night will be the only club night and the space is being divided up in removale walls that on Saturday's will be removed in order to bring the whole space together as one.

The remaining floors will at a later stage be turned into a Mercer style Boutique hotel and there is also plans for a roof garden which has views of the entire city and river.

The opening date is Saturday June 21st Summer Solstice


Henna tattoos? Aroma therapy area? Tarot Card reading Area!!!!

And what is a "Meta-physical Treatment Area"? Is there going to be a philosophy Professor in there discussing the meaning of life or what.

All this sounds interesting, and I am not playing the "Viva el Twilo" card, but this sounds more like a cultural exhibition when what this city needs is a THROW DOWN DANCEFLOOR.

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You know what would be PERFECT-

if they got rid of all the bullshit no one cares about

no dress code

no BS at the door

got SnD once a month

PVD every other month

talented DJ's all other nights

named the place Twilo (optional. With all of the above we'd all call it that anyway)

GUARANTEED success. There. I said it.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

You know what would be PERFECT-

if they got rid of all the bullshit no one cares about

no dress code

no BS at the door

got SnD once a month

PVD every other month

talented DJ's all other nights

named the place Twilo (optional. With all of the above we'd all call it that anyway)

GUARANTEED success. There. I said it.


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They are doing it exactly right.. you can't just open up a megaclub in New york anymore. by making it a club just one night a week and then using the club for shows or shit like that the rest of the week is a great idea.. it will make the club and the city a ton of money and give New york something new..not just some big drug infested club like exit waiting to get closed down..take advantage of its size..owners of clubs have to be smarter now..they have to bring a whole new concept to clubs..it makes more sense for them to bring in a better looking crowd that spends more money and have good music..you can have a nice looking crowd that some drink and some party other ways and still be into the music..look at crobar in miami.. great looking crowd mostly drinking crowd and great international dj's..i saw timo maas and carl cox rip that place a new asshole last year..the vibe has awesome..the place was filled with girls and they have a big gay night there to..

the days of having little kids on drugs spending no money dressing like dirtbags going to a club is over..club owners need to make money and not have the cops on there ass..

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Originally posted by silverbull

Exactly iwas just kidding that it was my type o fspot in case ya ddint realize it. WHO NEEDS ALL THAT CRAP, what it needs is GREAT DJ and music lovers. All that nonsense is not necessary.

unfortunately a great dj and music lovers does not add up to a whole lot of people in this town.. sad but true.

the place has to have a feeling of its own to bring out the vibe from the people and the dj anyway.

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Originally posted by john62

The First floor (MIND& SOUL) (second floor in US) will be the Hollistic treatment areas, Juice bar,Bar, Restaurant,Service bar and performance platform.

The Hollistic center will include:

Aroma Therapy area

Chakra balancing area

Reiki healing area

Henna Tatoos area

Meta-physical treatment area

Aura Photograph Interpretation area

Tarot card reading area


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Originally posted by Crackorn

You know what would be PERFECT-

if they got rid of all the bullshit no one cares about

no dress code

no BS at the door

got SnD once a month

PVD every other month

talented DJ's all other nights

named the place Twilo (optional. With all of the above we'd all call it that anyway)

GUARANTEED success. There. I said it.


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Originally posted by pglkm

They are doing it exactly right.....................it makes more sense for them to bring in a better looking crowd that spends more money..........................you can have a nice looking crowd that some drink and some party other ways...................the place was filled with girls and they have a big gay night there to..

the days of having little kids on drugs spending no money dressing like dirtbags going to a club is over..club owners need to make money and not have the cops on there ass..

Guess what dickhead--- Us "dirtbags" made the scene what it is today.....once you juicers and guidos found out it was "cool" you ruined it!


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Lets be fair now. If they want to open p every day then its simple:

ONE DAY FOR: HOUSE FANS,TRANCE FANCE, DRUMS AND BASS FANS, GAY NIGHTS, MIXED NIGHTS, EVEN HIP HOP JUST TO EVEN IT OUT. Now this way everybody is happy. I know i left one day open that cold be THAT OTHER CROWD who are more into the CELEBRITY PRETTY PEOPLE SCENE and olny care to go cause its he "IN " place to be.

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Originally posted by pglkm

They are doing it exactly right.. you can't just open up a megaclub in New york anymore. by making it a club just one night a week and then using the club for shows or shit like that the rest of the week is a great idea.. it will make the club and the city a ton of money and give New york something new..not just some big drug infested club like exit waiting to get closed down..take advantage of its size..owners of clubs have to be smarter now..they have to bring a whole new concept to clubs..it makes more sense for them to bring in a better looking crowd that spends more money and have good music..you can have a nice looking crowd that some drink and some party other ways and still be into the music..look at crobar in miami.. great looking crowd mostly drinking crowd and great international dj's..i saw timo maas and carl cox rip that place a new asshole last year..the vibe has awesome..the place was filled with girls and they have a big gay night there to..

the days of having little kids on drugs spending no money dressing like dirtbags going to a club is over..club owners need to make money and not have the cops on there ass..

Interesting point. It's like a few years ago on 42nd Street when Rudy wanted to close "Show World" and the other peep shows, and they had to add "other stuff" to legitimize their business (selling "regular" movies, tee shirts, etc). I think a lot of the stuff mentioned is window dressing that will allow the club to do well in NYC circa 2003.

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